
Cornell University

In Cornell University's College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, we teach and practice architecture, fine arts, and city and regional planning as creative and powerful forces with the potential to improve the world. We prepare our students to address the complex problems of the 21st century through the application of the art and science of design. Providing rigorous theoretical training and studio experiences, we encourage imagination, technical creativity, critical thinking, a sense of history, and the development of a social, ethical, and artistic perspective. We advocate for the rights of all communities and all individuals to participate in the planning of their futures. We prepare our graduates for their role as world citizens in a diverse yet inclusive society.

Programs and Degrees in Regional Science


Master of Science/Master of Arts (MS/MA) in Regional Science

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Regional Science

Doctoral Dissertations in Regional Science in the last five years

 Mahdi Saiful
Modeling Aceh: Essays on Resource Management, Inflation, and Social Capital
Timothy Mount
Waron Sukchotrat
A Macroeconometric Model for Thailand with Welfare Linkages: Analyses of Selected Policies in Response to Energy Price Increases
Iwan Azis
Dolapo Enahoro
Essays on Land Nutrient Policy, Dairy Management Adjustments and Environmental Quality, and Resource-Based Sustainable Development
Richard Boisvert
Zevi Azzaino
Binary Optimization: Application to Regional Planning
Jon Conrad
Maneevitjit Surin
The Economic Value of Reliability in Deregulated Electricity Market
Timothy Mount
Nur Ain Shahrier
The Impact of Corporations Excess Saving Behavior and Macroeconomics Policies on Poverty Incidence: Empirical Analysis of Indonesian, Philippines and Thailand
Timothy Mount
Sutee Anantsuksomsri
Three Essays in Real Estate and Urban Economy
Kieran Donaghy
Inka Yusgiantoro
Three Essays on Growth and Development with Financial Market
Iwan Azis
Alvin Pratama
Three Essays on Poverty and Polarization in Indonesia
Iwan Azis
Nij Tontisirin
Three Essays In Residential Location, Household Commuting Patterns, And Spatial N-Person Prisoner’s Dilemma: The Case Study Of Bangkok, Thailand
Kieran Donaghy
Gunawan Wicaksono
Three Essays in Applied Regional Welfare Analysis
Kieran Donaghy
Hee Hwa Min
The Analysis of the Link Between Capital Flows and Macroeconomic-Financial-Spatial Income Distribution Indicators: Combining Financial CGE and Perception Models
Iwan Azis
Danny Adiwibowo
Essays on Monetary, Fiscal and Macro-prudential Policy Nexus in Indonesia: An Emerging Market Case
Kieran Donaghy
Supree Srisamran
A Study Of Electricity Planning In Thailand: An Integrated Top-Down And Bottom-Up Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modeling Analysis
Kieran Donaghy
Kuming Chang
Determinants of U.S. Hybrid Electric Vehicle Saturation Levels and the Implications for Policy
Timothy Mount
Yiou Zuo
Three Essays On Urban Transportation And The Environment
Kieran Donaghy
Mauricio Alejandro Sarrias Jeraldo
Three Essays on Continuous and Discrete Spatial Heterogeneity
Kieran Donaghy
Arash Beheshtian
Planning Resilient Infrastructure
Kieran Donaghy

 Regional Science Scholars


Kieran P. Donaghy


Yuri Mansury

Read 74348 times
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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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