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Tuesday, 01 March 2016 11:39


2017 World Symposium on Transport & Land Use Research (WSTLUR): Call for Papers


We are pleased to announce that the 2017 World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR) will be held in Brisbane, Australia, July 3rd- July 6th, 2017. We seek original papers (not submitted elsewhere) on the interaction of transport and land use. Papers must be submitted by October 31st, 2016. WSTLUR membership is not required to submit a paper. Each conference registrant may be a co-author on multiple papers, but there is a limit of one presentation per registrant.


WSTLUR welcomes all papers on the topic of transport and land use interactions in the following scientific domains: engineering, planning, modeling, behavior, economics, geography, regional science, sociology, psychology, health, architecture and design, network science, and complex systems. Sessions will be developed from high-quality papers received. We are seeking papers on all themes described below, including the two spotlight conference themes indicated by asterisks (*). Theme leaders will be in charge of the paper review and selection process.


Submission Instructions & Conference Information

Detailed submission instructions and conference information are available on the WSTLUR website (http://www.wstlur.org/). We are soliciting visionary papers, standard-length papers, and short papers. Please visit the website for information about paper length, submission format, peer review, key dates, keynote speakers and conference logistics.



>>> Technological change* -- How do newly emerging disruptive technologies shape or change transportation and land use systems? How can we integrate technological and land use strategies to achieve long term planning goals? What is the role of land use in smart cities? Specific topics include the connection between land use and transportation systems with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and new ICT-enabled products and services such as automated vehicles, new energy technologies, big data applications, ridesharing systems, real-time traveler information, and smart cities in general. (Theme leaders: Meead Saberi, Monash University; João de Abreu e Silva, Técnico Lisboa)

>>> Equity* -- Public and private transport services are unevenly distributed, spatially and socioeconomically. Their environmental, economic, and accessibility impacts may sometimes ameliorate and at other times deepen existing inequalities. Integrated land use and transport planning has similarly uneven impacts, and may sometimes serve the interests of the affluent while neglecting those of lesser means. Access to transport opportunities created by ICT advances is a particularly recent concern. Who will benefit from current and prospective land use and transportation planning and policies, and how do these impacts vary within cities, metropolitan regions, countries, and regions of the world? Examples of potential topics include gentrification and displacement caused by land use and transport planning; implications of the emergence of Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) for accessibility for different groups; participatory processes in land use and transport planning; ethnic/racial discrimination in land and transport markets; and environmental justice issues related to modern forms of transport and land use planning. (Theme leaders: Dan Chatman, University of California, Berkeley; Corinne Mulley, University of Sydney; Ahmed El Geneidy, McGill University)

>>> Active travel -- How do land use and urban design features stimulate active travel? How can we understand trends in active travel in different geographical settings and land use systems? What are the main health benefits of active travel, and what types of active travel are most effective in bringing about these benefits? What are health risks of active travel for specific (vulnerable) groups? How can methods and tools for measuring and modeling active travel be improved? What are the implications for land use and transport policies? (Theme leaders: Kelly Clifton, Portland State University; Robert Schneider, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

>>> Transportation/land use systems in growing and shrinking cities -- The world is urbanizing at a rapid pace. Cities in parts of Asia, Latin America, and Africa are growing at unprecedented speeds to unprecedented sizes. At the same time, many cities in wealthy nations are experiencing substantial population decline, while many others are attracting extreme levels of immigration from poorer countries. How does this rapidly changing environment influence relationships between urban form and transportation? What relationships are stable across people, place, and time? How can transportation investments influence growth and decline? What are the implications for land use and transportation policies? (Theme leaders: Erick Guerra, University of Pennsylvania; Joel Franklin, KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

>>> Social psychology, land use and travel behavior -- Travel choices are conditioned by decisions about residential and work locations, and decisions about where to live and work are influenced by their implications for daily travel and accessibility of facilities. To date, the vast majority of studies of this interaction have assumed that individuals and households act as omniscient utility maximizers, in accordance with economic theory. Mounting evidence suggests, however, that decisions about travel and land use are based on alternative psychological mechanisms, and that studying those mechanisms is vital for understanding travel behavior and land use patterns. Examples of potential topics include the role of attitudes and values in residential, work and daily travel decisions; the psychological background of residential self-selection; the trade-off between daily and longer term decisions; the role of norms and environmental awareness; social influence on land use and travel decisions; motivation and self-control in travel behavior change; behavior change and adherence in response to interventions or rewards; and the impact of land use and daily travel on well-being. (Theme leaders: Susan Handy, University of California, Davis; Dick Ettema, Utrecht University)

>>> Emerging transportation/land use issues in Asia -- Papers that examine and/or discuss emerging transportation and land use issues in Asia, in the contexts of large-scale urbanization, technology advancement, and unique demographic and cultural aspects. Topics may include: planning and policy implications of shared use mobilities in Asian cities; how the introduction of disruptive technologies in Asia is changing travel patterns, dynamics and behavior; transport and land use interaction in Asia's small and medium sized cities; governance of transport and land use in Asia's megacities and city-regions; and equitable and inclusive transport in Asian cities. (Theme leaders: Yingling Fan, University of Minnesota; Iderlina Mateo-Babiano, University of Queensland)

>>> Other topics -- All other papers on transportation and land use issues that do not fit into the categories described above. (Theme leaders: David Levinson, University of Minnesota; João de Abreu e Silva, Técnico Lisboa; Robert Schneider, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

WSTLUR poster Call for Papers 2017 Brisbane

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