Elisabete Martins

New Issue: Papers in Regional Science

New issue available on ScienceDirect

Cover Image Papers in Regional Science

Papers in Regional Science

Volume 103, Issue 4 , August 2024

Editorial Board

Article Number 100041

Innovation, complexity, and economic evolution: From theory to policy. Pier Paolo Saviotti. New York: Routledge, 2023. 282 pp. Hardback £125.00. ISBN 9781032278148.

Article Number 100027

Muhammad Irsyad, Vikky Renaldi, Tri Wahyuningsih

The Colombian Economy and Its Regional Structural Challenges: A Linkages Approach

Article Number 100032

Afnei Ngan Billy Tumba, Resfita Dewi, Nurjana

State fragility, violence and trade: Dangerous trade routes in Colombia

Article Number 100024

Paul H. Jung, Jean-Claude Thill, Luis Armando Galvis-Aponte

Marshallian and Jacobian externalities in creative industries: Evidence from Chile

Article Number 100028

Daniel Goya

Regional disparities in the European Union. A machine learning approach

Article Number 100033

Massimo Giannini, Barbara Martini

A location analytics perspective of regional science at a crossroad

Article Number 100034

Alan T. Murray

Human capital and border effect: The case of Minho River area

Article Number 100035

Carlos M. Jardon, X. Martinez-Cobas, E. Shakina

‘Get back to where you once belonged’? Effects of skilled internal migration on Italian regional green growth

Article Number 100036

Adriana Pinate, Luca Cattani, Martina Dal Molin, Alessandra Faggian

Read the full issue on ScienceDirect

Tuesday, 30 July 2024 09:00

ERSA2024 Agenda is out!

Programme Overview

ERSA2024 Agenda


ERSA2024 Programme is out!

2-day session


26-27 August

3-day session


28-30 August

What's on the Agenda

> 8 Keynote Lectures

> A Keynote Address from EU Commissioner, Elisa Ferreira

> An Outstanding Roundtable of OECD

> A Special event for Paul Krugman

> 93 Special Sessions, 119 General Themes Sessions

> 7 Young Scientist Sessions and Epainos Paper election

> Over 850 Presentations from 55 countries around the world

Keynote Lectures Highlight

read more on keynote lectures

Paul Krugman's event

read more on Paul Krugman's event

Other Highlighted Sessions include

·     The New ERSA Journal "Global Challenges and Regional Science" 

·     Special Session 9th Cohesion Report European Commission (Terceira-S21)

·     TRSA: Special Academic Session & Great Minds Lecture In Regional Science

·     And many other sessions of high interest!

Not yet registered?

Join us as an attendee: ERSA Congress is open to anyone interested in attending.

ERSA Annual congress is the largest event of regional scientists and practitioners from across the globe! more

Be part of it! Register now!

Follow the event and start networking with fellow participants from around the world on X using #ersa2024

To Keep up-to-date with all events on the agenda, visit our upcoming events page on our website.

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you're doing well. I am letting you know about a job opportunity that has recently opened up at my center. We are looking for a Regional Economist to join our economic and policy team at the Weldon Cooper Center at the University of Virginia. The role involves working with forecasts, input-output analysis, and other regional economic methods. As a public policy center, we combine state-of-the-art research with applied work that is meaningful to communities and provides insights for decision-makers.

If you or someone in your network is interested, you can find all the details and application information here: Regional Economist Position - University of Virginia.

Please pass this along to anyone who might be interested.

Thanks for your help. If you have any questions or know someone who wants to learn more, feel free to let me know.

Best regards,

Joao-Pedro Ferreira
Regional Economist and Lecturer

University of Virginia
Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service


The Regional Research Institute (RRI) at West Virginia University seeks applications for a Research Assistant Professor (RAP) with an 11-month annual appointment who will report to the RRI Director. 

The RAP will help conduct regional economic research on a wide range of topics relevant to the West Virginia University land grant mission. The qualified individual will be responsible for economic and statistical analyses using a variety of data sources and in developing manuscripts and presentations for use in disseminating the results to both academic and public audiences. The RAP will also supervise graduate and undergraduate students and develop new research projects and writing proposals for external funding. The RAP will have opportunities to collaborate with scholars at WVU and internationally, to attend conferences, and for networking.

More details can be found here: https://wvu.taleo.net/careersection/faculty/jobdetail.ftl?job=24692&tz=GMT-04%3A00&tzname=America%2FNew_York

Fabio Sforzi is the recipient of the 2024 AECR award

The Spanish Association of Regional Science (AECR) has proposed to express its maximum recognition to Fabio Sforzi by awarding him the AECR Prize for Regional Science 2024. Fabio will also become a permanent honorary member of the Association and will be part of the Advisory Council of the President of the Association.

Fabio Sforzi

‪Professore di economia applicata, Università di Parma - ‪‪5.313 citazioni - ‪distretti industriali - ‪sviluppo locale - ‪strumenti e metodi di analisi territoriale - ‪cultural studies - ‪Antonio Gramsci


The Award will be presented at the forthcoming AECR annual meeting, which will take place in Cuenca from October 16 to 18, 2024.


Congratulations to Prof. Sforzi from the whole Regional Science community!

Vol.18, No.1, Summer, Issued June 2024

All articles are downloadable

From sectoral industrial composition to employment and reverse. The Italian Case ● pp.1-37

by Massimo Giannini, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Barbara Martini, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Cristina Fiorelli, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

National welfare implications of regional childcare policy: A theoretical approach ● pp. 38-66

by Hiroyuki Hashimoto, University of Hyogo, Japan, Tohru Naito, Doshisha University, Japan and George Mason University, United States

The role of digitalization in international tourism inflow to Romania: A spatial gravity model approach ● pp. 67-86

by Irina Denisa Munteanu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Institute of National Economy, Zizi Goschin, Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Institute of National Economy, Romania

Impact of globalization and climate change on tourist destinations. A case study in Romania ● pp. 87-107

by Daniela-Anca Dachin, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Raluca-Corina Dawed, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

The distributional outcomes of one-size-fits-all policy response to societal disruptions on local government transfer dependence ● pp. 108-124

by Daniel Pop, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Peter Batey, David Plane (Editors), Great Minds in Regional Science (Vol.2)Springer, 2023 ● pp.125-128

by Christa D. Court, University of Florida, United States

Tuesday, 09 July 2024 15:30

Denise Pumain

I  WAS BORN IN Montbard, a small industrial town in the Côte d’Or, in the French region of Burgundy. The large metallurgical plant, no doubt the distant heir to Buffon’s forges, employed some 2,000 workers at the time, for a population of 6 or 7,000 in the commune. Its importance can still be gauged today by the fact that the TGV high-speed train from Paris to Dijon stops here at least twice a day, putting the small town within an hour of the capital. This major industrial site is the only one to have been created by the main Paris-Lyon-Marseille railway line (which initially passed through Dijon), making its own possible contribution to the theory of the structuring effect of transport routes on the location of economic activities.

At the local level, the town exhibited a very distinctive spatial organisation, a real model of spatial zoning of urban activities and segregation of social categories whose representativeness I would discover later in the scientific literature by sociologists and geographers: the bourgeoisie and shopkeepers in the town centre, on the rocky hillock around which runs the Brenne valley, chosen as their residence by the Dukes of Burgundy as early as the 12th century, and by the naturalist Buffon in the 18th century; the factory, which still manufactures metal tubes, was separated from the town by the Canal de Bourgogne and the railway line; its employees’ homes were built on the southern slope of the valley, with the engineers’ detached houses close to the workplace, a little further up the road the semi-detached houses for the foremen’s families (including my parents’) and at the end of the road the multifamily dwellings for the workers, similar to the “corons” of mining towns. We walked a lot to getfor getting the smallest purchases in the town;, therefore, I covered four times a day the distance of one kilometre and a half to and from the primary school, crossing the railway line and then climbing the hill.

As a child of the baby boom generation, I received a good education at school, encouraged by my parents and the local teachers. My career followed the only possible way open through the national education competitive examinations. Escaping the usual destinies allocated at that time to girls in the small industrial towns, I became a boarder student of the Ecole Normale de Filles that trained future teachers at Dijon. There, I could get fleeting but deep impressions from a beautiful regional capital; I greatly admired the architecture and the traces of Burgundy’s rich past while observing without much using a higher level of urban services. Entering the Ecole Normale Supérieure at Fontenay-aux-Roses was a double chance of getting a first salary and discovering Paris. It took me some time to decipher the most elementary codes of the capital, to perceive the assets of a large city, to measure its power and diversity, and to learn how to take advantage of the metropolitan facilities.


Figure 1 - Prof. Pumain at the 6th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography that she co-organised with Thérèse Saint- Julien at Chantilly (France) in September 1989. She writes: “Here, I invited Peter Allen (left) and Wolfgang Weidlich (right). The Brussels school of dissipative structures (Ilya Prigogine) and the Stuttgart group of synergetics (Herman Haken) met there for the first time.”

This experience perhaps partly explains my attraction to geography, first as an opening onto the world, then as a scientific discipline. I hadn’t travelled much as a child, but the excursions organised by the ENS to Portugal, Ireland (my first plane trip in 1966), and Italy were excellent introductions to reading landscapes. My curiosity about the regularities of the urban hierarchy was aroused at university by lectures given by Pierre George, Philippe Pinchemel and Michel Rochefort. It was further sharpened during the preparation of a master’s thesis with Marie-Claire Robic on migration to and from French urban areas between 1954 and 1962, under the supervision of Philippe Pinchemel in 1968.

I succeeded with the competitive examination called “aggregation” in 1969, which assured me of a career in secondary education. Still, I had caught the research bug, and a France-Québec grant enabled me to start a post-graduate thesis on the history of geography in Québec. Spending one year in Montreal and discovering geographies other than that of the French school was a rewarding experience. Reading a Master thesis by Leslie King initiated me about the gravity model that would have helped me so much in my previous analyses of interurban migrations; I also learnt there to use computers with software such as Fortran and SPSS. In 1970, I got a job as a lecturer at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, which confirmed my vocation for education and research.


Figure 2 - A multilevel conceptualization of complex urban systems in space and time of social interactions

The main question guiding my research became apparent when I wrote my doctoral thesis (the French “thèse d’État”), which I defended in May 1980. How can we explain the fact that all the well-connected cities in a given area are growing at more or less the same rate and undergoing very similar qualitative transformations in their economies, societies and cultural and material components over decades while, at the same time, all the local people and institutions involved feel that they are taking intelligent, original and autonomous action? How can we overcome this paradox and build a scientific theory to help those involved in spatial planning?

The most comprehensive theory available to geographers and specialists in regional and urban economics at the time was the central places theory. Conceived at a time before the intense phase of global urbanisation that happened in the second half of the 20th century, this theory needed to be supplemented, firstly to take account of the processes involved in locating economic activities that were not solely services to the population (manufacturing, tourism, etc.), and secondly to integrate dynamic processes in order to explain, or even predict, how cities evolve, how settlement systems have been built and why they are so persistent in their hierarchical organisation and functional differentiation.

The question of the scale of observation is essential for theoretical construction. Geographers have long favoured medium-sized scales to understand territories and their evolution. At the time, the data available at the individual level was very scarce or very difficult to access, so I started, through various research programmes and then in collaboration with Thérèse Saint-Julien and PhD students, tobringtogethertheoreticalelements borrowedfromvariousdisciplines and to collect databases that had to be harmonised, on the demographic and economic development of cities in France and Europe, later on in many large regions of the world (figure 2).

A first achievement was to disentangle the huge and sometimes confusing literature about the distribution of city sizes in systems of cities. The “rank- size rule”, as named by Zipf, was a bridge for understanding a structure of inequalities that is common to many open systems. Still, only the stochastic model of urban growth proposed by Robert Gibrat in 1931 offered a convincing statistical explanation that could be tested. This was done in the book called “La dynamique des villes” that I published at Economica in 1982. The statistical description of population growth repartition was a good approximation for coining how urban hierarchies evolve, but the underlining social and economic processes that really explain it had to be specified.

After reviewing the literature on the functional diversity of cities, Thérèse Saint- Julien and I made a first breakthrough by publishing “The dimensions of urban change” in 1978. We explained in this book how the economic profile of cities transformed over time under almost homothetic processes thanks to the spatial diffusion of innovations and how this process could explain the rather long persistency of relative urban functional specialization. We also demonstrated how new specialization could occur when disruptive innovation propagated incrementally among selected subsets of cities that already had the required mix of adaptive assets. Indeed, that work first documented the process that is now called “coevolution” in systems of cities (figure 3).

We mainly used temporal multivariate analysis to process the data at that time. Contrary to economists whom I met in the computer centre of my university, who handled time series, we had to invent methods for comparing cross-sectional tables at successive dates. The validity of our interpretations was more or less ensured by repeating the analyses, comparing different sets of indicators and using statistical tests. On the whole, the principles of the methodology I used to construct the evolutionary theory of urban systems, which I published in 1997, have not changed much: to search for, diversify and harmonise empirical data sets adapted to the questions at stake, to extract information through statistical analysis, to construct models that summarise the regularities in the results, to go into greater depth for interpreting deviations from the models in order to identify geographical specificities and seek to explain them by processes not yet incorporated into the models.

Over the years, I’ve kept a close eye on theoretical developments, trying to understand the possible contributions of disciplines offering concepts and tools useful for formalizing urban evolution. The first of these were statistical methods, multivariate analysis, probability, topology, geostatistics and autocorrelation, a very active group of some 80 geographers who were introduced to annually through continuing education courses from the early 1970s onwards. From an epistemological point of view, I closely followed the development of systemic paradigms. During the 1970s and 1980s, I attended the meetings of the AFCET (Association pour la Cybernétique Economique et Technique). It provided me with essential insights into how other disciplines formulated questions relating to the organisation and dynamics of the objects they dealt with. I have used some of their formulations that I felt could be adapted to geography while striving to go beyond simple analogies to develop explanations that make sense for the human and social sciences.


Figure 3. Schematic view of urban dynamics with feedback effects

From 1981 to 1986, while keeping a few courses at University, I had a position as a researcher at the Institut National d’Études Démographiques. I took part in two major conferences in 1981, one at MIT on the “system dynamics” of Jay Forrester and the other one in Brussels on self-organising systems. The concepts of “dissipative structures” and “order through fluctuation” and the epistemological conception of self-organising open systems (including the irreversibility of path trajectories and possibly different qualitative structures produced by the same dynamic quantitative processes) were especially appealing. Because the self-organisation theories described processes exhibiting formal similarities to those we had observed when analysing urban change, I got in touch with Peter Allen in 1982 at a conference about entropy at the University of Créteil. We began a fruitful collaboration with researchers of the Brussels School who were developing models for economics and geography. One of their software, written in Fortran, enabled us to test an economic and spatial development model in four large conurbations that Lena Sanders deeply explored in her doctoral thesis. In fact, Ilya Prigogine prefaced the book “Villes et auto-organisation” that I published with Lena Sanders and Thérèse Saint- Julien in 1989 with the Economica publisher.

At that time, we had already developed regular contacts with the Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), and we received the French and English publications distributed to registered members. I sometimes participated  in  the  American  and  Italian  Regional  Science  Association 

congresses. Still, I followed more assiduously the meetings of the European Colloquia on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG), which have been held every two years since 1978 (with Thérèse Saint-Julien we organized one at Chantilly in 1989 (see figure 1). I think I’m the only person to have attended them all, including the most recent one in Braga in 2023. The two-week summer schools funded by NATO and organised by the American geographer Dan Griffith in San Miniato in 1982 and in Hanstholm in 1984 were certainly the most inspiring and fruitful meetings in terms of scientific collaboration.


Figure 4. Awarded the Vautrin Lud “Nobel Prize for Geography” in 2010

In San Miniato, I was very happy  to meet many people who are now famous scientists in Regional Science and with whom many further scientific and friendly linkages were developed. (They will forgive me for not mentioning all their names on this short notice, but they are close to my heart). I also started a very fruitful collaboration on urban dynamics models with Lena Sanders, who rapidly got a research position and joined the research laboratory created with the help of the French CNRS in 1984. In Hanstholm, we decided to collaborate with the Stuttgart School of Synergetics, mainly Günter Haag and Wolfgang Weidlich, who developed a model enabling comparisons of the spatiotemporal patterns of interregional migrations in 11 different countries. Lean Sanders wrote in 1992 a book about the application of that model to French interurban migrations that was the start of the series “Villes” by the French publisher Anthropos.

The models consisting of systems of non-linear equations were, however, not flexible enough to deal with the complex and evolving spatial interactions in territorial systems. We soon shifted towards models of multi-agent systems. With the help of computer scientists, we designed the SIMPOP series of models that was conceived to explain the hierarchical differentiation of city sizes and their functional geo-diversity. The implemented mechanisms between “agents” (i.e. collective agents that represent individual cities) are mainly: a proactive and selective propagation of innovations waves generated by interurban competition and emulation; a market exchange between urban functions; a hierarchical selection (top-down and bottom-up); the appearance of new urban functions (exogenous in first models); an expanding range of interurban interaction (as a result of space-time contraction); path dependence according to the territorial boundaries that constrain urban interaction. After 2010, with the ERC programme of the advanced grant GeoDiverCity and a team of PhD students and computer scientists, we developed powerful tools for the exploration and validation of models using genetic algorithms and distributed computing on the OpenMole platform.

Meanwhile, I had a rich and pleasant career that, among other marking events, enabled me to be a co-founder of the research laboratory P.A.R.I.S. (1984), director of the UMR Géographie-cités (CNRS 1992-2000), Chair of the Commission on Urban Development and Urban Life of the International Geographical Union (1992-2000), Director of the European Research Group S4 (Spatial Simulation for Social Sciences, 2006-2013). I am also proud to have been as early as 1996 the founder of the first electronic and open journal in Geography, Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, whose scientific direction I maintained until 2022. I also had the honour of being nominated as Recteur for the Académie of Grenoble (2000-2001), and I learned a lot about the management of education and territorial politics on this occasion.


Figure 5. “Femme en or” for innovation in 2014

I feel grateful to the members of the RSAI who have given me the honour of electing me among their Fellows. As a geographer by training, I have found common interests and subjects for discussion with many specialists in French- speaking, Italian and International Regional Science from the start of my career. The interdisciplinary approach to territories has produced remarkable advances in knowledge. I am sure that we shall continue advancing together in the following decades.

Denise Pumain

(Published on RSAI Newsletter 2023 November)

Tuesday, 09 July 2024 14:23

Alessandra Faggian

I WAS BORN IN Milan “some” (…many) years ago. My childhood was pretty normal. My parents were not academics, and I never thought I would become a university professor. In fact, I wanted to become a hairdresser when I grew up. I went to a public elementary school in a rather tough neighbourhood. We changed teachers five times in five years. I remember that because every time was a “potluck”; sometimes it was good, sometimes not so much. I was rather shy when I was a kid (maybe difficult to believe now), and I never knew if I had to raise my hand when I knew the answer to a question. Some teachers told my parents I did it too much, and others that I did it not enough. Trying to figure out the “right amount” immediately made me appreciate the saying “virtue lies in the middle”, something that accompanies me these days, as one of the things I hate the most is the extremism of any type.

In elementary school, I was picking up things quite quickly and effortlessly, and there were suggestions of making me skip grades. My parents were wise enough not to agree to this, and I am glad they did because, indeed, I was not that quick on the social side of things. My shyness meant I would rather observe others playing for a while, from a corner, before finding the courage to join in. Fortunately, that changed as I grew older.

By the time middle school came, my parents had started their own business, and the economy was booming. They decided to switch schools and send me to a private one run by nuns. I know there are many preconceptions about this type of school, but honestly, that was one of the happiest times of my life. The nuns were open-minded and very modern (I remember one of them playing basket with us), and they taught me my core values.

By the end of middle school, I was none the wiser about what I wanted to be as an adult. I had discarded the idea of becoming a hairdresser, but the final aptitude tests in 8th grade revealed I could do almost anything. “Almost” because one thing was sure, I had to keep away from any “artistic” high school (if you could see me drawing, you would understand it is a matter of “like mother like daughter”, as my father is instead very artistic). My favourite subject was mathematics, so I picked the scientific lyceum.


Alessandra Faggian following the ritual of “walking through the lions” at Bocconi University on the day of her BSc graduation

High school was a lot of fun. I graduated with top grades while also enjoying myself with friends. Thinking back to this period, I get nostalgic (which makes me feel rather old). We did not have cell phones and all the technology we have today, but that made us talk more and be more creative about what to do together. I remember hours spent sitting on small walls discussing what to do and where to go…The five years of high school were also the years to mature the “big” decision of what to do with my life. I went through several phases: biologist, interpreter and finally, engineer. By the end of high school, I was sure I wanted to become an engineer, although I was not sure what kind yet. That also went through stages. First, I wanted to study aerospace engineering (but that would have required moving from Milan); then it was mechanical engineering (I wanted to be the first mechanical engineer working for team Ferrari in Formula One, as I was a big fan). Finally, I settled for management engineering (a compromise between my parents and me).

Sure enough, once I finished high school, I enrolled in the aptitude entry test at the Politecnico di Milano for management engineering. The test went great, and I was ready to start my adventure there, but my parents wanted me to also sit the entry test at Bocconi University for Economics (their dream was for me to become an accountant). The complication started when I also passed that test…what to do? I did pick Economics in the end, but I soon realised that accounting was not my thing (in fact, accounting was the only exam I had to repeat twice!), and neither was Business Economics. Instead, I chose Political Economy, and that saved my life. We had more freedom to pick optional courses, and I simply decided, based on my curiosity – without a real plan, I admit - to combine courses on Japanese language and Japanese Economics with Environmental Economics, but also Policy Evaluation, Financial Sciences and many others. Funny enough, I did not pick the course of Urban or Regional Economics (little I knew that would have become my life!). Instead, my final thesis was on Environmental Impact Assessment.

Once done with university, reality struck. I started looking for jobs. I went for individual interviews, followed by group interviews (I hated them, I felt like a guinea pig in an experiment), aptitude tests and so on. I eventually found a temporary job in a job placement agency. I spent weeks just reading CVs and trying to match them to job profiles. It was not fun, but I kept working while looking for something better and that something better came one night, unexpectedly, in the form of a phone call from Roberta Capello. She was then a researcher at the Politecnico di Milano working with Professor Roberto Camagni (one of the forefathers of Regional and Urban Economics not only In Italy but also in Europe) and wanted me to go for an interview. She was very enthusiastic about describing her job as an academic, and I clearly remember her saying, “with this job, you will travel a lot”… Boy was she right, as that was the beginning of a career that took me around the world.

I started working with them in December 1997, just before Christmas. I enjoyed the work tremendously, and Roberto & Roberta were great teachers. I started teaching Urban Economics in March 1998. The first class was terrifying, but I really liked teaching and started feeling at ease rather quickly. Later that year, I won a scholarship to start a PhD at the University of Ancona, and in 1999 I left for a period abroad in the UK. It should have been a year, and instead, a year turned into 18. In October 1999, when I went to the University of Reading for an MSc in Regional Science, I met Philip McCann (still a lecturer back then). He was in the process of leaving for a sabbatical in Japan, but before leaving, he asked me whether I was interested in staying in the UK with a PhD scholarship to work under his supervision. It was a tough decision that took a lot of walking around Campus and soul-searching, but my instinct told me to “jump”, so I started a new chapter in my life.


(Published on RSAI Newsletter 2023 May)


We are pleased to inform you that a new issue of the Regional Statistics has been released and now it’s available online.




Dear Readers,

We are pleased to say that the 3/2024 issue of Regional Statistics has been published and available online!


Zoltán Bartha - Marco M. Matarrese: Impact of government spending shocks in the Visegrad countries, 1999Q1–2019Q4


Farkas, Richárd: How does spatial dependence affect cost pass-through? Evidence from the Hungarian retail gasoline market


Muhammad, Fajar - Setiawan - Nur Iriawan: The extended Amato index and its application to income data


Gabriela Chmelíková - Martina Zelená - Ivana Blažková: Does the location of European companies still matter for their access to finance?


Duc Huu Nguyen - Irina Petrovna Khominich: Green investment and green economic development in Russia, 2010–2021


Asad Ul Islam Khan - Rasim Ozcan - Mutawakil Abdul-Rahman - Abdul Waheed: Stock market tumble sparks crypto chaos: A crash risk spillover analysis


Tamás Molnár - Zoltán András Dániel - Katalin Molnárné Barna - Dorottya Edina Kozma: Trends in the Czech and Hungarian labour markets from a regional perspective, especially in light of the two recent crises


Somayeh Sedighi: Rents, financial development, and economic growth in MENA countries, 2000–2020



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Thursday, 04 July 2024 08:46

NARSC Update

NARSC Update

Deadline Approaching!
North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International
November 13-16, 2024 
New Orleans, Louisana

We are pleased to invite you to join us in New Orleans for the 71st North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI)!

The conference is co-sponsored by the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) and the Southern Regional Science Association.

The conference will take place in downtown New Orleans, November 13-16. The conference will cover a wide range of topics in regional science. We welcome submissions from scholars and practitioners in fields such as economics, agricultural economics, public policy, urban planning, civil engineering, geography, finance, and demography. We also encourage submissions of interdisciplinary research that relates to these topics.

We particularly encourage submissions that address current challenges facing policymakers, and the challenges facing governments, businesses, and society in adapting to pandemic-induced disruptions.

We invite proposals for the following types:

·         Individual papers to be integrated into sessions

·         Proposals for complete sessions of papers

·         Proposals for panel, roundtable, or discussions

·         Student papers for the Graduate-Student-Author Paper Competition

·         Student papers for the Graduate-Student-Led Paper Competition

We have a number of organized sessions devoted to specific topics. If you are interested in participating in one of these sessions, please contact the organizers directly. See the list of special session calls using this link. The list of sessions is updated regularly, so please check back often.

Are you interested in organizing a special session or a series of sessions? If so, please contact the Program Chair, Sandy Dall'erba (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), as soon as possible.

To submit an abstract or a complete session, please use our online submission system. The submission deadline is July 12, 2024. Decisions concerning the acceptance of papers and sessions will be announced in late August. All presenters, including members of panel discussions, discussants, and session chairs, must register for the conference and pay the registration fee in order to attend and present.

If you have questions, here is the contact information:
Program Chair: Sandy Dall'erba (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Overall Arrangements: John Sporing (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!


NARSC Hotel Reservations

A block of rooms has been reserved at the The New Orleans Marriott (555 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70130).

A special conference room rate of $219 (plus taxes) has been negotiated with the hotel. You can book your room at the conference hotel using this link. By doing so, NARSC will get credit for your booking. 


 June Issue of the NARSC Newsletter now available

Be sure and read the latest edition of the NARSC Newsletter. Learn about some of your regional colleagues in the spotlight. Also, see what is going on with journals, new government data, and upcoming regional conferences. 

The co-editors have been hard at work to make the newsletter even more useful to everyone.

Read the latest issue here: https://www.narsc.org/newsite/announcement/news-newsletter/

Page 3 of 245

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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