
Monday, 25 May 2020 08:11

Call for Papers - International Borders: Economic and Business Development Perspectives – Special Issue of SN Business & Economics

Editors: Rafael Garduño-Rivera (School of Business & Economics, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico); Haoying Wang (Department of Business and Technology Management, New Mexico Tech, USA)

Today, every region across the globe experiences different issues among its international borders. For example, the US-Mexico border region (quite different to the US-Canada and the Mexico-Guatemala borders), the Kashmir region in Asia, the UK and its relationship with the EU (and Ireland), the North-South Koreas, Greece and Cyprus, Colombia and Venezuela, and the list goes on. International borders exist to protect domestic markets while facilitating cross-border trade and communications. From an economic perspective, both sides along the border would benefit from opportunities associated with an open border. The reality often finds a situation being complicated by various socio-economic factors from policies to social norms.
Regional conflicts along international borders have become a major externality of the globalization process. In the meantime, economic and business development opportunities exist along international borders. How to resolve the conflicts and transition to binational coordination and development has been an interesting topic to academics, NGOs focusing on international development, and the concerned public.

This collection expects to attract studies from different parts of the world to learn about the economic and business development conditions along different international borders and how each country is dealing with or taking advantage of them. The collection will enrich our knowledge of the policy landscape and the private enterprise in each of the unique situation. New insights can be drawn to provide inputs to forge policies facilitating cross-border development.

While we are in the era of globalization, a lot of economic and business development opportunities are left unexplored along international borders. This collection will raise awareness of these problems and explore the reasons behind the status quo. An open and in-depth discussion can help to identify the influential factors and support policymaking to tap into the economic and business development potential along international borders. This collection seeks disciplinary perspectives from regional economics, international trade, entrepreneurship, environmental and natural resources economics, and public policy. It is also open to interdisciplinary studies.

Research is welcomed across the following areas, and others:

  • The economics of migration
  • Cross-border trade
  • Port economy and agglomeration along international borders
  • Environmental and natural resources management along international borders
  • Border-region economic development
  • The economic impact of cross-border illegal activities
  • Border tourism and day trips
  • Poverty and inequality in border regions
  • Spatial economic analysis related to border effects

We are explicitly excluding studies (1) concerning border wars and political conflicts; (2) movements of peoples across international borders; (3) cross-border international aid. While these topics are definitely of policy importance and research interest, they usually fall out of the realm of economic and business development.

The collection accepts theoretical, empirical, and policy studies in the form of original research paper and review paper. In-depth case studies may be considered. The author(s) are encouraged to communicate with the guest editors before submitting a case study. All manuscripts should follow the journal’s submission guidelines.

This is a rolling collection and submissions will be accepted until the end of May 2021. Authors who wish to discuss ideas for articles are encouraged to contact the guest editors directly before submission. Full papers must be submitted via the journal’s submission system. Submissions by email will not be considered.

The website for the special issue can be found here.

Read 4160 times Last modified on Monday, 25 May 2020 08:13

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