Elisabete Martins

First Call 

We announce the first Call for Sessions and abstracts for the EUROGEO 2016 Conference, which will take place 29-30 September 2016 in Malaga, Spain. EUROGEO invites abstracts from participants working in all areas of geographical research and development. To register and submit an abstract visit the Conference Web pages.


EUROGEO 2016 will focus on the transformative nature of geographic information, the ways geographers are thinking spatially about people, environments, and the relationships between them and how they can contribute to the achievement of a better world.
The theme of the conference is "Geographic Information: for a better world". Geographic Information: for a better world will provide opportunities to demonstrate the dynamic nature of geographical research of changing natural and social settings, studying the world, its landscapes, places, people and their relationships with the environment.
The conference will include paper and poster sessions, round tables and workshops. 
Registration and submission of abstracts can be done via the Conference Web pages


Publishing Your Research  

EUROGEO's journal, the European Journal of Geography (EJG) will invite conference participants to submit their articles for the conference issue based on the conference theme. 
EJG is an international, peer reviewed open access, free to download publication. The Journal is based on the European Association of Geographers’ goal to make European Geography a worldwide reference and standard. 

Monday, 09 November 2015 09:56

Regional Helix 2016 | Call for papers

Dear Colleague,

We have the pleasure of announcing:

The Regional Helix 2016  [http://helix2016.ipcb.pt]

An International Conference on Regional Triple Helix Dynamics

"The Challenges of Triple Helix Interactions on Less Favoured Regions"

To be held from the 29th of June to the 1st of July, at the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal.

The conference encompasses a broad spectrum Triple Helix related subjects. It is devoted to discussion of current research and applications regarding basic directions of Triple Helix development directions.

Focus: Innovation | Entrepreneurship | Territorial Competitiveness

>>Boosting innovation, entrepreneurship and competitiveness in regional triple helix spaces

Sectors and smart specialisation:Agriculture - Forest - Tourism - Mechatronics - Health & Wellness - Creative Industries -  Biotechnology  - Energy - Higher Education

>>A space for interaction between entrepreneurs, academics, policy makers and technologists

>>Regional HELIX Conference 2016 | Triple Helix Exhibition | Challenge to entrepreneurial ideas

Publication opportunities in journals of recognized international prestige.

We thank all the broadcasting of this event throughout the institutional website and your contact networks.

Thank you very much

Best wishes

The Organizing Committee

Last chance to register – last seats available!

TransportNET is hostinga Course on Freight Transport & Logistics from 23 to 28 November 2015 at University of Lisbon, in Lisbon (Portugal). This course is open to professionalmanagers (from industry and public authorities) and academic researchers (professors, senior researchers, PhD students) from all kinds of backgrounds, research fields and interests, holding at least a Master’s degree or equivalent, on a first come first served basis.

The aim of the course is sevenfold:

• To develop basic competences on current EU Freight Transport Policy;

• To develop basic understanding about the freight transport market, logistics
         sector and supply chains;

• To understand the demand for freight transport services;

• To develop competences on transport economic (costs and pricing formation);

• To develop competences in the production of intermodal freight rail services;

• To develop competences in the monitoring and assessment of the performance
         (KPIs) of multimodal freight transport services;

• To develop awareness about freight transport and logistics sectors around the

The lectures of this 6-day course cover among others following topics:

  • Trends in Supply Chains and Logistics
  • Freight Transport Policy & Regulation
  • Freight Transport Technology
  • Information and Communication
  • Freight Transport Infrastructure
  • Niche markets: rail, seaports, airports, last-mile transport
  • Specific markets: The Americas, Russia, India and Australia

The course offers participants an excellent opportunity to explore the key aspects of freight transport and logistics through interactions between academia and the business real world. Course participants will get an attendance certificate and a credit certificate upon successful completion of the evaluation. For doctoral programs, the whole course corresponds to 4.5 or 6 ECTS credits, depending on the assignments taken.

Participants can apply either for the whole program or for separate course days.

Full information, tariffs and registration possibilities are available through the course web page.

The course is open to participants on a first come-first served basis. The maximum number of attendants is limited.

TransportNET is supporting the annual Air Transport Colloquium hosted by the Department of Transport and Regional Economics (TPR) of the University of Antwerp, which will take place this year on Thursday 3 December 2015. The brand-new program is available online. As in the previous events,you can expect many interesting contributions from top-level academics as well as industry stakeholders. This year the program includes presentations by experts from academia and the aviation industry on the topic 'It's all about money. Growth, cash and profitability in the air transport sector'. The colloquium concludes with a panel discussion.

So register now for the Air Transport Colloquium 2015!

Monday, 09 November 2015 08:48

AESOP Newsletter 11/2015 - November 05


Call for the Events Officer 2016-2020

Published at: 4 November 2015

The Events Officer (EO) is a Member of the Executive Committee of AESOP with the responsibility to launch, overview and report the preparation of the major events in which AESOP is directly involved (e.g. the Annual Congress, the PhD Workshop, the Heads of Department Meeting), in close collaboration with the respective Local Organizing Committees.

Application deadline: January, 15th, 2016

Research Design in Urban Planning: a student's guide

Published at: 4 November 2015

Research Design in Urban Planning is a short, accessible, and clearly written text on how to design research for a dissertation planning project. Aimed at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels...

Research Design in Urban Planning: a student's guide

CFP: Corrupt places - Call for chapter proposals

Published at: 28 October 2015

Edited by Francesco Chiodelli (Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy), Tim Hall (University of Winchester, UK) and Ray Hudson (University of Durham, UK)

TeMA Journal of Land Use Mobility and Environment - Call for Papers 2016

Published at: 27 October 2015


In the forthcoming decades, cities will face a range of social, economic and environmental challenges that might produce, over time, big lifestyle changes and influence cities way of living...

Urban Planning Faculty Positions, all ranks - Columbia University, New York

Published at: 26 October 2015

The Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) at Columbia University invites applications for full-time, open-rank faculty positions in Urban Planning in the tenured, tenure-track and professor of practice categories.

Annual Conference - International Journal of E-Planning Research

Published at: 25 October 2015

«Urban E-Planning: Recent Developments, Emerging Issues and Future Challenges»

Annual Conference - International Journal of E-Planning Research

Senior Lecturer - Designing Cities at the University of Westminster

Published at: 23 October 2015

Senior Lecturer Designing Cities, at the University of Westminster, London.
This Senior Lecturer position contributes to undergraduate teaching for our new course on Architecture and Planning: 'Designing Cities'...


Acknowledgment to the Institute of Economics, Zagreb

Published at: 22 October 2015

The AESOP and ERSA communities are greatly indebted to the Institute of Economics, Zagreb for hosting the Series of Lectures "Creative industries'...

Acknowledgment to the Institute of Economics, Zagreb

World Town Planning Day Online Conference

Published at: 21 October 2015

Registrations Now Open
World Town Planning Day Online Conference
4-6 November 2015

World Town Planning Day Online Conference

2 PhD positions in Human Geography at Stockholm University

Published at: 20 October 2015

PhD students in Human Geography (2)

at the Department of Human Geography...

EURA Conference 2016

Published at: 17 October 2015

Call for Papers
EURA Conference 2016 Torino

City lights
​Cities and citizens within/beyond/notwithstanding the crisis...

Associate Professor Sustainable Governance Landscapes (tenure track)

Published at: 16 October 2015

Groningen University is searching for Senior Lecturer / Associative Professor
Tenure Track Associate Professor Sustainable Governance Landscapes


Cities in Crisis. Socio-spatial impacts of the economic crisis in Southern European cities

Published at: 14 October 2015

CITIES IN CRISIS. Socio-Spatial Impacts of the Economic Crisis in Southern European Cities.
Edited by Jörg Knieling and Frank Othengrafen

Cities in Crisis. Socio-spatial impacts of the economic crisis in Southern European cities

Unique Fellowship for Top Female Scientists

Published at: 14 October 2015

Unique Fellowship for Top Female Scientists

Faculty/department Level PhD
The fellowships are awarded at the Assistant, Associate or full Professor level.
Duration of contract 6 years with...

Conflict in the City: Contested Urban Spaces and Local Democracy

Published at: 13 October 2015

Gualini, E., Morais Mourato, J. and Allegra, M. (eds.) (2015)

Conflict in the City: Contested Urban Spaces and Local Democracy

AESOP-ERSA Lecture Series / Lecture 9

Published at: 11 October 2015

Creative industries' click with the economy… City slickers?

Klaus R. Kunzmann
Bénédicte Le Ray
Katarina Bačić and Ivana Rašić Bakarić

21st October 2015, Zagreb

AESOP-ERSA Lecture Series / Lecture 9

Landscape Democracy 2015 - Online Seminar

Published at: 7 October 2015

October 29 2015 - January 26, 2016

This online seminar is addressed to anyone with interest in making landscape policy and practice more democratic. We invite students and...

Landscape Democracy 2015 - Online Seminar

Symposium UPE 12

Published at: 6 October 2015

CITIES FOR US engaging communities and citizens for sustainable development...

12th Symposium of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association (IUPEA)
1st UPE Lusophone (Portuguese) Symposium.

May 31 - June 3, 2016  //  LISBON, Portugal

Faculty Position in Physical Planning and Design

Published at: 5 October 2015

Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
University of Michigan

IV WPSC – World Planning Schools Congress

Published at: 29 September 2015

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-8 July 2016


Acknowledgments to the University of Bremen

Published at: 29 September 2015

AESOP Community would like to express a word of gratitude to the University of Bremen - Institute of Labour and Economy (IAW) for the remarkable...

Emerging Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in Urban E-Planning

Published at: 23 September 2015

Carlos Nunes Silva (ed.) (2015). Emerging Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in Urban E-Planning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 380 pp. ISBN13:...

Emerging Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in Urban E-Planning

Mobility Patterns and Urban Structure

Published at: 23 September 2015

Edited by Paulo Pinho and Cecília Silva, Oporto University, Portugal

Despite extensive efforts to understand the overall effect of urban structure on the current patterns of urban mobility, we are still far from a consensual perspective on this complex matter...

Mobility Patterns and Urban Structure

9° INU STUDY DAY: Green and Blue Infrastructures, Virtual, Cultural and Social Networks Naples, December, 18th 2015 Department of Architecture – University of Naples Federico II Via Forno Vecchio 36 - Naples

Published at: 3 September 2015

9° INU STUDY DAY: Green and Blue Infrastructures, Virtual, Cultural and Social Networks. Naples, December, 18th 2015 - Department of Architecture...

46th Annual Conference of the Urban Affairs Association

Published at: 3 September 2015

Conference Theme: Social Justice in the Global City?
Contested Views on...

Monday, 09 November 2015 09:43

A new prize, 'RSAI Young Researchers Prize'

A new prize, 'RSAI Young Researchers Prize' will be given for the first time at the RSAI World Congress 2016 in Istanbul. . Please find attached a document about this Prize. This information can be also found on the RSAI website: http://www.regionalscience.org/~r1114egion2da0alh/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=1529%3Arsai-young-researchers-prize&Itemid=876

Wednesday, 04 November 2015 14:21

RSAI Young Researchers Prize

Winners 2024

1st Place    2nd Place

1placeKenneth Castillo-Hidalgo

Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

"Mines, fields, or classrooms: Effects of primary activities agglomeration on local human capital accumulation"


2placeMaria Kubara

University of Warsaw

"Unravelling causal CBD impact on technological startup survival"

Winners 2021

1st Place

Karina Acosta, Cornell University - "Small area estimation of multidimensional poverty: The case of Cambodia"

2nd Place

John Emmanuel Villanueva, University of the Philippines-Diliman - "Political dynasties and human development investments: Evidence of linkage from Rizal province, Philippines"

Winners 2018

1st Place - Two winners

Dpsita Dhar, Jawaharal Nehru University -"Migration and labor market: a continued case of occupational segregation and caste dominance"

Alexander Lehner, University of Bologna - "450 years of Portuguese colonialism in India: missionaries, education, gender gaps"

2nd Place - Two winners

Deepak Sethia, Indian Institute of Management - "Regional distribution of federal transfers and expenditure in India"

Raya Das, Jawaharal Nehru University - "Low repayment capacity and high indebtedness among agricultural households in India: sustainability of the sector as a source of livelihood"



The RSAI Young Researchers Prize aims to showcase the research of young scholars in regional science through paper presentation and in-depth discussion organized at the Regional Science Association World Congress. Upon acceptance, competing papers will be presented in the RSAI Young Researchers Sessions, where the young scientists will be provided with extra time to present and receive feedback. Every paper will be assigned to a discussant, and the sessions will be chaired by senior researchers.


  • All submissions have to be written and presented in English.
  • Applicants should be less than 35 years old on 31 December of the year of the conference and should not yet hold a senior faculty position. In the case of multiple authors this rule applies to all of the authors.
  • The papers should not have been submitted to a journal for publication.
  • A cover page should include the paper's title and abstract and full name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of all authors. Affiliation to academic institutions should be stated clearly.
  • The papers should be submitted through the World Congress page. The authors should select “RSAI Young Researchers Session” while submitting, in order to be considered for the prize. Papers that are not accepted for RSAI Young Researchers Sessions (when not satisfying all criteria above) will be assigned to ordinary sessions.


The first prize winner will receive € 600. A second prize of € 300 will also be awarded. All accepted papers will have a reduced registration fee in the Regional Science World Congress. The funding for the prizes is covered by RSAI.


The RSAI Young Researchers Prize Jury consists of 5 members appointed by the Local Organizing Committee in consultation with the RSAI Executive.

This year’s (2024) committee is made up of

  1. Balazs Forman (LOC, JvN)
  2. Jozsef Karpati (LOC, JvN)
  3. Ilona Palne-Kovacs (MRTT President, University of Pécs)
  4. Sarah Low (NARSC, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  5. Hee-Jung Jun (PRSCO, Sungkyunkwan University)

The Chair and the Secretary of the Jury will allocate papers and presentations to other members and, if necessary, will propose other reviewers.

Each Jury Member has one vote in the final selection of prize-winning papers.

  • cologo

    ESPON Seminar

    “A world without borders

    Refugees, cooperation and territories”

    in Luxembourg City, 8 and 9 December 2015


    Join the ESPON Seminar and hear from key note speakers on the territorial aspects of refugee migration, the cross-border cooperation, the monitoring for macro-regions as well as on the implementation of the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme.


    Confirmed speakers Include:

    • Frank Vansteenkiste, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, LU
    • Sandra Di Biaggio, ESPON EGTC
    • Daniel Rauhut, NIBR
    • Mart Grisel, EUKN
    • Romana Mynarikova, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, DE
    • Arni Narain, Department for Communities and Local Government, UK
    • Beatrice Taulegne, Committee of Regions
    • Peter Mehlbye, ESPON EGTC
    • Marianne Guérois, UMS RIATE
    • Jean Peyrony, Transfrontier Operational Mission
    • Nathalie Verschelde, EC DG Regional and Urban Policy
    • Jean-Claude Sinner, Ministry for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, LU
    • Teodora Brandmüller, Eurostat
    • Andrea Mairate, EC DG Regional and Urban Policy
    • Talis Linkaits, Baltic Sea Region
    • Roland Arbter, Danube Region
    • Andreja Petković, Adriatic and Ionian Macro Region
    • Tobias Chilla, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
    • Thiemo Eser, Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Development, LU
    • Daniel de Groot, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, NL


    The event is organised in cooperation with the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the EU within the framework of the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme.


    See the full programme here.


    Registration by Tuesday 1 December 2015 at 15h00 online here.

Dear NECTAR friends,

Please find attached the call for paper for the next CL 8 meeting on "Big data: a new opportunity for urban transport and mobility policies". This meeting will be held at JRC-IPTS premises in Seville during the 10-11 of March 2016.

Kind regards

Ana Condeço

NECTAR secretary


Call for Papers



Smart Specialization aims an effective use of resources in space and time, based on a careful analysis of the existing capabilities of cities, regions or countries, involving multiple stakeholders in a mechanism of governance that explore mutual synergies so that countries, regions, places and persons can be competitive and sustainable in the global economy.


The aim of this workshop is to evaluate the evolution of the application of this concept in Portugal looking not only at programs and projects but mainly in the attitude of the various stakeholders in their cities and regions.


A selection of the papers presented will be published in a special issue of RPER (Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais / Portuguese Review of Regional Studies).


Abstracts Submission

Abstract Submission Deadline: December 27, 2016

Results of the review process will be communicated to authors by approximately: January 1, 2016

Abstract submission should include:

1) Title of the Paper

2) Author Information

3) Abstract Text (500 words limit) should include:


    Data / Methods

    Results / Expected Results

4) Key words

Abstracts should be submitted electronically, as a Word File, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., indicating in the subject “23 Workshop APDR - Abstract" and in the body the topic.



Smart Specialization.

        o   Integration and Rooting of Foreign Direct Investment

        o   Institutional Innovation for Smart Specialization

        o   Technological Innovation for Smart Specialization

        o   Small Scale Smart Specialization

Regional Policy.

        o   Learning from failures and achievements of Regional Policy

        o   Regional Policy and Smart Specialization

        o   Regional Convergence and Smart Specialization

        o   Evaluation Policy Tools for Smart Specialization

Regional Cooperation and Regional Conflicts.

        o   Understanding Regional Conflicts from a Regional Science Perspective

        o   Globalization and Borders of Economic Integration

        o   European Integration and European Borders

        o   European Integration and Country Disintegration


All information at: http://www.apdr.pt/evento_23 


We count on you. Send us your contribution!


Key Bridge Marriott, Arlington, VA

March 31, 2016 – April 2, 2016

The 55th annual meetings of the SRSA will be held in Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 31- April 2, 2016. Please contact Brian Cushing, Program Chair and President-Elect if you have any questions. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

conference will begin Thursday afternoon and run through Saturday afternoon. Early registration at $325 is open through January 15, 2016 and regular registration is at $375 through March 15, 2016. Included in the registration fee are two lunches (Friday and Saturday) and a Friday evening social.

The conference hotel is Key Bridge Marriott, and the conference rate is $179 plus tax per night. 



Conference Information

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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