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Friday, 23 March 2012 01:00

CALL FOR PAPERS | 5th Jean Paelinck Seminar on Regional Modeling/Spatial Econometrics & NECTAR Cluster 6 Meeting | 26–27 OCTOBER, 2012, Coimbra, Portugal




5th Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honor

of Doctor J.H.P. Paelinck

NECTAR Cluster 6 on Accessibility



26–27 OCTOBER 2012, Coimbra, Portugal

This joint meeting on “Applied Research and Modeling Advances on Accessibility in Spatial Development” aims to gather interest in the areas of Spatial Econometrics, Accessibility and Spatial Development. It also aims to promote the link between Spanish and Portuguese in these research issues.

The research group Gaec (Grupo de Análisis Económico Cuantitativo) is organizing the 5th Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honor of Doctor J.H.P. Paelinck, in Coimbra (Portugal). The workshop aims to provide a forum for debate between young and consolidated researchers and it is open to both theoretical and applied papers which deal explicitly with questions of spatial modeling and econometrics.

The 2012 Jean Paelinck Seminar is organized together with the NECTAR-Cluster 6 Meeting on accessibility. NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research) is a Europe-based scientific association with a network culture. The primary objective is to foster research collaboration and exchange of information between experts in the field of transport, communication and mobility from all European countries and the rest of the world.

Considering the objectives of this joint meeting, the main thematic areas will be the following:

  • Accessibility and Transport Planning
  • Social and Cohesion Issues
  • New Issues in Accessibility
  • Accessibility, Land Use and Urban Planning
  • Spatial Econometric Modeling
  • Spatial Econometric Applications in Transport and Accessibility Studies

The authors should indicate in which type of session (Paelinck/NECTAR) they want to be included, also taking into account the six thematic areas above mentioned. The Scientific Committee will proceed with the final allocation according to the papers received and selected.

The workshop is structured on a series of invited lectures and open sessions. In this light, the received contributions will be selected by the Scientific Committee.

Organizing Committee:

• Anabela Ribeiro (University of Coimbra)
• Bruno Santos (University of Coimbra)
• Jesús Mur (University of Zaragoza)
• Fernando A. López (Technical University of Cartagena)
• Matías Mayor (University of Oviedo)
• Jorge Silva (University of Beira Interior)

Scientific Committee:

• Jean Paelinck (George Mason University)
• Jesús Mur (University of Zaragoza)
• Ana Angulo (University of Zaragoza)
• Coro Chasco (Autonomous University of Madrid)
• Esteban Fernández (Universidad de Oviedo)
• Karst Geurs (NECTAR Cluster 6 Coordinator, University of Twente)
• Javier Gutierrez Puebla (NECTAR Cluster 6 Member, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
• Julie Le Gallo (Université de Franche-Comté, CRESE)
• Fernando A. López (Technical University of Cartagena)
• Juan Carlos Martín (NECTAR Vice-Chair, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
• Matías Mayor (University of Oviedo)
• Antonio Páez (NECTAR Cluster 6 Coordinator, McMaster University)
• António Pais Antunes (University of Coimbra)
• Roberto Patuelli (NECTAR Treasurer, University of Bologna)
• Paulo Peixoto (University of Coimbra)
• Pedro Ramos (University of Coimbra)
• Aura Reggiani (NECTAR Chair, University of Bologna)
• Anabela Ribeiro (University of Coimbra)
• Manuel Ruiz (Technical University of Cartagena)
• Bruno Santos (University of Coimbra)
• Jorge Silva (University of Beira Interior)
• Javier Trívez (University of Zaragoza)
• Pierre Zembri (NECTAR Cluster 6 Coordinator, Cergy-Pontoise University)

Registration fee

Non NECTAR Members: The fee is 150€, including (1) conference dinner, (2) lunches and (3) coffe breaks.

NECTAR Members will not pay this fee (since they will pay a fee through NECTAR membership). Please visit NECTAR’s website at http://www.nectar-eu.org for further information.

Payments should be made to ACIV – Assoc.Des.Eng.Civil (see details bellow). After sending the proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., a receipt will be provided.

For Portuguese:

NIB 0035.0623.00000001903.10

For non Portuguese:

IBAN: PT50 0035 0623 0000 0001 9031 0
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Address: Polo II da Universidade, 3030-788 Coimbra, Portugal
Beneficiary: ACIV
Address: Department of Civil Engineering FCTUC, Polo II da Universidade 3030-788 Coimbra, Portugal
VAT : PT 505 448 173

Important dates:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: 10 July 2012.
  • Decision on the acceptance: 20 July 2012.
  • Deadline for full paper submission and registration: 22 September 2012.

Please submit your abstract with a minimal amount of formatting, i.e. no caps, bold or italics.

Abstracts should contain a maximum of 250 words.

Please include the names, affiliations and e-mail addresses of the authors in the file.

Send your abstract as a Word or plain-text attachment to:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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