Elisabete Martins

New Issue: Regional Science Policy & Practice

New issue available on ScienceDirect

Cover Image Regional Science Policy & Practice

Regional Science Policy & Practice

Volume 16, Issue 5 , May 2024

Editorial Board

Article Number 100074

From Chains to Change: Institutions that navigate socio-economic transformations

From chains to change: Institutions that navigate socio-economic transformations

Article Number 100069

Katarzyna Kopczewska

Traditional slavery institutions and democratization: Insights into intercaste human capital disparities in Sumba Island’s rural areas, Indonesia

Article Number 100011

Umbu Reku Raya, Budy P. Resosudarmo

Investigating the keys to the failure of inter-village government collaboration in developing rural economic potentials in Indonesia

Article Number 100023

Bambang Tri Harsanto, Wahyuningrat Wahyuningrat

An actor-centric approach for defining policy action during cluster development

Article Number 100037

Mads Bruun Ingstrup, Arnault Morisson, Torben Munk Damgaard, Julian Lamberty

Territorial segmentation of key sustainability stakeholders for systemic change: Insights from Hungary

Article Number 100022

Attila Lengyel, Anetta Müller, Zoltán Bács, Sándor Kovács

Money transfers and tax revenue in post-socialist countries: Evidence from the panel ARDL model

Article Number 100016

Ahmadov Vusal, Pashayev Zohrab

Effects of the minimum wage on US county labor markets

Article Number 100008

Dawn Otterby, Andrew Crawley, Todd Gabe

Region's role on recovery and resilience

Region's role on recovery and resilience

Article Number 100070

João-Pedro Ferreira, Luís Cruz

Fiscal redistribution and the narrowing urban–rural income gap

Article Number 100045

Diego Loras-Gimeno, Gonzalo Gómez-Bengoechea, Jorge Díaz-Lanchas

Unveiling the relationship between regional economic resilience and input-output network topology: Evidence from the European Union

Article Number 100018

Elias Giannakis, Dimitrios Tsiotas, Christos T. Papadas

The heterogeneous impact of economic policy uncertainty on export recovery of firms: The role of the regional digital economy

Article Number 100044

Qing Liu, Zihao Li, Yujing Wang

The resilience of Tunisian industrial exports during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from an ARDL approach

Article Number 100009

Walid Gani

The export productivity of Brazil and Portugal by technological intensity: A spatial comparative analysis

Article Number 100014

Luís Lopes, Carlos Carreira, Antonio Carlos Campos

Book Reviews

The Unequal Effects of Globalization

Article Number 100001

Amitrajeet A. Batabyal

Regional Policy: Theory and Practice, Ugo Fratesi, Routledge, 2023. $170(hbk). ISBN: 978-0-815-36407-8

Article Number 100052

Daniela L. Constantin

Read the full issue on ScienceDirect

New Issue: Papers in Regional Science

New issue available on ScienceDirect

Cover Image Papers in Regional Science

Papers in Regional Science

Volume 103, Issue 3 , June 2024

Editorial Board

Article Number 100030

The rise (and fall) of tech clusters

Article Number 100022

Sergei Kichko, Wen-Jung Liang, Chao-Cheng Mai, Jacques-Francois Thisse, Ping Wang

Government reform and innovation performance in China

Article Number 100023

Min Zhang, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose

Spatial pattern of aid allocation in the early 21st century: Evidence from 38 sub-Saharan African countries

Article Number 100026

Huijoo Shon, Heerae Lee, Booyuel Kim

Economic vulnerability and its effects on conditional convergence clubs in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil

Article Number 100025

Sergiany da Silva Lima, Felipe Luiz Lima de Paulo, Álvaro Robério de Souza Sá, Thais de Lima Moraes, Adler Vinicius Vasconcelos de Menezes

Read the full issue on ScienceDirect

Monday, 03 June 2024 12:09

ERSA Monthly E-news - May 2024

31 May 2024 - Nr 05/2024

The issue includes:

·     ERSA2024 Congress

·     Internal Communication

·     ERSA Section's Agendas new and Update

·     Journals ongoing calls -reminder

·     Members publish

·     Vacancies

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I hope that you are all well.

Next week marks the start of our Summer School, where we eagerly anticipate welcoming 20 smart young scientists from across Europe. With the outstanding programme of lectures and tutorials, the summer school promises to be a truly enriching experience for all involved.

As for our Congress preparations, we are making excellent progress, particularly with the completion of our Keynote program with Simona Iammarino who has been chosen as the worthy recipient of our esteemed European Prize in Regional Science.

The valuable contributions from the EU and OECD further enhance the depth and quality of our Congress Program. Stay tuned to the Congress website as we continue to shape it - for sure a rich and inspiring event for all regional scientists worldwide!

With best wishes

Roberta Capello, ERSA President

37th ERSA Summer School

Quantitative Methods Addressing Geographical Imbalances: New Techniques, Frameworks and Applications

3-7 June 2024, Oviedo, Spain

20 selected smart Young carreer scientists' to participate in our Summer School next week.

>>> See the Summer School agenda here


Simona Iammarino to give a keynote Presentation at the Closing Ceremony of the Congress.

>>> See our updated keynote Sessions' programme here

OECD Roundtable confirmed!

The roundtabale scheduled on Thursday 29 August, will focus on The Multi-Level Governance of Disaster-Risk Management.

read more

STILL TIME TO JOIN US in Terceira Island

> See information to travel to Terceira Island here

> And find a suitable accommodation here.

Save money make your reservations without delay

Support needed? The LOC will be pleased to help you.

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sections' Events

Last reminder on ongoing calls


Spanish Section: AECR International Conference on Regional Science 2024

Sustainability, water and territory: regional strategies for the challenges of the 21st century

16-18 October 2024, Cuenca, Spain

Call for extended abstracts and/or Papers deadline: 14 June 2024



VII Seminar for New Academic Researchers (SNAR) 2024.

26-27 September 2024, Sevilla, Spain

Hybrid event

Abstract Submission deadline: 10 June 2024


MRTT XXII Annual Meeting

20 years in the European Union: Catching up, territorial policy and inequalities

17-18 October 2024, Szeged, Hungary

Deadline for session proposals: 10 June 2024


See all upcoming Events

Journals - new issue

Review of Regional Research 

Call for Papers – Special Issue: “Infrastructure Projects in the Global South and their unintended consequences”

Guest Editors: Javier Revilla Diez, Peter Dannenberg, Ndapewa Fenny Nakanyete

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024

More on all ongoing journals' calls

ERSA-RSAI Members Publish


Japanese and European Perspectives


Luciana Lazzeretti, University of Florence, Italy; Tamane Ozeki, Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan; Silvia Rita Sedita

University of Padova, Italy; Francesco Capone, University of Florence, Italy

Edward Elgar 2024

More information from the publisher

See all recent publications

New publications to share?

Your are member of the RSAI-ERSA Community and you have recently published a book, grasp this opportunity to inform us about it. We are looking for

· Books published in 2024

· Preferably written in English 

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


·     8 fully funded PhD positions in Economics, Analytics and Decision Sciences (EADS) at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca Application deadline: 21st June 2024 at 12.59pm CEST

read more

If you want to share an announcement interesting for our community,

Send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will promote it via our channels

29 May 2024

Professor Simona Iammarino is awarded

the ERSA European Prize in Regional Science 2024

ERSA and the Jury of the ERSA Prize Committee are pleased to announce that this year, the ERSA European Prize in Regional Science has been awarded to Prof. Simona Iammarino, Professor of Applied Economics at the Department of Economics and Business, University of Cagliari, Italy.

Simona Iammarino is a prolific author, she has published more than 70 articles in major peer-reviewed journals, around 30 book chapters, and numerous working papers, policy reports and other publications. Her latest co-authored article published in a refereed journal is: “Gathering round Big Tech: how the market for acquisitions hurts left-behind places” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, Ioramashvili C., Feldman M., Guy F., Iammarino, S.

Last but not least, Simona's scientific production helped understanding the dynamics and competitiveness of our territories.

Download the Press Release 

Prize-giving and Keynote Presentation

The ERSA Prize will be presented on Friday 30 August during the Closing Ceremony of the 63rd ERSA Congress in Terceira Island, Portugal, where Simona will also be invited to give a keynote presentation.


#ERSAprize #ERSA2024

The 14th SOCHER Meeting 2024 will take place on December 11, 12, and 13, 2024, at the University of Concepción Campus Chillán, Chile.

For this year, the meeting will focus on  "Innovation and associativity for local development". As is tradition, our meeting includes a series of activities, both academic, research dissemination as well as social activities that encourage the interaction of researchers. The meeting will take place between December 11 and 13 of this year at the Chillán Campus of the University of Concepción.  You are invited to submit works in the areas of economics, geography, planning, sociology, anthropology, administration and other related areas, whose object of analysis considers space as one of the main dimensions analyzed. 

Important dates

Submission of summaries or complete articles:  from May 23  to September 8, 2024.

Results notification: September  30  , 2024.

Early registration payment (reduced rate):  from May 23  to October 20, 2024 SOCHER Member and non-Member modalities.  To check validity as a SOCHER Member , consult RSAI ID  or here . RSAI membership benefits can be found here. * 

Applications for the  Andrew " Andy " Isserman Recognition :  from May 23 to September 8, 2024.

* The advance invoice option will be offered as required by meeting participants. A web form will be enabled with the data necessary for the billing process.

Inquiries should be directed to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More details of the meeting such as Keynotes, special sessions, among others, will be announced soon. 

Follow SOCHER social networks:

X (Twitter):  @Socher_Chile


SOCHER website:  https://www.socher.cl/

The 1st SOCHER Summer School 2024 will be held on December 10 and 11 at the University of Concepción Campus Chillán, Chile.

The Chilean Society of Regional Studies SOCHER, in collaboration with the School of Administration and Business (EAN) of the University of Concepción Campus Chillán (Chile) and with the financial support of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) through the " Nurturing " program new talent ", is pleased to announce the organization of the  1st SOCHER 2024 Summer School  that will take place at the Chillán Campus of the University of Concepción, from December 10 to 11, 2024.

This 1st edition is pioneering in its nature in the SOCHER meetings and will have as its main theme  "Measuring Regional Disparities: Spatial Methods and Applications" . 

Preliminary program

The program will offer theoretical and applied sessions for graduate students beginning their academic careers, focusing on new approaches and techniques for measuring and visualizing regional disparities. Topics of spatial econometrics, spatial analysis, GIS (Geographic Information System) and regional policy evaluation will be covered, with special attention to disparities in Chile and other international contexts. In addition, the program includes a special module on academic writing and writing scientific articles.

The  1st SOCHER Summer School  2024  will offer participants the opportunity to present their research work in progress or thesis in a special SOCHER session and receive feedback from their peers and specialized audience. 


The Summer School will be held entirely in Spanish. However, the reading material may be in English or Spanish. 


The 1st SOCHER 2024 Summer School will focus on postgraduate students and has a registration cost of $50,000 per person, limited spaces. This registration entitles you to participate in all the modules offered, coffee breaks, as well as proof of participation at the end of the activity. Once the quotas are filled, the registration option on the platform will be disabled.

Although this activity focuses on postgraduate students who are beginning their academic careers, it is also open to SOCHER Members and Non-Members , who can register on the SOCHER 2024  Even3 Meeting page .

Participation scholarships*,**,***

Thanks to the financial support of the RSAI, a limited number of participation scholarships are available that cover registration in the Summer School, accommodation from December 9 to 13, during School and SOCHER 2024, and lunches on the 10th and 11th. December  for graduate students who demonstrate a need for financial support .

In relation to the scholarship allocation criteria, applicants must consider the following aspects:

  • Argue the need for financial support to participate in the Summer School.
  • Attach CV of the applicant.
  • Attach research work/thesis in progress.
  • Commitment to participate in a special SOCHER session presenting your work/thesis in progress.
  • Letter of support  from your thesis guide professor, or recommending professor that explains the background of the graduate program, the applicant's profile and how participation in the Summer School will benefit the achievement of your research project or thesis in progress. If you do not yet have a guiding teacher, you can attach a letter of recommendation from a teacher who knows the curricular trajectory/performance of the person applying for financial support, indicating their support in the application.

The selection of scholarship recipients is subject to assignment criteria that include area of ​​expertise, as well as the evaluation of the background information presented that justifies the financial support to participate in this activity. 

Applications will be received through the following form : https://forms.gle/4g7v66vddcch4TkV9 .

*It should be noted that the financial support through scholarships for participation in the SOCHER 2024 Summer School does not include the registration fee for the SOCHER 2024 Meeting, which guarantees member status and RSAI membership. More information about membership can be found here .

**Fellowship holders must present their research work in a special session of SOCHER 2024. For non-fellowship holders, this option will be available , but subject to event planning and program.

***The background evaluation guideline will soon be made available to applicants.

Inquiries should be directed to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


More information at: https://www.even3.cl/e/socher2024?lang=en%3Flang%3Dpt%3Flang%3Den

The 14th SOCHER Meeting 2024 will take place on December 11, 12, and 13, 2024, at the University of Concepción Campus Chillán, Chile.

For this year, the meeting will focus on  "Innovation and associativity for local development". As is tradition, our meeting includes a series of activities, both academic, research dissemination as well as social activities that encourage the interaction of researchers. The meeting will take place between December 11 and 13 of this year at the Chillán Campus of the University of Concepción.  You are invited to submit works in the areas of economics, geography, planning, sociology, anthropology, administration and other related areas, whose object of analysis considers space as one of the main dimensions analyzed. 

Important dates

Submission of summaries or complete articles:  from May 23  to September 8, 2024.

Results notification: September  30  , 2024.

Early registration payment (reduced rate):  from May 23  to October 20, 2024 SOCHER Member and non-Member modalities.  To check validity as a SOCHER Member , consult RSAI ID  or here . RSAI membership benefits can be found here. * 

Applications for the  Andrew " Andy " Isserman Recognition :  from May 23 to September 8, 2024.

* The advance invoice option will be offered as required by meeting participants. A web form will be enabled with the data necessary for the billing process.

Inquiries should be directed to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More details of the meeting such as Keynotes, special sessions, among others, will be announced soon. 

Follow SOCHER social networks:

X (Twitter):  @Socher_Chile


SOCHER website:  https://www.socher.cl/

The 1st SOCHER Summer School 2024 will be held on December 10 and 11 at the University of Concepción Campus Chillán, Chile.

The Chilean Society of Regional Studies SOCHER, in collaboration with the School of Administration and Business (EAN) of the University of Concepción Campus Chillán (Chile) and with the financial support of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) through the " Nurturing " program new talent ", is pleased to announce the organization of the  1st SOCHER 2024 Summer School  that will take place at the Chillán Campus of the University of Concepción, from December 10 to 11, 2024.

This 1st edition is pioneering in its nature in the SOCHER meetings and will have as its main theme  "Measuring Regional Disparities: Spatial Methods and Applications" . 

Preliminary program

The program will offer theoretical and applied sessions for graduate students beginning their academic careers, focusing on new approaches and techniques for measuring and visualizing regional disparities. Topics of spatial econometrics, spatial analysis, GIS (Geographic Information System) and regional policy evaluation will be covered, with special attention to disparities in Chile and other international contexts. In addition, the program includes a special module on academic writing and writing scientific articles.

The  1st SOCHER Summer School  2024  will offer participants the opportunity to present their research work in progress or thesis in a special SOCHER session and receive feedback from their peers and specialized audience. 


The Summer School will be held entirely in Spanish. However, the reading material may be in English or Spanish. 


The 1st SOCHER 2024 Summer School will focus on postgraduate students and has a registration cost of $50,000 per person, limited spaces. This registration entitles you to participate in all the modules offered, coffee breaks, as well as proof of participation at the end of the activity. Once the quotas are filled, the registration option on the platform will be disabled.

Although this activity focuses on postgraduate students who are beginning their academic careers, it is also open to SOCHER Members and Non-Members , who can register on the SOCHER 2024  Even3 Meeting page .

Participation scholarships*,**,***

Thanks to the financial support of the RSAI, a limited number of participation scholarships are available that cover registration in the Summer School, accommodation from December 9 to 13, during School and SOCHER 2024, and lunches on the 10th and 11th. December  for graduate students who demonstrate a need for financial support .

In relation to the scholarship allocation criteria, applicants must consider the following aspects:

  • Argue the need for financial support to participate in the Summer School.
  • Attach CV of the applicant.
  • Attach research work/thesis in progress.
  • Commitment to participate in a special SOCHER session presenting your work/thesis in progress.
  • Letter of support  from your thesis guide professor, or recommending professor that explains the background of the graduate program, the applicant's profile and how participation in the Summer School will benefit the achievement of your research project or thesis in progress. If you do not yet have a guiding teacher, you can attach a letter of recommendation from a teacher who knows the curricular trajectory/performance of the person applying for financial support, indicating their support in the application.

The selection of scholarship recipients is subject to assignment criteria that include area of ​​expertise, as well as the evaluation of the background information presented that justifies the financial support to participate in this activity. 

Applications will be received through the following form : https://forms.gle/4g7v66vddcch4TkV9 .

*It should be noted that the financial support through scholarships for participation in the SOCHER 2024 Summer School does not include the registration fee for the SOCHER 2024 Meeting, which guarantees member status and RSAI membership. More information about membership can be found here .

**Fellowship holders must present their research work in a special session of SOCHER 2024. For non-fellowship holders, this option will be available , but subject to event planning and program.

***The background evaluation guideline will soon be made available to applicants.

Inquiries should be directed to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


More information at: https://www.even3.cl/e/socher2024?lang=en%3Flang%3Dpt%3Flang%3Den

Tuesday, 21 May 2024 09:53

NARSC Update

NARSC Update

Call for Papers
North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International
November 13-16, 2024 
New Orleans, Louisana

We are pleased to invite you to join us in New Orleans for the 71st North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI)!

The conference is co-sponsored by the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) and the Southern Regional Science Association.

The conference will take place in downtown New Orleans, November 13-16. The conference will cover a wide range of topics in regional science. We welcome submissions from scholars and practitioners in fields such as economics, agricultural economics, public policy, urban planning, civil engineering, geography, finance, and demography. We also encourage submissions of interdisciplinary research that relates to these topics.

We particularly encourage submissions that address current challenges facing policymakers, and the challenges facing governments, businesses, and society in adapting to pandemic-induced disruptions.

We invite proposals for the following types:

·         Individual papers to be integrated into sessions

·         Proposals for complete sessions of papers

·         Proposals for panel, roundtable, or discussions

·         Student papers for the Graduate-Student-Author Paper Competition

·         Student papers for the Graduate-Student-Led Paper Competition

We have a number of organized sessions devoted to specific topics. If you are interested in participating in one of these sessions, please contact the organizers directly. See the list of special session calls using this link. The list of sessions is updated regularly, so please check back often.

Are you interested in organizing a special session or a series of sessions? If so, please contact the Program Chair, Sandy Dall'erba (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), as soon as possible.

To submit an abstract or a complete session, please use our online submission system. The submission deadline is July 12, 2024. Decisions concerning the acceptance of papers and sessions will be announced in late August. All presenters, including members of panel discussions, discussants, and session chairs, must register for the conference and pay the registration fee in order to attend and present.

If you have questions, here is the contact information:
Program Chair: Sandy Dall'erba (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Overall Arrangements: John Sporing (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!


NARSC Hotel Reservations

A block of rooms has been reserved at the The New Orleans Marriott (555 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70130).

A special conference room rate of $219 (plus taxes) has been negotiated with the hotel. You can book your room at the conference hotel using this link. By doing so, NARSC will get credit for your booking. 

2026 RSAI World Congress | Request for Proposals

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) aims to hold a world congress at least once every two years. The last edition has recently been held in Kecskemét, Hungary, with a vast representation of many Countries and all supranational sections of the RSAI. RSAI considers world congresses an important instrument for furthering its mission of global advancement of regional analysis and related spatial and areal studies for the benefit of society.

The RSAI calls for proposals to host a world congress in 2026. Potential hosts are RSAI Supra-Regionals, Sections or Members that have a proven track record of hosting conferences and related events. A world congress may be held concurrently with another event or as a standalone event. Proposals must be submitted by Monday, July 1, 2024, 23:59 CET.  Proposals are evaluated by the RSAI Council. A decision will be made at the RSAI Council meeting to be held in Terceira, during the annual ERSA meeting; depending on the quality of the proposals received, the RSAI reserves the right not to organize a congress in 2026, or to  postpone the decision, so that a potentially interesting proposal can be fine-tuned. This document outlines the application process, organization and expected outcomes regarding the 2026 world congress.

Prior RSAI World congresses

1980 1st – Cambridge Mass. (Harvard University), USA

1984 2nd – Rotterdam (Erasmus University), Netherlands

1989 3rd – Jerusalem (Kibbutz Ramat Rachel), Israel

1992 4th – Palma de Mallorca, Spain

1996 5th – Tokyo (Rissho University), Japan

2000 6th – Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland

2004 7th – Port Elizabeth, South Africa

2008 8th – Sao Paulo, Brazil

2012 9th – Timisoara, Romania

2018 10th Goa, India

2021 11th Marrakech, Morocco (online only)

2024 12th Kecskemét (John von Neumann University), Hungary

Criteria for a successful 2026 world congress

  1. The world congress should aim to have significant participation from members of Sections of all four supra-regional organisations – ERSA, LARSA, NARSC and PRSCO.
  2. The conference should also endeavor to attract regional scientists resident in countries in which no RSAI Section has yet been established. Subsidies may be available to selected applicants for participation through RSAI’s “Building Bridges” programme.
  3. The 2026 World Congress may be held as a standalone event. Alternatively, proposals may suggest to organise it jointly or “back-to-back” with another event. Such a joint or back-to-back event could be an RSAI Section meeting, a supra-regional congress, or an event held jointly with other organizations with similar objectives or networks.
  4. The proposed dates of the congress must be such that they do not clash with other events that aim to attract the same regional science community, unless a joint conference is envisaged. The organizers will consult with the RSAI President and the RSAI Executive Director in order to identify a mutually acceptable schedule for the event.
  5. The conference should be held at an easily accessible location in a globally accessible city.
  6. Accommodation should be available at the conference venue (when the conference is held at a hotel or convention centre). Alternatively, a range of affordable accommodation should be available within 15 minutes walking from the venue.
  7. The congress should include plenary sessions of interest to the global scientific community. The overall conference theme and the selection of keynote speakers should reflect this. Of course, local perspectives and concerns may be interwoven with global perspectives and concerns.
  8. Proposals should include initiatives to encourage participation from developing countries and from other countries in which no RSAI Sections have yet been established. RSAI can assist financially in meeting this objective through its “Building Bridges” programme but other funding initiatives (e.g. subsidies for participating postgraduate students) are also encouraged.
  9. The programme could also include one or more workshops for professional development of emerging scholars and postgraduate students, who may not be in a position to contribute a full paper to the formal scientific programme.
  10. The working language of the congress is English but proposals may include arrangements for simultaneous translation of plenary sessions where this is deemed to be desirable.
  11. Proposals should include a risk assessment regarding contingencies that could impact on the viability and success of the congress. Ways in which potential risks can be managed should be outlined.
  12. A detailed financial plan providing details on the economic aspects of the congress should also be submitted along with the candidature.

Organization of the congress

  1. For the services it provides, RSAI Office charges a commission equal to 20% of all registration fees received. The remaining registration revenue is transferred to the legal entity representing the LOC. Any anticipated sponsorship monies will be included in the budget.
  2. All arrangements for the organization of the World Congress will be formalized in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MOU will be signed by the President of RSAI, the Executive Director, the Chair of the LOC and the person representing the legal entity through which the LOC operates.

Application Process

  1. Proposals should address each of the 12 criteria for hosting the 2026 world congress outlined above. However, it is understood that some of the information provided by the congress proposers (such as names of suggested keynote speakers, sponsorship, etc.) will be tentative at the time the proposal is submitted. 
  2. Proposals should include a list of the key people involved in organizing the congress, a draft congress plan (including dates, location and schedule), a detailed draft budget (including a schedule of registration fees) and a suggested range of accommodations and charges.
  3. The acceptance of a proposal by RSAI Council does not constitute a binding agreement between the two parties. The subsequently drawn up MOU, which is guided by the proposal, will constitute a binding agreement.
  4. Proposals should be submitted by email to the Executive Director (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; cc: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Monday, July 1, 2024, 23:59 CET.
  5.  A decision regarding the 2026 World Congress will be made by RSAI Council during the meeting to be held at the forthcoming ERSA congress in Terceira, Açores.

Call for Candidates to be Nominated as the New Executive Director of the Regional Science Association International

As the position of the Executive Director of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) will become vacant by the end of 2024, RSAI is launching a call for RSAI members who wish to be nominated as candidates in the election of the Executive Director of RSAI for the next three-year term starting 1 January 2025.

Any RSAI members who wish to be nominated as a candidate for the Executive Director of RSAI should send the following items to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by July 1, 2024:

  • A two-page statement outlining the reasons for your interest in becoming the next Executive Director of RSAI and your strategy in managing the day-to-day operations of the Association;
  • A two-page CV with a picture.

According to Article V, section 3 of the RSAI Constitution, the Executive Director shall serve a three-year term of office. She/he shall be the chief executive officer in charge of setting and managing programs. The Executive Director shall be the chief operating officer in charge of implementing the Council’s policies, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Association, and establishing contacts with new regional science organizations throughout the world. The duties of the Executive Director shall encompass those normally associated with the positions of Secretary but would have joint authority with the Treasurer for the finances of the RSAI and issuing cheques to cover the Association’s operating expenses and the preparation of a financial statement to be submitted, by March 31 of each year, to the Council’s standing Finance Committee, in charge of financial planning and budgeting. The Executive Director shall oversee the production and distribution of a newsletter to the membership, shall maintain the roll of members and the association’s website, shall oversee the collection of annual dues and the conduct of elections, and shall serve as international conference coordinator, keeping a calendar of regional science meetings and events throughout the world, providing advice on their scheduling, and monitoring the dates of other meetings to minimize scheduling conflicts. The Executive Director shall also have responsibility, as designated by the Council, for the organization and operation of the World Congresses of the Association. General responsibilities of the Executive Director can be seen here (ED_Responsibilities.pdf).

In order to help the Executive Director organize the association and its meetings around the world, the RSAI will provide € 7,500 in travel costs and € 10,000 for secretarial assistance and accounting yearly.

The Nomination Committee for this election consists of Andrea Caragliu, Tomaz Dentinho, Eveline Van Leeuwen, and Hiroyuki Shibusawa. After receiving applicants, the Nomination Committee will nominate the candidates to be voted by the Members of the RSAI Council. The results will be diffused through RSAI News and on the RSAI webpage.

Please see the link for a 12-month Research Fellow post in the Department of Economics (University of Sheffield). The successful candidate will work on a multi-institutional ESRC funded research project on the drivers of local prosperity differences in the UK.

The deadline is May 28.

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About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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