Elisabete Martins

Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research has published the 60th Issue, the third volume corresponding to 2024.

Below you will find the summaries of the papers published in this volume, which can be accessed at https://investigacionesregionales.org/en/revista/issue-60/  

We invite authors to submit papers at https://investigacionesregionales.org/en/envio-de-articulos/submission-of-papers-and-others-contributions/

Special Issue 2024 Issue 60


Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver, Silvia Rita Sedita

Uncovering business and spatial dimensions of industrial districts, clusters and learning regions

The article analyzes the trajectory of industrial districts in recent decades, outlining the main lines of research and their advances, as well as the key work of Dr. Fiorenza Belussi.

Keywords: Industrial districts; clusters; innovation; regions


Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver, Carles Boronat-Moll, María Eizaguirre, Juan Antonio Márquez García

Extending the marshallian industrial districts framework: reframing types of multinationals

Recently, scholars have begun to show a reorientation of the Marshallian Industrial District (MDI) framework towards addressing topics that were not central to the mainstream, such as multinationals and their different sub-lines of research. In this study, we reflect on multinationals and their challenge to the established MID boundaries. By reviewing literature, we elaborate on, integrate and discuss types and effects of multinationals in districts, highlighting a new type of actor that has recently become more prominent: multinational private equity funds in MIDs. We elaborate on different types of multinationals in MIDs, reviewing and integrating extant evidence about private equity funds as new established realities. The study proposes new sub-lines of inquiry to extend and strenghten the MID framework.

Keywords: Multinationals; industrial districts; innovation

Philip Cooke, Rafael Boix-Doménech

A global assemblage of tax haven clusters: profit shifting, tax dodging and money laundering

In this paper, we examine tax haven clusters considering them as diverse but recognizable examples of about fifty phenomena worldwide rarely studied from an economic geography perspective. Three canonical but diverse examples of tax haven clusters are used for the analysis: Wilmington in Delaware (United States), Ireland (European Union), and Gibraltar (former European Union, now post-Brexit British Overseas Territory). The objects of study are not treated as being almost perfect expressions of the classical, canonical cluster configuration. On the contrary, we focus on the ‘agentic’ impulses of ‘desire’ motivating human action and use ‘pattern recognition’ to identify the features explaining these clusters and the ‘agentic’ actors motivating them. It is concluded that the characteristics of this type of clusters – tax haven clusters – require more recognition of the interactive and often innovative communication networks through which cluster members interact globally, given they exist within a global system akin to an ‘assemblage’. Unlike other types of clusters, we confirm their extreme dependence on the legislation on which they are based as well as their fragility in the face of legislative changes imposed from the outside.

Keywords: Clusters; assemblages; tax havens; agency; desire

Marco Bettiol, Greta Buoso, Eleonora Di Maria

Sustainability Strategies in Clusters and The Role of Communication

Environmental sustainability impacts on industrial districts and their lifecycle evolutionary processes. Nevertheless, research in this direction is scant, suggesting on the one hand, the role of lead firms of global value chains and, on the other hand, potential contributions of suppliers. The paper explores how district firms have invested in sustainability by analyzing sustainable-oriented communication strategies (certification, web, exhibitions) of Italian leather and jewelry clusters. Results show that districts are evolving by including sustainability in their strategies. A variety of sustainability strategies emerge among district firms, with differences also between firms in B2B and B2C markets.

Keywords: Communication; sustainability; jewelry; leather; cluster; certifications

Luiz Fernando Câmara Viana, Valmir Emil Hoffmann, Hugo Pinto, Isabel Diez-Vial

Do you have feet in your shoes? Innovation and resilience in a footwear industrial district in Brazil

This study examines innovation as a shock reaction in the process of regional economic resilience, focusing on a footwear industrial district in southern Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results show that innovation, a mechanism of adaptability, emerged in the industrial district not only to support economic recovery, but also to mitigate the adverse effects. Firms implemented novel marketing and sales processes, and some also had to change their information and communication systems or organisational structure to support e-commerce. As such, this study highlights the influence of adaptability on economic resistance.

Keywords: Regional resilience; innovation; adaptability; shocks

Marco Bellandi, Maria Della Lucia, Erica Santini

Humanistic place leadership, cultural enhancement, and change in industrial districts

Drawing inspiration from the works of Fiorenza Belussi on multiple paths of development in local productive systems, the essay contributes to the ongoing debate on factors facilitating such transformations, focusing primarily on industrial districts (IDs) as open learning systems. With specific reference to the Italian context, this paper recalls the delicate balance between socio-cultural and economic elements within IDs transitioning towards new paths of development, crucial for facing the current technological and societal challenges. The essay proposes to look at the possible diffusion of humanistic management (HM) and cultural enhancement of economic strategies, as new triggering factors against lock-in conditions and tendencies toward degradation during phases of ID transformation. HM prioritizes the well-being of individuals and ethical decision-making, aligning with a broader societal purpose. Cultural enhancement, rooted in a common heritage, supports place identity, and suggests bases for multiple specializations. The convergence of HM and cultural enhancement within IDs may offer to renewed place-leaderships levers for strategies of transition pointing to sustainable paths that align with broader societal goals in an era of disrupting challenges.

Keywords: Industrial districts; humanistic management; cultural-based development; place leadership

Simone Carmine, Valentina De Marchi, Roberto Grandinetti

Industrial districts, multinational corporations, and their local/global paradoxes

Over the past fifteen years, several studies have used the organizational theory of paradoxes to understand some typical organizational tensions, including that between global and local dimensions typically faced by multinational corporations. These studies analyze paradoxical tensions at the organizational or even intra-organizational level, while the paradox lens has not yet been applied to study systems such as industrial districts. This paper attempts to do so by analyzing and comparing the local/global paradox in multinational corporations and industrial districts. For the latter, the analysis rests on some empirical studies conducted on Italian districts. Moreover, as the presence of multinationals in these districts has become stronger in the recent phase, an attempt has been made to understand if and how this phenomenon impacts the local/global tension at the district level.

Keywords: Organizational paradoxes; local/global paradox; multinational corporations; industrial districts; Italy

Michaela Trippl, Simon Baumgartinger-Seiringer, Jannik Kastrup

Challenge-oriented regional innovation systems: towards a research agenda

In this letter, we reflect on recent modifications of the regional innovation system (RIS) approach that have been prompted by persistent environmental, social, and economic problems. Scholars have begun to advocate a reorientation of the RIS framework towards addressing territorial sustainability challenges and have introduced the notion of challenge-oriented regional innovation systems (CORIS). While the CORIS approach holds promise given the challenges of our time, several unresolved issues remain. We elaborate on and discuss three themes that demand further research. Firstly, there is a need for in-depth studies of the geographies of problems. Systematic analyses of the origins and interrelations of territorial challenges are high in demand. Secondly, the geographies of challenge-oriented innovation-exnovation dynamics warrant more attention. We argue that future research should delve into questions around the development, testing and upscaling of innovative solutions, as well as the unlocking and destabilisation of unsustainable practices in various spatial contexts. Lastly, we contend that a better understanding of the geographies of RIS reconfiguration is necessary. This entails shedding light on various forms of system-level agency involved in reorienting or transforming historically-grown real-world RIS in different types of regions.

Keywords: Challenge-orientation; regional innovation systems; CORIS; challenge-oriented regional innovation systems; research agenda

Silvia Rita Sedita, Amir Maghssudipour

From fashion to sustainability: the key role of industrial districts

Sustainability issues are increasingly influencing firms’ decision making, leading to the creation of new business models for finding solutions to environmental and societal challenges. This work aims to explore what is the role played by industrial districts in firms’ orientation towards sustainability. It implements a Propensity Score Matching technique on a novel datatabase with information on 1300 Italian fashion firms. Their sustainability orientation is measured using the Quantitas Intelligent Business Analyzer (QIBA), an original Natural Language Processing-based data mining technique, which allows scraping firms’ websites and analyzing their content adopting a Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency weighting scheme. Findings suggest the existence of a sustainability-driven industrial district effect, i.e. a positive association between the sustainability orientation of fashion firms and their localization in industrial districts.

Keywords: Fashion; Environmental sustainability; Social sustainability; Natural Language Processing; Industrial districts; Made in Italy

Bjørn T. Asheim

Will the post-neoliberal era represent a renaissance of industrial districts as we knew them?

We have now entered a post-neoliberal era, characterised by deglobalisation and reindustrialisation to obtain resilience and security in value chains and increase manufacturing capacity in Europe and the US.

Europe has not to the same extent suffered from deindustrialisation as the US. Typical examples of the industrial structure in Europe are the ’hidden champions’ of Germany and the industrial districts of the Third Italy. The industrial districts have been exposed to globalisation, resulting in the brake up of the original complete regional value chains through outsourcing in some sectors. However, in general the industrial districts have been surprisingly resilient during the 40 years period of neo-liberalist globalisation illustrating the ‘many possible world view’ of Sabel and Zeitlin (1985). In this contribution we ask what will the new tendencies of deglobalisation, regionalisation and Industry 4.0 digital technology mean for the future of the industrial district model? Will it imply a strengthening of the original form of industrial districts so that this model of (re)industrialisation once again takes on a position as a role model for developed economies. The intention of this letter is to introduce a discussion about this fascinating topic.

Keywords: Industrial districts; post-neoliberal era; deglobalisation; regionalisation; industry 4.0

Thursday, 26 September 2024 14:31

ERSA Monthly E-news - September 2024

ERSA Monthly news & updates

September Issue - 07/2024

In this issue you will find

  • On ERSA Agenda
  • Internal Communication
  • Journals news
  • Calls & Miscellaneous News
  • New members' publications
  • New job opportunities

We wish you a good reading

ERSA Events

#ERSA2025 returns to ONSITE participation only.THE CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS will start on 7 October. Stay tuned!

Preliminary info already available on

#ERSA2025 Congress website

22nd European Week of Regions and Cities

Empowering Communities

7-10 October 2024, Brussels, Belgium

ERSA Will involve in an outstanding session "The end of the trade-offs? Competing and converging for European democracy" including topics around #social territorial #cohesionpolicy #convergence #competitivenesspolicies #geographiesof happiness #discontent...

Registration is free but mandatory.

Registration deadline: 30 September 2024

EURegionsWeek is an unmissable event for

Academics, researchers, postgraduate students

and practitioners in the field of European

cohesion policy

More on the session

ERSA Summer School 2025

Sustainability, Innovation and Regional Development

29 June – 4 July 2025, Dresden, Germany

The event's website will be released soon.

Internal Communication

New Chairman for the British and Irish Section (RSAI-BIS)

At their recent conference in July in Bristol, the British and Irish Section elected Declan Jordan as their new Chairperson. Declan is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at Cork University Business School in University College Cork in Ireland. He has been involved with the Section for many years having previously acted as the Section's Secretary and a committee member for many years. He will be known to ERSA members as the Chair of the LOC for ERSA 2018 in Cork. One of his first tasks as Chair of the British and Irish Section will be to organise the hosting of the 51st RSAI-BIS Conference in June 2025 in Cork to which he hopes to welcome many ERSA friends and colleagues. Declan succeeded Professor Maria Abreu of the University of Cambridge as Chair, who expertly steered the Section through the difficult COVID period and ensured the Section's continued health.

We wish Declan Jordan and all new board members a fruitful term! more

Sections' events

Spanish Section: XLVIII International Conference on Regional Science

Sustainability, water and territory: regional strategies for the challenges of the 21st century

16-18 October 2024, Cuenca, Spain


MRTT XXII Annual Meeting

20 Yeras in the European Union: Catching up, territorial policy and inequalities

17-18 October 2024, Szeged, Hungary


Journals news

Global Challenges and Regional Science

Meet Editor-in-Chief Vicente Royuela & learn more about Global Challenges & Regional Science, the official open access journal of ERSA.

Read the interview here & publish your research with us via this link!

Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of

Regional Research

Special Issue 2024 Issue 60 is now available!

See all articles here.

Review of Regional Research 

Call for Papers – Spatial Contexts and Survey Data: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities in Regional Science

Guest Editors:

Julia Binder, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany

Jan Goebel, DIW Berlin – SOEP, Germany

Simon Kühne, Bielefeld University, Germany

Daniel Meyer, BBSR – Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany (Lead Guest Editor)

Antonia Milbert, BBSR – Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany 

Submission Deadline: 13 December 2024

REGION Just published, Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024)

Positive Outcomes of Cross-Border Tourism Development Cooperation: A Case of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan

Imanaly Akbar, Akmaral Tazhekova, Zabira Myrzaliyeva, Bauyrzhan Pazylkhaiyr, Serik Mominov

Read the full article open access at the REGION homepage

Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP) 

Latest issue: Volume 16, Issue 10, October 2024


Papers in Regional Science (PiRS)

Latest issues: Volume 103, Issue 4, August 2024, Issue 5 October 2024 & Issue 6 (In Progress) December 2024.


Romanian Journal of Regional Science


The Summer issue has been released: Vol.18, No.1, Summer, Issued June 2024


Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine (RERU)/Regional Economics and Urban Review

Read the most viewed article from RERU on a current topic, ZAN. more

Spatial Economic Analysis

Latest issue: Volume 19, Issue 3. This special issue bridges the gap between spatial and macroeconomics and contains 11 articles on spatial macro theory and their empirical applications. more

More on all ongoing journals' calls

Calls & News

Call for Applications - Editor-in-Chief, RSPP

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) seeks candidates for the position of editor-in-chief of the official journal of the association, Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP), starting 1 January 2026 for a three-year term.

Letters of interest must be received within 14 October 2024


Call for RSAI Program Nurturing new talent 2025

Application deadline: 7 October 2024 more

Nominations for RSAI Councilors-at-large The proposals for a councilor-at-large can be sent to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 30 September 2024. Candidatures will have to include a professional CV and a photo. more

European Chair of Excellence on Circular Economy and Territories 

First edition of its Best Master’s Thesis Award, recognizing the most innovative work in the Social Sciences and Humanities on circular economy. The prize is €500.

Application deadline: 20 December 2024 more

Online Seminar

The winner of the Roberto Camagni scholarship, Duygu Buyukyazici, will hold a seminar on the theme of 'Has Europe Overcome the Status Quo Bias? Institutions and Circular Economy Transition in the European Regions'.

You can follow at



ERSA-RSAI Members Publish

Kolkata — The Colonial City in Transition

Reflections in Geographies of Urban India

1st Edition


Sumana Bandyopadhyay, University of Calcutta and President of Regional Science Association, India


More information from the publisher

Handbook of Social Infrastructure: Conceptual and Empirical Research Perspectives


Anna-Theresa Renner, Leonhard Plank, Michael Getzner, TU Wien, Austria

Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd

More information from the publisher

Les nouvelles proximités (The new proximities)


Catherine Gall,ETI, France

Luc Gwiazdzinski,ENSAT, France

Vincent Kaufmann,EPFL, LaSUR, France

André Torre, INRAE, France

FYP Editions

More information from the publisher

See all recent publications

New publications to share?

Your are member of the RSAI-ERSA Community and you have recently published a book, grasp this opportunity to inform us about it. We are looking for

· Books published in 2024

· Preferably written in English 

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Call for Professor Positions in Planning (All Levels), Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey. Application deadline: 31 October 2024.
  • Assistant Professor in Finance, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. Application deadline: 15 November 2024.
read more

If you want to share an announcement interesting for our community, Send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will promote it via our channels

Please submit your abstract for the 2025 I-NUF Conference!

The 10th International Urban Freight Conference (I-NUF) is the premier biennial conference that addresses all aspects of city logistics and goods movement in the world’s metropolitan areas. 

Click here to visit the Conference Webpage



New Issue: Papers in Regional Science

New issue available on ScienceDirect

Cover Image Papers in Regional Science

Papers in Regional Science

Volume 103, Issue 5 , October 2024

Editorial Board

Article Number 100054


Unveiling the role of different types of local absorptive capacity: The effects of inward FDI spillovers on regional innovation

Article Number 100044

Renato Garcia, Veneziano Araujo, Suelene Mascarini, Emerson Gomes Santos, Ariana Costa, Sarah Ferreira

Discouraged exporters, regional resilience and the “Slow Burn” shock of Brexit: Unpacking the trade-related consequences for UK SMEs

Article Number 100045

Marc Cowling, Ross Brown

Opportunities or risks? Venture capital investments and regional path creation: Evidence from China

Article Number 100048

Hantian Sheng, Canfei He, Dejie He, Fang Qi

EU regional policy and local economic growth: Does banking development matter?

Article Number 100049

Paolo Coccorese

Spatial and interindustry interactions in labour productivity convergence: An Industrial Journey via Galician Shires, 2010–2018

Article Number 100051

Fernando de la Torre Cuevas, Michael L. Lahr, Edelmiro López-Iglesias

Regional R&I ventures to tackle climate change: A new geography of challenge-oriented innovation landscape

Article Number 100052

Francesco Cappellano, Anabela M. Santos, Nicola Francesco Dotti


Professor of Regional Economics, Head of Research, University of Paris-Saclay

Article Number 100037

Arnoud Lagendijk

Luigi Fusco Gerard, Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp (2023) “The Future of Liveable Cities” The Regional Science Academy, Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-37465-4

Article Number 100040

Francesca Torrieri

Handbook on Cities and Complexity

Article Number 100046

Balázs Lengyel

Read the full issue on ScienceDirect

New Issue: Regional Science Policy & Practice

New issue available on ScienceDirect

Cover Image Regional Science Policy & Practice

Regional Science Policy & Practice

Volume 16, Issue 10 , October 2024

Editorial Board

Article Number 100134

Proposing Sustainable Development and Growth Strategies for CIS-7 Countries by Investigating the Persistence of Consumption-Based and Production-Based CO2 Emissions

Article Number 100114

İlkay Güler, Yunus Emre Aydinbaş

Old wisdom and the New Economic Geography: Managing uncertainty in 21st century regional and urban development

Article Number 100124

Peter Nijkamp, Karima Kourtit, Paul Krugman, Carlos Moreno

Regional disparities, social welfare and economic development in Latin America

Inter-regional graduate migration, subjective expectations, and human capital mobility

Article Number 100110

Andrea C Blanco-Moreno

The economic impacts of the rural credit: An analysis of the Brazilian National Family Farming Strengthening Program by biome

Article Number 100115

Rafael Faria de Abreu Campos, Édson Paulo Domingues, Aline Souza Magalhães, Tarik Marques do Prado Tanure

Economic growth and regional disparities: A long-term perspective for the state of Sergipe, Brazil

Article Number 100125

Luiz Carlos de Santana Ribeiro, Olga Hianni Portugal Vieira, Kênia Barreiro de Souza, José Ricardo de Santana

The Impact of European Integration in Western Balkan Countries

Exploring managerial intentions to implement ESG Activities: The role of facilitating conditions in the UTAUT2 framework

Article Number 100126

Edin Hrnjica, Ljiljan Veselinovic, Merima Cinjarevic

Climate Economics

Carbon taxation and related vulnerability of Spanish urban and rural households in a regional level

Article Number 100123

Marina Sánchez-Serrano, Jorge Zafrilla, Mateo Ortiz, Guadalupe Arce

Book Review

The Resilient Society

Article Number 100116

Amitrajeet A. Batabyal

Read the full issue on ScienceDirect

Call for Applications - Editor-in-Chief, Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP)

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) seeks candidates for the position of editor-in-chief of the official journal of the association, Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP), starting Jan. 1, 2026 for a three-year term.

RSPP is an international journal that publishes high quality papers in applied regional science that explore policy and practice issues in regional and local development. It welcomes papers from a range of academic disciplines and practitioners including planning, public policy, geography, economics and environmental science and related fields. Papers should address the interface between academic debates and policy development and application. RSPP provides an opportunity for academics and policy-makers to develop a dialogue to identify and explore many of the challenges facing local and regional economies.

Candidates should be RSAI members in good standing, with a wide knowledge of urban and regional phenomena as well as distinguished records of scholarly contributions internationally. Candidates should also possess strong intellectual vision, leadership and organizational abilities, and experience relevant to editing a journal in the field of regional science.

The editor’s primary responsibility is to continue to enhance the journal’s quality, reputation, and scholarship. The editor will be expected to strengthen the journal’s competitive position in support of RSAI’s worldwide mission.

The editor will recommend an international team of associate editors and a book review editor to help administer the peer review process, promote excellence in content and advance editorial initiatives.

The RSPP editor reports to the RSAI Council.

Detailed information on responsibilities and on the process for applying for the editor-in-chief position is available below.

Letters of interest must be received within October 14, 2024. Candidatures will be first screened by a Search Committee appointed by the RSAI Council and comprising Prof. Hans Westlund (RSAI President); Prof. Roberta Capello (RSAI LRPC); Prof. Tomaz Dentinho (current RSPP EiC); and Prof. Isabelle Nillson (former RSPP Editor). Next, the RSAI Council will choose the new EiC at the RSAI Council meeting in New Orleans, during the November 2024 NARSC Congress. The new EiC will be appointed as RSPP associate editor during 2025, as a support to the current EiC, and for a gradual transition of the journal towards the new board.

Specific duties of the Editor-in-Chief and journal editorial office include:

  1. Maintaining and updating the aims and scope of the journal, editorial policies, and guidelines to authors.
  2. Overseeing the manuscript peer review process through the publisher’s on-line submission portal in an unbiased, confidential, and timely manner.
  3. Checking proofs and revisions to proofs.
  4. Preparing and forwarding accepted manuscripts to the publisher’s production department.
  5. Coordinating standards and practices across managing editors and managing the workload of each member of the editorial team.
  6. Maintaining close and regular contact with the publisher on marketing and production matters.
  7. Initiating and responding to correspondence with authors, managing editors, and reviewers.
  8. Recruiting, selecting, and appointing RSPP board members that reflect the diversity of regional science and addressing any performance issues.
  9. Soliciting special issues, selecting guest editors, and providing advice and assistance to guest editors.
  10. Adhering to the page budget and financial structures set by RSAI. RSAI and the publisher are responsible for managing production, layout, printing, subscriptions, pricing and funding initiatives for society publications.
  11. Appointing associate editors and a book review editor (to be approved by RSAI Council). The editorial team (editor and associate editors) will be comprised of RSAI members with high stature and respect in the community, and with the expertise to manage the breadth of regional science.
  12. Serving as a non-voting ex officio member of RSAI Council and other regional science governing bodies.
  13. Reporting to RSAI Council through regular reports at Council meetings.
  14. Reporting to the journal editorial board through board meetings held at least once a year.

Application process:

Interested individuals should submit an application package that includes:

  • A succinct letter of interest and qualifications, containing an indication of the editorial team;
  • A vision statement for the next three to six years of publication of RSPP.
  • A curriculum vitae;
  • The names and contact information of three references.

All requested information should be submitted by e-mail as a single PDF file to the RSAI Secretariat, Elisabete Martins (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

10 September 2024

A successful #ERSA2024 Congress, both online and onsite!

Dear colleagues,
it is with pleasure that I send you the report of the questionnaire on thedegree of satisfaction of the ERSA congress. All in all, the degree of satisfaction is high.
We make sure, however, that the suggestions raised will be an input for our next congress in Athens.
I take the opportunity to thank the LOC, and Tomas Dentihno in particular, for the great work done in organising the congress, and to all of you for participating.
See you all in Athens next year!
Roberta Capello, President of ERSA


In a nutshell (Online & Terceira)

872 Attendees & Presenters

830 TotalPresentations

61 Countries in Europe and beyond 

Keynote Lectures1Special event “Paul Krugman”

High-level Roundtable “OECD”

213 Parallel Sessions 55 online – 158 onsite

92 Session topics

Young ScientistsSessions

 A big thank you to ALL: keynote speakers, roundtable panelists and all presenters of #ERSA2024!

This success is above all yours!

See full Agenda

#ERSA2024 on YouTubeKeynote lectures are available now!

Keynote address by Elisa Ferreira“Cohesion Policy in a Fragmented World”

Keynote presentation by Mário Centeno“Monetary policy: how to deal with fragmentation”

Celebration Event for Paul Krugman “The New Economic Geography: Divergence Returns”

> ERSA Prize 2024 Keynote presentation by Simona Iammarino “Technological Transitions and Critical Raw Materials. Multinationals, Geopolitics and Spatial Inequality”

> Subscribe to ERSA Youtube Channel

Satisfaction Survey results

193 respondents = 22% of participants filled in our survey.(Score 5 is the maximum)

Timetable of the programme: 3.9 (online) 3.5 (onsite)

Quality of the keynote lectures: 3.6

Quality of the Parallel Sessions: 3.8

Quality of the roundtables: 3.7

Quality of the feedback received for presentation:3.9

Awardees @ #ERSA2024

2024 Recipient of the ERSA Prize in Regional Science

for her outstanding contribution to Regional Science

Simona Iammarino, University of Cagliari, Italy & London School of Economics, UK 

2024 Recipients of the ERSA Prestigious Epainos Prize

Peter Njekwa Ryberg, Jönköping International Business School

With his paper on: “Manufacturing automation and its implication for local employment outcomes: Evidence from Sweden”

Giacomo Rosso, University Of Turin & Collegio Carlo Alberto

With his paper on: “Local Economy, Housing Prices and Neighborhood Change”

2024 Recipients of the RSAI Fellow Awards

Andrea Caragliu, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Yoshiro Higano, University of Tsukuba, Japan

2024 Recipient of the Hirotada Kohno Prize

André Torre,Paris-Saclay University, France

2024 Recipients of the Martin Beckmann RSAI Annual Award for the best paper in Papers in Regional Science (PiRS)

Vicente Rios, University of Pisa, Italy, for his paper (2023): Quality of government and women’s political empowerment: Evidence from European Regions, Papers in Regional Science vol. 102, issue 6, pp. 1067-1097.

2024 Recipients of the Best Paper in Regional Science Policy and Practice (RSPP)

Eduardo Amaral Haddad, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Peter Nijkamp, Open University of the Netherlands

For the paper on: “Urban agglomeration, city size, and spatial density effects on wage flexibility: New evidence on the wage curve in Brazil. Regional Science Policy Practice 2023 15 (9) Pages 1998-2026. DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12669”

2024 Recipients of RSPP Special Issue Award

Louafi Bouzouina, LAET, ENTPE, Université de Lyon

Karima Kourtit, Open University of the Netherlands

Peter Nijkamp, Open University of the NetherlandsSpecial Issue on “Covid-19, Transport and Mobility” with 11 papers and 73 Cite Score citations (ratio 6,60) in August 2024.

ERSA Prize in Regional Science    > ERSA Epainos Prize      > RSAIAwards

On X

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose @rodriguez_pose Sept 2

Just returned from an incredible and truly stimulating #ERSA2024 in beautiful #Angra do Heroísmo, #Azores!Huge thanks to the amazing organisers, especially to @tomazdentinho, a force of nature, and his fantastic team for making it all happen.Can’t wait for #Athens2025!

Claudio Detotto @claudio_detotto Sep 1

We had an insightful morning session with the following fascinating presentations: Júlia Szőke (@university_gyor), @lciuccipoggi, @f_prota, @Martina05832243 and @rkd__rkd @ERSA_org @biancabiagi #ERSA2024

Katarzyna Kopczewska @KathyKopczewska Aug 26

What Azores can offer? A great scientific congress of regional science #ERSA2024 and amazing views from conference venue. Just waiting for a start of sessions and key note speaches! Representation of @SpatialWarsaw is there!

Vicente Royuela @VicenteRoyuela Aug 29

I can’t be more proud of the great attention  GCRS has received at the #ERSA2024 conference in Azores . Thanks to all the amazing people who approached this morning , and thanks to Rose Worrell for her support @ElsGeogPlan @ERSA_org

Make Athens your destination in 2025! #ERSA2025

To Keep up-to-date with all events on the agenda,visit our upcoming events page on our website.    
Monday, 09 September 2024 08:53

NARSC 2024 Program - First Draft

NARSC Update

NARSC 2024 Conference Program Available

The first draft of the 2024 NARSC conference is now available on the website. Please review it carefully and send edits to Sandy Dall’erba (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), if needed, by September 15, 2024. 

Examples are your name being misspelled, time conflict, co-authors missing and/or no clear indication of who will be presenting (presenter shall be underlined). Keep in mind that we will try to accommodate all scheduling requests but there is no guarantee as it is a large event.

To make the process efficient, please follow the example below when you provide feedback: i) copy the mistake and ii) provide the correction:


1.    Difference-in-Differences with externalities: model

Sandy Daellebra, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Andre Chagas, University of Sao Paulo; (Discussant: Marco Percoco, Bocconi University)


1.    Difference-in-Differences with endogenous externalities: model and application to climate econometrics

Sandy Dall'erba, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Andre Chagas, University of Sao Paulo; William Ridley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Yilan Xu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Lilin Yuan, Nankai University. (Discussant: Marco Percoco, Bocconi University)

Looking forward to seeing you in New Orleans in November.


NARSC 2024 Program Chair

NARSC 2024 Registration

Register for NARSC 2024 using this link.

Remember to reserve your hotel room below. Remember, you help NARSC by staying at the host hotel, and you get more time to meet with your colleagues!


NARSC Hotel Reservations

A block of rooms has been reserved at the The New Orleans Marriott (555 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70130).

A special conference room rate of $219 (plus taxes) has been negotiated with the hotel. You can book your room at the conference hotel using this link. By doing so, NARSC will get credit for your booking. Remember, you help NARSC by staying at the host hotel, and you get more time to meet with your colleagues!


Position Openings

Remember to check the NARSC website for position openings.

The page is constantly being updated.

NARSC Update

NARSC Leadership Positions

The North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) is seeking nominations for the following positions:

President: The President will be elected for a one-year term (starting January 1 following election). The President should be a distinguished regional scientist or other distinguished scholar. The President’s principal duty is to deliver the Presidential Address at the Meetings. The President also serves on the Honors Committee, as an additional voting Councillor during the term of office as President, and performs other duties as needed by the organization.

Councillor-at-large (non-student, two positions): Councillors-at-large will be voting members of the NASRC Council. These are elected positions, with a three-year term. The Council and its members are responsible for accepting new member organizations, electing officers, matters involving the Annual North American Meetings of the RSAI, etc.

Student representative (student only, one position): The student representative will be a voting member of the NARSC Council. This is an elected position, with a two-year term. The student representative is expected to serve for two full years, even if graduation occurs before the end of the term.

RSAI Representative:  NARSC has one vacant representative to Regional Science Association International (RSAI). This is a three-year term beginning 1/1/2025. Prof. Haifeng Qian (University of Iowa) holds the other representative position. Preference is for a representative who regularly attends NARSC and may also attend ERSA and the RSAI World Congress. Meetings will be held at NARSC, ERSA and at each World Congress (likely in 2026, perhaps later). Please send the name, email, affiliation and a brief sentence describing why the nominee would be a good NARSC representative to RSAI.

Self-nominations are encouraged, so please also feel free to nominate yourself (i.e., volunteer) for one of these positions. For more information about these positions, please refer to the NARSC Constitution: https://www.narsc.org/newsite/background-history/constitution/ or contact the Nominations Committee chair, Clio Andris (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

We encourage nominations of individuals from all the different disciplines represented in NARSC and from underrepresented groups in NARSC. Self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged for the Councilor-at-large and student representative positions. For all positions, nominators should confirm that the nominee is (i) an active NARSC member, (ii) will be present at the 69th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, November 12-16, 2024, in New Orleans, Louisiana, and (iii) willing to serve if appointed. Please send your nomination(s), along with a brief description of the nominee(s) (no more than 250 words) to Amanda Plotner at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. by September 25, 2024.

Nominations Now Open for NARSC Scholarly Awards

The Honors Committee of the North American Regional Science Council is soliciting nominations for the following awards to be given at this year's annual meeting:

1.  Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement in Regional Science

The Walter Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement is named in honor of Professor Walter Isard, father of Regional Science, founder of the Regional Science Association, and a leading scholar in the worldwide Regional Science community. Established in 1994, the award pays tribute to North American regional scientists who have made significant theoretical and methodological contributions to the field of Regional Science throughout their careers. The list of past winners of the Isard Award can be found here.  

2.  Boyce Award for Distinguished Service to Regional Science

This award honors Professor David Boyce, a prominent figure in Regional Science who promoted the Regional Science Association for a number of years and was instrumental in its long-term success. The award acknowledges the service contributions that North American members have made to Regional Science organizations. The list of past winners of the Boyce Award can be found here.  

3.  Hewings Award for Outstanding Achievement by a "Junior" Faculty

This award is named in honor of Professor Geoffrey J.D. Hewings who over the years introduced numerous graduate students to Regional Science and mentored them as young scholars. The award recognizes distinguished contributions to Regional Science research by North American scholars who have recently completed doctoral studies (within ten years of receiving a Ph.D.). The list of past winners of the Hewings Award can be found here.

4. Roger R. Stough Outstanding Mentor Award

This award is named in honor of Professor Roger R. Stough. In addition to being a renowned scholar and contributor to the development of Regional Science, Roger was an outstanding mentor to dozens of graduate students and junior faculty members. This award recognizes regional scientists who have been exceptional mentors to students, junior faculty members and underrepresented populations and communities over a lifelong career. The list of past winners of the Stough Award can be found here.  

Please send your nomination(s) by October 4, 2024, 11:59 PM PDT to Genevieve Giuliano, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Late nominations will not be accepted.


NARSC 2024 Registration

Register for NARSC 2024 using this link.

Remember to reserve your hotel room below. Remember, you help NARSC by staying at the host hotel, and you get more time to meet with your colleagues!


NARSC Hotel Reservations

A block of rooms has been reserved at the The New Orleans Marriott (555 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70130).

A special conference room rate of $219 (plus taxes) has been negotiated with the hotel. You can book your room at the conference hotel using this link. By doing so, NARSC will get credit for your booking. Remember, you help NARSC by staying at the host hotel, and you get more time to meet with your colleagues!


Position Openings

Remember to check the NARSC website for position openings.

The page is constantly being updated.

Monday, 09 September 2024 08:49

Lectureships in Real Estate and Planning

Lectureships in Real Estate and Planning

The Department of Real Estate and Planning, Henley Business School (University of Reading, United Kingdom) is seeking to appoint two new faculty members at Lecturer level.

The first position is for a lecturer in ‘Housing Markets and Policy’.  Areas of interest include: housing economics, housing finance and mortgage markets, the evolution of the ‘living’ capital markets, national and international policy developments and the role of land use planning in shaping housing market outcomes.  An interest in the impact of global megatrends such as climate change, technology and demographics on housing markets and policy developments is desirable but not essential. 

The second position is for a lecturer in ‘Real Estate’.  Areas of interest include; pricing (including valuation and investment appraisal) finance (including green finance and ESG driven investing), asset management (including health and wellbeing in buildings) and market analysis (including the analysis of the so-called ‘alternative’ real estate sectors and hotels).  An interest in the impact of technology (including Prop Tech) on the real estate sector is desirable but not essential.

For more information on the position and the person specification please visit: https://jobs.reading.ac.uk/Job/JobDetail?JobId=13664

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About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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