The Review of Regional Studies
The Official Journal of the Southern Regional Science Association
The RRS is an Open Access journal with no subscription, submission, or publication fees of any kind! We are indexed on RePEc, ECONLIT, Cabell's, ABI/Inform, and EBSCO. Our RePEc Simple Impact Factor for July 2015 is 1.444, which ranks us in the top 20% of RePEc journals. Journal Archives
Vol 44, No 3: Spatial Econometric Association Special Issue
This issue is a collection of some of the papers presented at the 2013 conference of the Spatial Econometrics Assocation. Guest edited by Giuseppe Arbia, Ingmar Prucha, and Gianfranco Piras.
Table of Contents
Special Issue on Spatial Econometrics: An Editorial Note | |
Giuseppe Arbia, Gianfranco Piras, Ingmar Prucha | 221-222 |
Forecasting U.S. State-Level Carbon Dioxide Emissions | |
J. Wesley Burnett, Xueting Zhao | 223-240 |
Spillover Effects on Homicides across Mexican Municipalities: A Spatial Regime Model Approach | |
Miguel Flores, Eduardo Rodriguez-Oreggia | 241-262 |
Regional Economic Output and Public Surface Transportation Infrastructure: A Spatial Granger Approach | |
Zhenhua Chen, Kingsley E Haynes | 263-279 |