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Thursday, 23 February 2017 12:35

2017 AEIT International Annual Conference, Cagliari, Italy - September 20-22, 2017 - CALL FOR PAPERS

2017 AEITINTERNATIONALAnnual Conference
Infrastructures for Energy and ICT:
Opportunities for Fostering Innovation
Cagliari, Italy 20/22 September 2017


Deadlines for Technical Papers
Submission extended abstracts: April 20th 2017
Notification of acceptance: May 31st 2017
Submission of full papers: July 20th 2017


In recent years, we are seeing a growing synergy between the infrastructures for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity, telecommunications networks, and computing technologies that provide for the intelligence of the whole system. The ever-increasing dependence on electricity for carrying out daily activities, increasingly run by smart devices, and the need for an intelligent management of the power grid in the presence of a distributed generation from renewable sources, both are creating a tight interdependent system. Cloud computing, big data, large bandwidth interconnections support modern knowledge-based society paradigms. The AEIT 2017 conference will be an important opportunity to point out the challenges that our country needs to face in order to stimulate innovative entrepreneurial initiatives, and increase the country's competitiveness. The conference will host both technical and scientific contributions. It will showcase Italian and international research activities in the fields of electricity, automation, telecommunications and information technology, that form the solid foundation on which to build innovative actions. It will also be the venue for hosting panels and speeches from national and international stakeholders for discussing the strategies to increase the competitiveness of Italian companies, and lay the foundations for the creation of new initiatives. Cagliari will be the ideal setting for this debate, thanks to the presence of innovative companies, and one of the pilot cities for the laying of optical fiber as an enabling infrastructure.

Contributions are encouraged in the following areas:
Energy Efficiency
Transmission, Distribution, Utilization of Energy
Cyber-Physical Systems
Internet of Things
Smart Grids
Smart Cities
Energy Storage & Local Networks
Renewable Energy Sources
Computer Security
Mobility and Electric Transport
Service continuity and Safety management (Energy, IT, Healthcare)
Measurements and Diagnostics
Power Electronics
Electric Propulsion
Nanoelectronics, Bio&Optoelectronics, components
IOT: MEMS & Smart Sensors: real time data flow

Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts on the above topics. All contributions must be in English.
Authors will submit an Extended Abstract (2 pages - two column format) via EDAS, using the template that will be available at the Conference website no later than April, 20th 2017
Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their contribution by May, 31st 2017
Full Papers (6 pages - two-column format - using the template that will be available at the Conference website) will be submitted by July, 20th 2017
All submitted abstracts will be evaluated by a peer review process.
Requested Technical Co-Sponsorship to IEEE and Publication of Contributions in IEEE Xplore®
Papers have to be compliant with the following criteria:
Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another publication or conference
The contributions shall be written in ENGLISH
The contributions shall be 6 pages in A4 format (including abstract, tables, figures and references)
The contributions shall be prepared in electronic format using the template
A copyright and consent form, properly filled and signed, must be submitted

AEIT Ufficio Centrale
Via M. Macchi 32 - 20124 Milano
Tel. +39 02 87389965
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web Site: <<http://convegni.aeit.it/CA2017>>

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