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Wednesday, 15 February 2017 08:51

São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Climate Change - 03-15 July 2017

São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Climate Change: Scientific basis, adaptation, vulnerability and mitigation

03-15 July 2017, São Paulo, Brazil

Application deadline: 31st March 2017

Goal: To provide graduate students with advanced knowledge on climate change science and related topics: Observations and future projections; impacts; vulnerability; adaptation and mitigation; and the Paris Agreement: How to reach the 1.5ºC target, including aspects of public policy. Participants will discuss with renowned scientists important themes of the three IPCC Assessment Report 5 Working Groups, in a multidisciplinary and multicultural context. The program will include theoretical classes, work in groups, a poster session, science-policy discussions, and visits to key institutions in the State of São Paulo conducting climate change research with policy applications.

Audience: This School is for graduate students and early career scientists. Priority will be given to candidates currently enrolled in graduate programs (Masters/MSc and Doctoral/PhD courses). About 100 students, 50 from Brazil and 50 from other countries, will be selected to participate in the School. A limited number of travel grants is available.

The School is organized by the INterdisciplinary CLimate INvestigation cEnter (INCLINE) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), and sponsored by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Pró Reitoria de Pesquisa/University of São Paulo (PRP/USP), IAI and Santander.

For more information, see the flyer and full announcement attached. 

Website of the School: http://inclineusp.wixsite.com/spsascc

All information concerning the School is also available at the INCLINE website at http://www.incline.iag.usp.br/data/spsascc and at the IAI website at http://www.iai.int/?p=18544

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