Elisabete Martins

Dear NECTAR friends,

Please find enclosed a call for papers for a Joint Cluster 2 and Cluster 3 International Workshop on “The role of planning towards sustainable urban mobility”, to be held at the Transport Research Centre, Brno, the Czech Republic. This meeting is scheduled for the 17th and 18th of May 2016 and abstracts are expected by the 31st of January 2016.

Best regards

Ana Condeço-Melhorado

The deadline for Abstract submission to the Special Issue "Urban Agriculture: Fostering the Urban-Rural Continuum" that will be published by Challenges in Sustainability was extended to 1st November 2015.

The Special Issue will consist of contributions selected from the 5th Rencontres Internationales de Reims on Sustainability Studies, hosted by the International Research Center on Sustainability at the Rheims University, France. The event will occur on October the 15th and 16th 2015, focussing this year on urban agriculture. For more information, please visit the website of the event at:




For aditional information, plese visit the website of the Special Issue:



We are looking forward to hearing back from you.

Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Illinois Institute of Technology
Applications are invited for a tenured position as Associate Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at IIT. We seek a methodologically engaged scholar in any social science discipline (except history and psychology) to help us develop a degree and build capacity in the broad area of Science, Technology, and Society (STS) and to contribute to an established program in Social and Economic Development Policy (SEDP).
We seek a scholar with an established record of research employing both quantitative and qualitative methods. The successful candidate will come with experience in teaching courses in advanced quantitative methods and one or more of the following topics: science and technology policy; economic development; technology transfer and adaptation; science, technology, innovation, and social change; and/or the economics of innovation.
A PhD in a related social science discipline or interdisciplinary program and a record of research, teaching and service commensurate with appointment as a tenured associate professor are minimum requirements of all applicants. A competitive salary and start-up package will be offered to the selected candidate.
IIT is a mid-sized, private, PhD-granting university with an international student body. IIT is recognized for its research and education in engineering, science, architecture, law, design, computer science, psychology, and business, and the strategic plan of the university encourages collaborations across the colleges (2006 Carnegie Classifications: Research University/High; Doc/STEM graduate instructional program.)
Jointly with other departments in the Lewis College of Human Sciences, the department also offers a BS in Applied Analytics as well as a BS/JD with Chicago-Kent College of Law and a BS/MPA co-terminal degree with the Stuart School of Business. A medium-term goal is to add an interdisciplinary graduate program. The department is located on the main campus, south of Chicago’s downtown Loop area. Additional information about the university and the department can be found at http://humansciences.iit.edu/social-sciences.
Email a letter of interest, an up-to-date CV, contact information for three references, a research statement, a teaching statement, three representative publications, and syllabi from courses taught that are relevant to this position to: Gwen Murphy, Social Sciences Department Coordinator, Lewis College of Human Sciences, Illinois Institute of Technology, 3301 S. Dearborn St., Siegel Hall 116, Chicago, IL 60616; email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Review of applications begins October 26, 2015, and continues until the position is filled.
Illinois Institute of Technology is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Thursday, 01 October 2015 16:16

Professor Dr. Horváth Gyula (1951-2015)

Professor Dr. Horváth Gyula (1951-2015)

gyulaHungarian social science has suffered a great loss with the tragically sudden death of Gyula Horváth. Gyula Horváth was for 15 years Director-General of the Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, he was also scientific advisor of the HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, professor of the University of Pécs and Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Gyula Horváth would have been 64 years old on the 4th of October.

With his passing we have lost a friend, scientist, professor, establisher of scientific schools and organiser of scientific research who was irreplaceable not only for his immediate fellow workers but also for his city and region and the larger domestic and international scientific community.

Gyula Horváth was an internationally acknowledged and leading personality within Hungarian regional science. His research focused on the exploration of spatial processes in Europe, Hungary and the Carpathian Basin. He was an extremely productive scientist and he published his scientific achievements in dozens of monographs, edited volumes, as well as several hundreds of scientific studies in Hungary and abroad. He successfully and frequently obtained research grants both in Hungary and from international sources in order to promote scientific endeavour at the Centre for Regional Studies. His knowledge was also frequently sought by regional development agencies, planning authorities, and several different international expert bodies. He was also a founding figure of modern Hungarian regional studies and established doctoral schools in regional science as well as university educational programmes. The trans-border schools of Hungarian regional science were organised with his assistance. Scientific schools and generations of scholars are thankful for all his support.

Gyula Horváth was a central figure in the scientific community. He was the founding president of the Hungarian Regional Science Association, a member of the Kossuth and Széchenyi Award’s Architectural and Regional Development Subcommittee. He was the president of the Committee on Regional Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member of the Academia Europaea (London), and of the Hungarian Science Abroad Presidential Committee. He was also member of the Executive Board of the Association of European Schools of Planning and the regional policy evaluation committee of the Research and Technological Development Programme of the European Union. He also served on the editorial boards of different domestic and international journals.

Besides several other prizes and awards he was granted the Széchenyi Scholarship, the Pro Regio Award, the Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Government’s Széchenyi Award. His rising scientific career, nomination as the corresponding membership of the HAS and his submitted application for the position of the Director General of the CERS HAS were interrupted by his tragic departure.

His colleagues, the domestic and international regional scientific community, and a large community of academics, politicians and civil society actors committed to regionalism and decentralisation are all affected by this loss.

The CERS HAS Institute for Regional Studies will always remember him and will make all efforts to implement his vision. His absence is painful, he is irreplaceable and, at the same time, he has provided us much intellectual motivation to continue his work and to further represent the spirit of regionalism.

The collective of the HAS Centre for Regional Studies shares the pain of his family. 

Abstracts welcome on any area, including transport, service analysis and planning, economic geography, urban and rural planning, crime, tourism etc: please send to Graham Clarke; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 31st December 2015


Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Tenure-Track Positions in Urban and Regional Planning
September 2015
The Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (IIT) is seeking to expand its program with a tenure-track faculty position. The position is open-rank – both junior and senior academics may apply. The appointment can start in October 1, 2016 or later. Salary and compensation are compatible with Israeli university standards.
The successful candidate will have demonstrated exemplary scholarship and teaching in his/her field (as compatible with his or her academic rank). Applicants must hold a
Ph.D. degree in economics, urban planning or in a related field with an academic background and focus on economics.
We are especially interested in candidates specializing in:
- Urban and regional economics
- Housing and real estate economics
- Spatial statistics, spatio-temporal and data-driven analyses of decision making in spatial planning
Successful candidates will be expected to teach graduate-level economics courses for planners, supervise Master’s theses and Ph.D. dissertations, conduct cutting-edge research, and participate in Faculty (school) and university-wide activities. The rank will be determined in accordance with the candidate's record and accomplishments.
Prior knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary and teaching may be conducted in English.
About the Technion and the Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning The Technion is the leading university of science and technology in Israel and is
regarded among the top institutions of its kind worldwide. In the past decade, three of its faculty members won two Nobel prizes. The Graduate Program in Urban and
Regional Planning (within the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning) was founded in 1969. It is the only planning program in Israel offering a Master’s and PhD planning
degrees accredited by the Council for Higher Education. The Program was the first program to join the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) as a
corresponding member, and the first non-European program to join the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). Currently there are 140 M.Sc students and 30
Ph.D. students at the program.

The Technion is located in Haifa in the green Mount Carmel area in the northern part of Israel with breathtaking views. The city offers excellent housing, education and
other public services and high quality of life. The City is the locus home of much of Israel’s renowned high tech industry.
For more information about our graduate studies, please see the faculty web site at: http://architecture.technion.ac.il/en/ 

Applicants should submit the following materials in both electronic and hard copy:
1. Letter of interest describing the research areas, teaching experience and future interests.
2. Curriculum vitae including list of publications.
3. Names and contacts of three potential referees.
The review process will start on January 1, 2016 and will continue until the position is filled.
Applications should submit to Dr. Pnina Plaut Program Chair
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning
Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa, 32000 Israel

Dear Colleagues,

We cordially invite researchers, scientists and experts to participate in the 15th Ernestas Galvanauskas’ International Scientific ConferenceRETHINKING REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS, which will be held on 26th – 27th November, 2015 in Siauliai, Lithuania. Please find more information in the attached invitation.

Registration deadline – November 2, 2015. (http://smf.su.lt/registracijos/galvanausko)

We kindly ask you to forward this information to other colleaguesthat may be interested in the conference.

We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this mail.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Best regards,

Conference Organizers 

Thursday, 01 October 2015 16:02

NECTAR book launch - invitation

Dear NECTAR members,

you are warmlyinvited to attend the event:  "ICT for transport in London: solution or barrier for current and future mobility challenges?" at the University of Greenwich,

marking the launch of a book on this theme published by Edward Elgar: "ICT for transport: opportunities and threats" within the NECTAR Series on Transportation and Communications Networks Research.

The event will include presentations by the editors Dr Nikolas Thomopoulos and Dr Moshe Givoni as well as selected chapter authors.

A panel discussion followed by a Q&A session will conclude the event.

Panellists include:

-   Professor David Banister (Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford)

-   Adam Greenfield (Urbanscale and LSE)

-   Hiro Aso (Transportation and Infrastructure, Gensler)

You can preview and order the book on-line here: http://www.e-elgar.com/ict-for-transport 

Attendants will benefit from a 35% discount coupon and will have a chance to win one of 2 free book copies offered through a prize draw by Edward Elgar Publishing.

-   When?   17:45-20:00 Monday 28th September 2015

-   Where?  Room QA063, Old Royal Naval College, SE10 9NN, London

This is a free event and open to all interested parties, but registration is required.

You can find arrival information, the agenda and register for this event here:http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ict-for-transport-in-london-solution-or-barrier-for-mobility-challenges-registration-18495432336 

If you have any queries or cannot register through Eventbrite you may contact Ms Sian Price at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Looking forward to seeing you at this book launch event in Greenwich!

Dear colleagues,

We invite you and your colleagues to our international conference "Sustainability of rural areas in practice" which will be organized on 3-4 December 2015. The conference is supported by CRP OECD programme. 

All successfully reviewed and accepted papers will be included in conference proceedings (distributed via OECD information means). Proceedings will be submitted for consideration to be included in CPCI (Conference Proceedings Citation Index, an integrated index within Web of Science, Thomson Reuters). Selected papers will be published in a special issue of European Countryside scientific journal included in the SCOPUS database.

Selected papers will be presented during the sessions. A poster session will be also organized.

For further details please refer to www.surap.eu website.

Don’t hesitate to postpone the information to your colleagues.

With kind regards

Marcela Chrenekova, PhD.

Department of Regional and Rural Development

Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development

Slovak University of Agriculture

Trieda A. Hlinku 2

94976 Nitra

The Slovak Republic

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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