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Thursday, 24 November 2016 10:36

PEJ2017: 1st Call for Papers - 11th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal

Call for Papers

11th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal

University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro

Vila Real, Portugal

7-9 July 2017

We are happy to announce that the 11th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal, organized by Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies (CETRAD), will take place at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) on 7-9 July 2017.

Keynote Speaker:Sofia Villas-Boas | Empirical policy research using reduced form and structural methods

Portuguese Economic Journal website:


Submissions in all fields of Economics are welcome and should be made through Conference Maker, until 15 March 2017, at


Papers should be written in English. The cover page should contain the following elements: article title, name of the author(s), affiliation(s), presenter, address(es), email(s), abstract (up to 600 words), keywords, and JEL classification codes.


Paper submission                    15 March

Acceptance notification         21 April

Early registration                    15 May

Author's registration              7 June

Late registration                     As of 16 May

Scientific Committee:

Vasco Carvalho (University of Cambridge, UK) - Chair

Ana Rute Cardoso (Institute for Economic Analysis - CSIC and Barcelona GSE, Spain)

Fernando Branco (Católica-Lisbon SBE, Portugal)

Francisco Gomes (London Business School, UK)

Isabel Horta Correia (Banco de Portugal and Católica-Lisbon SBE, Portugal)

Joana Pais (ISEG of ULisboa, Portugal)

João Santos Silva (University of Surrey, UK)

Nuno Limão (University of Maryland, USA)

Paulo Guimarães (Banco de Portugal and Universidade do Porto, Portugal)

Pedro Vicente (NOVA SBE, Portugal)

Ricardo Reis (London School of Economics, UK)

Sílvia Gonçalves (Western University, Canada)

Sofia Villas-Boas (University of California at Berkeley, USA)

Local Organizing Committee:

João Rebelo (UTAD, Portugal) - Chair

Ana Marta (UTAD, Portugal)

José Vaz Caldas (UTAD, Portugal)

Leonida Correia (UTAD, Portugal)

Lina Gomes (UTAD, Portugal)

Patrícia António (UTAD, Portugal)

Patrícia Martins (UTAD, Portugal)

Sofia Gouveia (UTAD, Portugal)

For further information on registration, fees, venue, and accommodation, please refer to the Meeting website:


Conference Contacts:

Edifício da ECHS - Polo, Quinta de Prados

5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal

Tel: +351 259 350 168

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On the behalf of the  Local Organizing Committee

Professor João Rebelo

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