
Friday, 19 November 2021 13:11

The latest issue of Regional Science Policy & Practice are available! Volume 13, Issue S1, November 2021

Cover Image

Regional Science Policy & Practice
Volume 13, Issue S1
Effects and Policies of Covid-19

Pages: 1-216

November 2021

Issue Edited by: Tomaz Ponce Dentinho, Neil Reid


Free Access

Issue Information

Pages: 1 | First Published:17 November 2021


Free Access

Effects and policies of COVID‐19

Tomaz Ponce Dentinho, Neil Reid

Pages: 2-3 | First Published:17 November 2021


Free Access

Modeling region based regimes for COVID‐19 mitigation: An inverse Gompertz approach to coronavirus infections in the USA, New York, and New Jersey

Kingsley E. Haynes, Rajendra Kulkarni

Pages: 4-17 | First Published:24 March 2021


Free Access

Welfare costs of travel reductions within the United States due to COVID‐19

Hakan Yilmazkuday

Pages: 18-31 | First Published:29 May 2021

Free Access

The impact of COVID‐19 on global value chains: Disruption in nonessential goods production

Joao-Pedro Ferreira, Pedro Ramos, Eduardo Barata, Christa Court, Luís Cruz

Pages: 32-54 | First Published:05 April 2021

Free Access

Impact of Covid‐19 on the convergence of GDP per capita in OECD countries

Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho

Pages: 55-72 | First Published:12 May 2021

Free Access

Unraveling spatial patterns of COVID‐19 in Italy: Global forces and local economic drivers

Eleonora Cutrini, Luca Salvati

Pages: 73-108 | First Published:21 August 2021

Open Access

On the link between temperature and regional COVID‐19 severity: Evidence from Italy

Vicente Rios, Lisa Gianmoena

Pages: 109-137 | First Published:06 September 2021

Free Access

Is there a relationship between industrial clusters and the prevalence of COVID‐19 in the provinces of Morocco?

Ilyes Boumahdi, Nouzha Zaoujal, Abdellali Fadlallah

Pages: 138-157 | First Published:24 February 2021

Free Access

The subnational supply chain and the COVID‐19 pandemic: Short‐term impacts on the Brazilian regional economy

Eduardo Rodrigues Sanguinet, Augusto Mussi Alvim, Miguel Atienza, Adelar Fochezatto

Pages: 158-186 | First Published:07 June 2021

Free Access

Vulnerability interactive geographic viewer against COVID‐19 at the block level in Colombia: Analytical tool based on machine learning techniques

Oscar Espinosa, Jhonathan Rodríguez, Adriana Robayo, Lelio Arias, Sandra Moreno, Mariana Ospina, David Insuasti, Juan Oviedo

Pages: 187-197 | First Published:02 September 2021

Cultural and economic discrimination by the Great Leveller

Annie Tubadji, Don J. Webber, Frédéric Boy

Pages: 198-216 | First Published:17 July 2021

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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