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Monday, 28 March 2011 10:17

Call for Papers | ICBL 2011

You are cordially invited to be part of ICBL 2011:
*4th International Conference on Interactive Computer-Aided Blended Learning*
*2-4 November 2011 in Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala*
*ICBL 2011 Call for Papers*
This interdisciplinary conference aims to focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing elements of interactive computer aided blended learning. Therefore pilot projects, applications and products will also be welcome. This conference will be organized by Galileo University (Research and Development Department GES), Guatemala in cooperation with:
*International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
*IEEE Foundation
*IEEE Education Society (IEEE EduSoc)
*The International E-Learning Association (IELA)
/Invited Keynote Speaker: Dr. Rob Reilly Ed.D. (President IEEE Education Society) /
* /Submission instructions:/ *
Please visit icbl website, submission through https://www.conftool.net/icbl-conference
* /Types of contributions/ *
* Full Papers (peer reviewed, 20 minutes presentation followed by a panel discussion)
* Short Papers (15 minutes presentation)
* Interactive Demonstrations (15 minutes presentation, also on-line demonstrations)
* Round Table Discussions (work in progress, doctoral thesis discussions, research cooperation with LA)
* Poster Presentations
*/Important dates/ *
* 31 March 2011 Submission of full and short papers
* 15 April 2011 Submission of 2 pages extended abstract for other
* 15 June 2011 Notification of acceptance, authors' registration
* 15 September 2011 Camera-ready due and registration
* 2-4 November 2011 Conference ICBL2011
* /Proceedings/ *
All accepted submissions will be published in the ICBL2011 proceedings (with ISBN - Kassel University Press).
For a full version of the CfP visit:
*Topics of interest include but are not limited to: *
* *Collecting experiences and needs of Education Institutions/Organizations in e-Learning* o Advanced strategies and conceptions o Best praxis o Advanced methods o Teaching/Learning strategies o Regional differences o Language learning o Embedded learning and learning on demand o Knowledge management and learning o Quality assurance, sustainability o Cost-effectiveness o Education policies o Digital divide and learning
* *Technology-Enhanced Learning methodologies, tools* o Platforms and authoring tools o Environments and tools for e-learning / m-learning / lifelong learning o Language Learning Platforms and authoring tools o CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) o GIS (Geographical Information Systems) in Education o LBS (Location-Based Services) for TEL o Mash-Up technologies o Networks/Grids for learning o Adaptive learning environments o Responsive environments o Tools for interactive learning and teaching o Methods of content adaptation o Adapted learning flow, content and monitoring process
* *Individual, social & organizational learning processes* o Knowledge management and learning o Workplace learning o Learning orchestration o Ubiquitous learning o Context-aware learning o Self-regulated and Self-directed learning o Cultural awareness
* *Pedagogical and psychological issues* o New learning models and applications o New roles of the instructor & learner o Problem and project based learning o Collaborative knowledge building o Serious game-based and simulated-based learning o Story-telling and relfection-based learning o Instructional design and learning design approaches o Teaching techniques and strategies for blended learning o Evaluation and outcomes assessment o Social networks for learning
* *Technical and theoretical issues*
o Learning Objects and Reusability
o Platforms and authoring tools
o Applications of the Semantic Web
o Remote and virtual laboratories
o Standards and style-guides
o Hypermedia applications and virtual reality worlds o Ubiquous computing o Digital HDTV and 3DTV supporting learning o Embedded learning and learning ond demand o Human-centered computing o Accesible learning for all: visual, hearing and physical impairments o Standards about accessibility and learning
* Real world experiences
* Mobile applications in learning
* Pilot projects / Products / Applications
For more information and questions visit: www.icbl-conference.org
Contact: icbl@galileo.edu, info@icbl-conference.org
We look forward to seeing you in Guatemala!
Best Regards,
ICBL 2011 Organizers.
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