Job description – OECD Young Professional position in urban policy
Today's cities and urban areas are home to more than three-fifths of the OECD population. They are economically and culturally successful places that continue to attract people from all over the world. However they also face complex and diverse challenges. Better policies are needed to reduce inequality and segregation, ensure environmental sustainability and increase productivity in cities. Effective solutions to these problems involve different policy areas, such as urban planning, economic policy, social policy, environmental policy and transport policy. They also require that national, regional, and local governments work together to ensure co-ordinated policy responses.
Your work will require an excellent understanding of the political, social and economic dynamics in urban areas and you will use your research experience to develop policy advice that is grounded in robust scientific evidence. You will apply advanced qualitative and quantitative methods for your analysis (including statistical or Geographic Information System software packages). In order to communicate your work effectively you will draft documents aimed at different audiences and present at conferences and workshops. You will also travel frequently to meet and discuss with policy makers and experts from all over the world. Over the duration of the Young Professional’s Programme you will quickly acquire more responsibilities and manage your own projects.
Further information on the programme can be found at The closing date for applications is November 24.
Dear NECTAR friends,
Please find attached the call for papers for the biannual NECTAR conference that will be celebrated in Madrid during 30 May and 2 June, 2017.
Papers should be submitted via the conference website till 16 January 2017.
NECTAR Clusters will organize their own Special sessions within this conference and specific call for papers will be circulated soon.
Kind regards,
Ana Condeço Melhorado
NECTAR secretary.
I would like to offer your attention the latest issue of our journal Regional Statistics.
Researching commuting to work using the methods of complex network analysis
DOI: 10.15196/RS06101
Attempts to delineate functional regions in Hungary based on commuting data
DOI: 10.15196/RS06102
Internal migration transition in Romania?
DOI: 10.15196/RS06103
Group-specific analysis of commuting in the most disadvantaged areas of Hungary
DOI: 10.15196/RS06104
The importance of spatial adjustment processes in the labour force: the case of Albania
DOI: 10.15196/RS06105
Fuzzy models in regional statistics
DOI: 10.15196/RS06106
Analysis of the lowest airfares considering the different business models of airlines, the case of Budapest
DOI: 10.15196/RS06107
Health inequalities regarding territorial differences in Hungary by discussing life expectancy
DOI: 10.15196/RS06108
Assessing the regional impact based on destination image
DOI: 10.15196/RS06109
Identifying settlements involved in Hungary’s transit traffic
DOI: 10.15196/RS06110
Mapping the position of cities in corporate research and development through a gravity model-based bidimensional regression analysis
DOI: 10.15196/RS06111
Commuting links between settlement hierarchy levels in Hungary
DOI: 10.15196/RS06112
I suggest the Facebook page of the journal as well:
Dear all,
The new RSAI Newsletter November 2016 can now be found under
Dear All,
We are pleased to announce that the Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics (CIEO) is organizing, in partnership with the International Centre for Studies and Research (ICSR) Mediterranean Knowledge, the conference "Mediterranean Cultures and Societies. Knowledge, Health and Tourism" to be held on 4-5 May 2017 at the University of Algarve in Faro, Portugal.
We invite you to participate in the Conference, through the submission of scientific abstracts to the overall theme of the conference “Mediterranean Cultures and Societies: Knowledge, Health and Tourism” or to one of the topics below:
- Europe and the Mediterranean
- History, cultures and heritage
- Knowledge and education processes
- Migrations and interculturality
- Political trends
- Mediterranean diet and well-being
- Tourism and leisure
- Identity, body and sexuality
- Media and communication
- Art and literature
For additional information please see the CFP attached or contact us through conference’s email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The deadline for the submission is until 15.10.2016.
Please feel free to circulate the attached announcement among colleagues.
Best regards,
The Organizing Committee
II International Conference of the ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge
Mediterranean Cultures and Societies. Knowledge, Health and Tourism
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Crown Hotel, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England
22rd to 24th of August 2017
The RSAI British & Irish Section invites the submission of abstracts to be considered for the 2017 Annual Conference. Suggested themes for the conference are listed below, though quality papers in all areas of regional science are welcome.
Spatial Analysis of Sports Performance and Effects | Spatial Aspects of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Spatial analysis of marine and coastal economies | Agglomeration, skills and employment in regional and urban labour markets |
Transportation networks and regional economic impacts | Higher education and student economies in the regions | City regions, devolution and the North-South divide | Health, Environment and the Regions |
Regional impacts of BREXIT | Spatial Analysis and Geodemographics | Linking macro/micro economic and social modelling | Migration and refugees |
Abstract submissions can be made online at
The RSAI-BIS is also organizing a DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM for doctoral students in regional science on August 22nd. A separate call will issued for contributions to the colloquium.
During the Annual Conference, there will be Special Session for early career/doctoral students with prizes for the best conference paper and the best conference presentation by early career researchers.
Important dates:
Abstract submission opens | October 10th 2016 |
Call for doctoral colloquium released | December 16th 2016 |
Registration opens | January 16th 2017 |
Deadline for abstract submission | January 27th 2017 |
Presenters notified of abstract decision | March 10th 2017 |
Deadline for early-bird rate | May 12th 2017 |
Payment deadline for inclusion in programme | June 2nd 2017 |
Preliminary programme released | June 30th 2017 |
Proposals for special sessions are invited. Those wishing to organise special sessions are kindly invited to raise the issue with secretary of the section, Justin Doran (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or the local organiser Professor Graham Clarke (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Dear Colleagues,
We cordially invite researchers, scientists and experts to participate in the 16th Ernestas Galvanauskas’ International Scientific Conference „RETHINKING REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS“, which will be held on 25th November, 2016 in Siauliai, Lithuania. Please find more information in the attached invitation.
Registration deadline – November 4, 2016. (
We kindly ask you to forward this information to other colleaguesthat may be interested in the conference.
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this mail.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
Best regards,
Conference Organizers
Bonjour à tous,
Nous offrirons l’atelier « L’utilisation de QSR NVIVO en analyse qualitative »
le 7 novembre prochain à Québec,
de 9h00 à 16h00.
Il reste cinq places. Faites vite si vous êtes intéressés.
Voici la description complète de l’atelier :
L'utilisation de QSR NVIVO en analyse qualitative
Cet atelier vise à initier le participant à utiliser efficacement le logiciel QSR NVivo. Tout au long de la journée, chaque participant expérimentera le logiciel dans une démarche séquentielle. À travers les explications techniques, certains principes d'analyse qualitative seront abordés, mais cet atelier ne constitue pas une initiation à l'analyse qualitative. Pour profiter pleinement de l'atelier, le participant devrait connaître suffisamment les principes et les procédures générales de l'analyse qualitative.
Les intéressés peuvent communiquer avec Monsieur Louis-Simon Tancrède :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bien cordialement,
La Direction de la revue Approches Inductives
In Cornell University's College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, we teach and practice architecture, fine arts, and city and regional planning as creative and powerful forces with the potential to improve the world. We prepare our students to address the complex problems of the 21st century through the application of the art and science of design. Providing rigorous theoretical training and studio experiences, we encourage imagination, technical creativity, critical thinking, a sense of history, and the development of a social, ethical, and artistic perspective. We advocate for the rights of all communities and all individuals to participate in the planning of their futures. We prepare our graduates for their role as world citizens in a diverse yet inclusive society.
Master of Science/Master of Arts (MS/MA) in Regional Science
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Regional Science
Mahdi Saiful
Modeling Aceh: Essays on Resource Management, Inflation, and Social Capital
Timothy Mount
Waron Sukchotrat
A Macroeconometric Model for Thailand with Welfare Linkages: Analyses of Selected Policies in Response to Energy Price Increases
Iwan Azis
Dolapo Enahoro
Essays on Land Nutrient Policy, Dairy Management Adjustments and Environmental Quality, and Resource-Based Sustainable Development
Richard Boisvert
Zevi Azzaino
Binary Optimization: Application to Regional Planning
Jon Conrad
Maneevitjit Surin
The Economic Value of Reliability in Deregulated Electricity Market
Timothy Mount
Nur Ain Shahrier
The Impact of Corporations Excess Saving Behavior and Macroeconomics Policies on Poverty Incidence: Empirical Analysis of Indonesian, Philippines and Thailand
Timothy Mount
Sutee Anantsuksomsri
Three Essays in Real Estate and Urban Economy
Kieran Donaghy
Inka Yusgiantoro
Three Essays on Growth and Development with Financial Market
Iwan Azis
Alvin Pratama
Three Essays on Poverty and Polarization in Indonesia
Iwan Azis
Nij Tontisirin
Three Essays In Residential Location, Household Commuting Patterns, And Spatial N-Person Prisoner’s Dilemma: The Case Study Of Bangkok, Thailand
Kieran Donaghy
Gunawan Wicaksono
Three Essays in Applied Regional Welfare Analysis
Kieran Donaghy
Hee Hwa Min
The Analysis of the Link Between Capital Flows and Macroeconomic-Financial-Spatial Income Distribution Indicators: Combining Financial CGE and Perception Models
Iwan Azis
Danny Adiwibowo
Essays on Monetary, Fiscal and Macro-prudential Policy Nexus in Indonesia: An Emerging Market Case
Kieran Donaghy
Supree Srisamran
A Study Of Electricity Planning In Thailand: An Integrated Top-Down And Bottom-Up Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modeling Analysis
Kieran Donaghy
Kuming Chang
Determinants of U.S. Hybrid Electric Vehicle Saturation Levels and the Implications for Policy
Timothy Mount
Yiou Zuo
Three Essays On Urban Transportation And The Environment
Kieran Donaghy
Mauricio Alejandro Sarrias Jeraldo
Three Essays on Continuous and Discrete Spatial Heterogeneity
Kieran Donaghy
Arash Beheshtian
Planning Resilient Infrastructure
Kieran Donaghy
Kieran P. Donaghy |
Yuri Mansury |
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.