Elisabete Martins


Para conhecimento, vejam o link do I Congresso Brasileiro de Geografia Política, Geopolítica e Gestão do Território: http://www.geo.puc-rio.br/congresso/


Eixos temáticos:


Este eixo contemplará os seguintes temas: O pensamento clássico e contemporâneo da Geografia política e Geopolítica; Os fundadores da Geografia política e da Geopolítica; A renovação do pensamento, dos conceitos e dos temas da Geografia política e Geopolítica, a saber: Federalismo, Sistema eleitoral, Cidadania, Redes, Democracias representativa e participativa, o papel dos Estados nacionais, as Relações Internacionais na era da globalização, a Segurança e Defesa em tempos de paz, as Guerras regionais e as redes internacionais do terrorismo, a Geopolítica cibernética, as mídias alternativas e os novos atores supranacionais na relação entre espaço e poder.


Este eixo contemplará os seguintes temas: O avanço tecnológico e as novas formas de apropriação dos recursos; Guerra e Paz: conflitos e acordos em torno da apropriação e uso da natureza; Poluição, medidas mitigadoras e a gestão ambiental; Mercados do ar e da água, e as estratégias de gestão da biodiversidade; As formas e controles de uso da natureza e o desenvolvimento; Natureza, Sociedade e Sustentabilidades: engenharias e estratégias em múltiplas escalas; Os projetos nacionais do desenvolvimento sustentável; Escalas locais/regionais e as políticas ambientais: contradições, possibilidades e arquiteturas territoriais.


Este eixo contemplará os seguintes temas: O poder local no federalismo brasileiro; Fragmentações X Divisões territoriais; um problema espacial? Identidade e regionalismo na definição de novos territórios; Regionalização e crise: soberanias e autonomias; Modelos de regionalização: crise de identidade nacional? Políticas supranacionais de gestão cooperativa entre nações; Entre o local e o global: políticas setoriais e a reestruturação dos territórios; Emergência de novos poderes regionais: os BRICS; Agências reguladoras e os impactos de suas políticas territoriais; Gestão compartilhada de territórios: reengenharias de políticas multiescalares.


Este eixo contemplará os seguintes temas: Teoria e prática sobre os fenômenos fronteiriços; As divisões territoriais na configuração do espaço da política; Fluidez/Porosidades em diferentes contextos fronteiriços; A defesa-controle de fronteiras; Gestão compartilhada de fronteiras: as faixas de fronteira e suas possibilidades; Fronteiras simbólicas: marcas das diferenças / desigualdades espaciais; Políticas migratórias e as fronteiras do mundo contemporâneo; Fronteira, pluralidade e cosmopolitismo; Alfândegas e fronteiras no século XXI.


Este eixo contemplará os seguintes temas: Transformações das políticas espaciais frente à globalização / fragmentação / divisões territoriais; Estado nacional, desenvolvimentismo e suas escalas de ação; Redefinição das políticas territoriais em cenários de instabilidade financeira; Novos atores/sujeitos políticos, econômicos e culturais na redefinição da gestão de políticas territoriais; A multidimensionalidade do poder na gestão do território; Territórios verticais X territórios horizontais: a resistência local frente aos projetos heterônomos e exógenos. Políticas distritais e de bairro na construção do poder de participação na gestão pública.


Jadson Porto
Universidade Federal do Amapá

André Torre, Vice-Président de l’ERSA, vous prie de considérer cet appel pour une session spéciale qu’il organise avec Frédéric Wallet lors du congrès de l’ERSA à Saint Petersbourg, dans le cadre du programme TASTE : http://www.ersastpetersburg2014.org/


Le Bureau de l’ARSDLF en profite pour vous rappeler que vous êtes les bienvenus à ce colloque et que vous trouverez des informations en vous rendant sur le site du colloque :



20th Workshop APDR

Domus Carmeli, Fátima (Portugal), 27-28 April 2014




The Portuguese Association for Regional Development brings together scientists that discuss the interactions of man with the territory or, in other words, the issues related to the development of people and places. The mobilizing themes evolve according to fashions and so it´s going talking about the location of public and private efforts, and the location and size of the companies and the interactions between them, migration, desertification of the peripheries and congestion of the centres. There are also sectoral issues with strong spatial reference that come to the floor like tourism, communications, infrastructure, environment, agriculture and transport. The discourse on recognizable entities such as SMEs, NGOs, IPSS, municipalities, stakeholders, state and multinationals is also important for the regional development. And do not forget the names of evolving terms such as human capital, cultural, social and institutional issues; economies of scale, agglomeration or context. All these concepts and models that connect them are important and help us to realize and understand regional development.

The strange thing is that we never speak explicitly on Family and Regional Development. There is some literature on economic development and family on the role of women in development and on social capital and development. Talking about other settings, family is sometimes referred to as an obstacle to development in Africa or as an intrinsic part in the development process in China.

However it seems to clearly avoid the term family and regional development even though it appears the family dimension in educational processes, in ownership regimes and in the spatial distribution of their budgets, on corporate sustainability, in dynamic migration, transport systems, networks of communication, the environment of housing and many other dimensions that influence the development of people and places.

In Gilles Duranton and Andres Rodriguez-Pose article (Economic Geography 85(1):23-47) 2009 say that while the literature recognizes the role of institutions in development there are less common studies on regional development and the the family. And although that article reaches some interesting correlations there is a great space to explore that challenges us.

This workshop aims, on the one hand, to introduce the family dimension in the analysis of regional development and, on the other hand, to include spatial reflections on family and development. There is definitely a starting point since much has been said about family and regional development. This meeting is a cross road for prospective cognitive models that integrate family and regional development, methods of observation that allow to test ideas and decision support tools that consider the dynamics and effectiveness of family capital.


Key-note speakers:

Prof. Dr. Andrés Rodríguez-Pose

Professor of Economic Geography at the LSE

Vice-President of the European Regional Science Association

President-Elect of Regional Science Association International


Prof. Dr. João Luís César das Neves

Professor of Economics at the CATÓLICA-LISBON School of Business & Economics

President of the Scientific Council of CATÓLICA-LISBON


For more information see:  http://www.apdr.pt/evento_20 

Thank you for your kind attention and support. We look forward to meet you at the conference.

Dear Students, Researchers and Professors,


The IMASS is organizing the 1st International Conference on the general topic “The Multidimensional Aspects of Spatial Analyses”.


The event will be held at the Real Marina Hotel in Olhão, Portugal, on 23-24 April 2014 in partnership with the Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics (www.cieo.pt), and will be attended by leading international speakers.


IMASS conferences are great opportunities for scholars to joint together with worldwide recognized experts in an informal environment to establish sound discussions on methods and applications in the various fields of Social Sciences. They take place in selected peripheral and enjoyable places able to provide the best environments for scientific exchange. The programmes are thematic and include lessons by guest speakers and workshops.


This 1st International Conference on Applied Methods in Social Sciences promotes pragmatic social science approaches that integrate a holistic understanding of the social phenomena. Therefore, although thematic this event is not closed to others insights able to emphasizes interdisciplinary actions.


Scientific Coordinator

Teresa de Noronha

Professor in Economics of Innovation and President of the Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics at the University of the Algarve, Portugal. Her research and teaching interests focus on Peripheries, Economics of Innovation and Regional Development. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.


Guest Speakers

Theme: Knowledge Spillovers, Manfred Fischer

Professor in Economic Geography and GIScience at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Geographical Systems (Springer). His research and teaching interests include the Advances in Spatial Science and Mathematical Models. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.

Theme: Social Networking, Estrella Gualda Caballero

Professor in Sociology at the University of Huelva, Spain, and Director of the Social Studies and Social Intervention Research Centre ESEIS. Her research and teaching interests include Sociology, Migrations, Cross-border Issues and Social Networks. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.

Theme: Multi-agents Systems, Eveline van Leeuven

Professor at the Free University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Her research is related to Rural Development, Climate Change and Urban-rural Interactions. IMASS Instructor.

Theme: Volunteered Geographic Information and Crowdsourcing, Marco Painho

Professor at the ISEGI, New University of Lisbon, Portugal.  His research and teaching interests include Geographic Information Science. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.

Theme: Applied Spatial Analysis, Eric Vaz

Professor and Chair of the SRC Committee as well as Director of the Centre for Geocomputation at Ryerson University, Canada. His research and teaching interests include Spatial analysis, Geography, Economics, Health, Planning and Urban and Regional studies. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.

Theme: Central Place Theory and Gravitational Systems, Waldemar Ratajczak

Professor and Director of the Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management at the Poznañ Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. His research and teaching interests include the methodology of Spatial Economy, Political Geography and Urban Geography. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.


We welcome the submission of extended abstracts to the overall theme of the conference“The Multidimensional Aspects of Spatial Analyses” or to one of the topics below.



  • Social Networks, Cross-border issues, Migrations;
  • Rural development and Urban interactions;
  • New Economy and Political Geography;
  • Other issues related with qualitative methods in Social Sciences



Abstract Submission Deadline: March 1st, 2014

Extended Abstract – maximum 2 pages (in Word document, Times New Roman 12) including:

Title of the abstract/paper, selected theme/ topic, keywords, Name(s) and academic title of the author(s), Affiliation(s), complete mail address(es), E-mail address(es) and corresponding author send by e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Results of the review process will be communicated to authors by approximately March 31st, 2014


Submission Deadline for Complete Papers:  September 1st, 2014 

Information on the Conference Theme, Call for Abstracts, Venue, and any other interest information can be found on the IMASS website:http://imass.ca/imass/conference


Yours sincerely,
The Organizing Committee

We have extended the abstract submission deadline for the joint RSAI-IGU Conference in Amsterdam in June to February 21. The call with the new date is attached.

Dear members of the Scientific Committee, accepting some of your suggestions, we considered it appropriate to extend to 20 February 2014 the deadline for submission of papers relating to the Symposium: "NEW METROPOLITAN PERSPECTIVES. The integrated approach of urban sustainable development through the implementation of Horizon/Europe 2020" (ISTH2020).

You can see attached the new Call for papers of the Symposium, with prayer of diffusion.


Thank you again for the scientific contribution to ISTH2020.


Best Regards,

Francesco Calabrò, Lucia Della Spina

Dear sir/madam,

We would like to remind you that the abstract submission deadline for IRSA 2014 is 15 February 2014 (in the next 5 days). Please kindly submit your abstract via our online submission system at www.conftool.com/irsa2014


We found an alternative cheap travel plan if participants of the 10 World Congress of the RSAI in Bangko are attending Indonesian IRSA conference too. (attached) or visit http://www.makassar2014.irsa-indonesia.org/index.php/venue-travel/traveling-to-makassar


Please kindly visit our official website at www.makassar2014.irsa-indonesia.org or contact local committee via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Yangki Imade Suara (Mr.)
PRSCO 2013 Secretariat
w: www.prsco2013.org
e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cher(e)s adhérent(e)s,

Jean-Paul Carrière, Corneliu Iaţu et Bernard Pecqueur ont le plaisir de vous communiquer l’appel à communication du XXXIVème colloque géographique international « DIMITRIE CANTEMIR », colloque que notre association co-organise avec l’Université Alexandru Ioan Cuza de Iași (Roumanie).

Le colloque aura lieu du 17 au 19 octobre 2014 à Iași (Roumanie), au Département de Géographie de l’Université Alexandru Ioan Cuza, située dans le nord-est de la Roumanie.

Vous trouverez en attaché l’appel à communication.

Vous avez jusqu’au 20 mars pour déposer nos propositions de communications sur le site dédié : http://www.geo.uaic.ro/cantemir/2014/indexcfr.php qui sera en fonction très prochainement

Cordiales salutations

Lise Bourdeau-Lepage
Professeure de géographie
Université Jean Moulin - Lyon 3 
18, rue Chevreul
69362 LYON Cedex 07

Dear colleague


May I remind you of the announcement of the August Loesch Prize 2014, granted by the city of Heidenheim an der Brenz (Germany) and the August Loesch Association. The submission deadline is January 30, 2014. To meet the deadline, please write, not later than January 30, an E-Mail to

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

if you would like to submit your work. We will send you further information how to upload your submission. The invitation of submissions is attached. Please forward it to anybody who might be interested.


Johannes Broecker



Prof. Dr. Johannes Bröcker

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Institut für Regionalforschung

Tel. +49 431 880 3276

Fax +49 431 880 3363



Wednesday, 29 January 2014 16:36

Colloque ASRDLF 2014 - Info 6

Cher(e)s adhérent(e)s,


L’équipe d’organisation du prochain colloque de notre association qui se tiendra du 7 au 9 juillet 2014 à Paris-Est sur le site de la cité Descartes nous informe qu’il nous reste 4 jours (jusqu’au 27 janvier2014) pour soumettre notre proposition de communication.


Les propositions de communications doivent être soumises directement en ligne sur le site du colloque : http://asrdlf2014.org/appel-communications en suivant le lien dans le corps du texte « J’envoie mon résumé ».


Cordiales salutations

Lise Bourdeau-Lepage
Professeure de géographie
Université Jean Moulin - Lyon 3 
18, rue Chevreul
69362 LYON Cedex 07

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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