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Tuesday, 11 December 2018 09:39

Call for Papers | 2nd Urban and Regional Economics Workshop, 10-12 July, 2019 - Bogotá, Colombia

Call for papers

Cities and regions around the world face immense challenges and play a starring role in this chan- ging economic environment. Topics on urban and regional economics are thus crucial in our understanding of the economic dynamics, in particular in Latin America, where urban problems loom very large in many countries. The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, in collaboration with the Banco de la República, has established an environment to promote advances in this area of knowledge through the presentation and discussion of academic research.

The workshop will welcome papers on, but will not be limited to: Location theory, congestion pricing, housing markets, environmental impacts of public policies, efficient public good provi- sion, regional integration, urban spatial structure, urban networks, infrastructure in cities and regions, migration, and segregation and gender in cities. Furthermore, acknowledging the impor- tance of the implementation of the recent peace agreements in Colombia, special attention will be given to papers dealing with the role of cities, regions, and development strategies in the after- math of the conflict.

Both empirical and theoretical papers are  welcome.

The program will include key note presentations from invited speakers. Mathew Turner (Brown University), Gilles Duranton (University of Pennsylvania), Mark D. Partridge (Ohio State), Yves Zenou (Monash University), Elisabet Viladecans – Marsal (Universidad de Barcelona), Diego Puga (CEMFI) and Giovanni Peri (University of California, Davis) are among the distinguished urban and regional economists who have confirmed attendance.


Accepted papers will be presented in parallel sessions. Every paper will be discussed by one peer and every presenter will have the responsibility to discuss one paper. Papers must be presented and discussed in English.


Submissions will open on September 1st. We encourage Ph.D. students and scholars around the world to submit their original research papers until February 1st , 2019, through conference maker at:    https://editorialexpress.com/cgi-bin/conference/conference.cgi?action=login&db_name=URworkshop2019

Notification of acceptance will be sent by March 1st.

Registration fees

There will be a registration fee of US$ 250 for attendees and presenters (US$150 for students). All travel and accommodation expenses should be covered by each attendee. The fee includes lunch, refreshments and a farewell dinner for all participants.

Program committee

Paula Herrera-Idárraga (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana), David Castells-Quintana (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Ana María Díaz (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana), Guillermo Sinisterra (CESA), Luis Quintero (John Hopkins University) and Andrés Giraldo (Pontificia Universidad Jave- riana).

2nd Urban and Regional Economics Workshop

July 10th, 11th,12th, 2019 - Bogotá, Colombia

All inquiries please direct to the organizing committee:

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