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Tuesday, 11 February 2014 13:31

Call For Papers | 1st IMASS Conference, 23-24 April 2014, Olhão, Portugal

Dear Students, Researchers and Professors,


The IMASS is organizing the 1st International Conference on the general topic “The Multidimensional Aspects of Spatial Analyses”.


The event will be held at the Real Marina Hotel in Olhão, Portugal, on 23-24 April 2014 in partnership with the Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics (www.cieo.pt), and will be attended by leading international speakers.


IMASS conferences are great opportunities for scholars to joint together with worldwide recognized experts in an informal environment to establish sound discussions on methods and applications in the various fields of Social Sciences. They take place in selected peripheral and enjoyable places able to provide the best environments for scientific exchange. The programmes are thematic and include lessons by guest speakers and workshops.


This 1st International Conference on Applied Methods in Social Sciences promotes pragmatic social science approaches that integrate a holistic understanding of the social phenomena. Therefore, although thematic this event is not closed to others insights able to emphasizes interdisciplinary actions.


Scientific Coordinator

Teresa de Noronha

Professor in Economics of Innovation and President of the Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics at the University of the Algarve, Portugal. Her research and teaching interests focus on Peripheries, Economics of Innovation and Regional Development. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.


Guest Speakers

Theme: Knowledge Spillovers, Manfred Fischer

Professor in Economic Geography and GIScience at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Geographical Systems (Springer). His research and teaching interests include the Advances in Spatial Science and Mathematical Models. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.

Theme: Social Networking, Estrella Gualda Caballero

Professor in Sociology at the University of Huelva, Spain, and Director of the Social Studies and Social Intervention Research Centre ESEIS. Her research and teaching interests include Sociology, Migrations, Cross-border Issues and Social Networks. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.

Theme: Multi-agents Systems, Eveline van Leeuven

Professor at the Free University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Her research is related to Rural Development, Climate Change and Urban-rural Interactions. IMASS Instructor.

Theme: Volunteered Geographic Information and Crowdsourcing, Marco Painho

Professor at the ISEGI, New University of Lisbon, Portugal.  His research and teaching interests include Geographic Information Science. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.

Theme: Applied Spatial Analysis, Eric Vaz

Professor and Chair of the SRC Committee as well as Director of the Centre for Geocomputation at Ryerson University, Canada. His research and teaching interests include Spatial analysis, Geography, Economics, Health, Planning and Urban and Regional studies. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.

Theme: Central Place Theory and Gravitational Systems, Waldemar Ratajczak

Professor and Director of the Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management at the Poznañ Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. His research and teaching interests include the methodology of Spatial Economy, Political Geography and Urban Geography. Member of the IMASS Scientific Council.


We welcome the submission of extended abstracts to the overall theme of the conference“The Multidimensional Aspects of Spatial Analyses” or to one of the topics below.



  • Social Networks, Cross-border issues, Migrations;
  • Rural development and Urban interactions;
  • New Economy and Political Geography;
  • Other issues related with qualitative methods in Social Sciences



Abstract Submission Deadline: March 1st, 2014

Extended Abstract – maximum 2 pages (in Word document, Times New Roman 12) including:

Title of the abstract/paper, selected theme/ topic, keywords, Name(s) and academic title of the author(s), Affiliation(s), complete mail address(es), E-mail address(es) and corresponding author send by e-mail to: info@imass.ca


Results of the review process will be communicated to authors by approximately March 31st, 2014


Submission Deadline for Complete Papers:  September 1st, 2014 

Information on the Conference Theme, Call for Abstracts, Venue, and any other interest information can be found on the IMASS website:http://imass.ca/imass/conference


Yours sincerely,
The Organizing Committee

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