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Tuesday, 24 April 2012 12:05

CALL FOR PAPERS | XXXVIII Meeting of Regional Studies - AECR | Bilbao / 22 - 23 noviembre de 2012

International Conference on Regional Science

the Challenge of Regional Development in a world of changing hegemonies: Knowledge, competitiveness and austerity

XXXVIII Meeting of Regional Studies - AECR

Bilbao / 22 - 23 noviembre de 2012


The Spanish Association of Regional Science has been promoting the analysis of regional problems in Spain from multiple perspectives for many decades. An important reference is the Regional Studies Meeting (RER), that will take place in Bilbao in 2012, organised by the Basque Country and Navarra Association of Regional Science, the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness and Deusto Business School. The RER is a specialized professional forum, open to the discussion of all regional topics that are of concern to researchers and regional policy makers. The papers to be presented may cover various subjects and may be tackled from different approaches cultivated by the scientific areas in which the participants do research: Economics, Geography, Sociology, Political Science, Demography, Urban and Regional Planning, Environment, etc.

The slogan of the XXXVIII Meeting is “The Challenge of Regional Development in a world of changing hegemonies: Knowledge, competitiveness and austerity”. The regional theme is associated to the new hegemonies that have arisen in these years and that have generated a changing environment that implies a transfer of the centrality from a world run and conditioned by a Western view, towards new hegemonies that present different ways of socially ruling the system, particular social and power relations, and a different concept of competitiveness. In this context, regions may respond either by searching a more competitive integration in global markets or by requesting at national or even European level the opening of new scenarios where some protectionist policies may be enhanced. As part of the analysis of key factors in this new landscape, on one hand, the role of universities in regional development as one of the main sources for the generation of knowledge and its application to the territories’ productive reality will be analysed. On the other hand, the future of the welfare state in the current recessive context that calls for a reconsideration of public policies based on the principles of austerity and effective and efficient use of resources will also be considered.

1. Business, Innovation and Competitiveness
2. Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Natural Resources
3. Government and regional planning, housing, public services and taxation
4. Growth, regional convergence and cohesion policies
5. Industrial Districts, Territorial Clusters and industrial policy
6. Knowledge society, universities and research
7. Methods of Regional Analysis
8. Population and migration and labor market
9. Tourism
10. Transport, Mobility and Infrastructure
11. Urban and municipal development

Deadline Abstracts: June 20
Abstracts Acceptance: July 15
Deadline Full Papers: August 30
Final Acceptance: October 15

Ordinary Term Payment: October 23
Extraordinary Term Payment: November 23


La Comercial - Deusto Business School
Deusto University
Avenida de las Universidades, 24
48007 Bilbao

University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Auditorium UPV/EHU
Avda. Abandoibarra, 3
48009 BILBAO

Conxita Rodríguez i Izquierdo
Secretaria AECR
C/ Viladomat, 321 entresuelo
08029 Barcelona
Teléfono y Fax: + 34 93 310 11 12
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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