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Monday, 17 January 2022 14:23

Call for Papers | 9th ICCCIA, 16-20 September 2022, Berlin, Germany

Raw materials and identities

The 2022 ICCCIA (International Iron Casting Conference) is dedicated to an artistic and art- scientific approach, as well as to social sciences’ perspectives of iron casting:

The main questions addressed will be:

  • Can (raw) materials be identity-shaping for societies and regions (at least by attribution)?
  • And if so, how do (raw) materials and national, regional, or local identities fit?
  • What effects does the (raw) material have on societies, regions and communities?

The concept of nation/national identity is studied in various scientific disciplines and forms the basis for further research, despite its social controversy. Psychology, for example, is dealing with racist behaviour rooting in national feelings and identities. In business communication, national identities play a role in branding countries and regions. Philosophy, political sciences, natural sciences and history studies, all, approach (national) identities in different ways.

If we look at the European countries, we notice that their external perceptions have something to do with raw materials rather often. We hear Russia, we think of cold winters and gas. Brazil is currently mostly portrayed as a country of rainforests that has to decide between soy and animal production, the timber industry and environmental protection. In Germany, when we think of Ukraine, the buzzword "granary" comes up, just as Polish hard coal is a well-known term for us.

But is gas also a source of identity for the Russians, grain for the Ukrainians, and coal for the Poles?

Especially in mining and agricultural regions, there is a high potential of identification with raw material production within the local population. The fact that these focal points still exist in the countries mentioned, but that the owners and operators come from completely different nations, seems to be of less interest. This often continues even after a total shutdown of an industry, as in the Ruhr region or Niederlausitz.

Sometimes this - perhaps - outdated or unfounded sense of belonging is used deliberately by political or economic participants. The desired effect can be triggered, although the appeal  to this national or regional togetherness is fundamentally corrupted. One example is the Prime Minister of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Kretschmann, who claims that in his automotive “Land” he cannot drive anything other than a Mercedes. If one considers this in terms of his party affiliation (Green), his commitment to Europe and the true composition and actions of the Mercedes Group, this statement does not seem to be without any alternative.

Nevertheless, the effect Kretschmann was targeting is likely to have occurred.

Taken as a whole, there is probably a rather regional and national attachment and responsibility in the minds and hearts of many people - despite the knowledge that Amazon, Meta and Alphabet control a huge share of economic and social exchange.

This Call for Papers and Participation is open to researchers and scholars of all disciplines who are concerned with identity in relation to spatial or other communities that are concerned with impacts of commodities on a society. Papers of all types and forms are sought: From oral presentations to short papers to poster presentations, research approaches, theoretical considerations but also empirical implementations and results are the focus of this part of the conference. Single regions but also comparisons or abstract considerations can be in the focus. Contributions that deliver concrete ideas to the interdisciplinary and interactive exchange are especially welcome.

Please submit:

  • extended abstracts
  • with a maximum of 5000 characters (incl. spaces, but excl. bibliography)
  • in pdf format
  • until 15.3.2022 

to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More details at: https://www.iron-2022-germany.de/

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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