Papers in Regional Science
Volume 94, Issue 3 Pages i - ii, 443 - 675, August 2015
The latest issue of Papers in Regional Science is available on Wiley Online Library
Issue InformationIssue Information (pages i–ii) ARTICLESAgglomeration economies in classical music (pages 443–468) Who with whom: Co-operation activities in a cluster region (pages 469–497) Industry–research co-operation within and across regional boundaries. What does innovation policy add? (pages 499–524) The two faces of R&D and human capital: Evidence from Western European regions (pages 525–551) Geographical knowledge search, internal R&D intensity and product innovation of clustering firms in Zhejiang, China (pages 553–572) Parents' education, school-age children and household location in American cities (pages 573–595) Urban growth, transportation and the spatial dimension of the labour market: A note (pages 597–605) Ports and the local embedding of commodity flows (pages 607–627) spMorph: An exploratory space-time analysis tool for describing processes of spatial redistribution (pages 629–651) The impact of government funding of poverty reduction programmes (pages 653–675) |