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Tuesday, 13 October 2015 09:13

IV WPSC - Rio de Janeiro - 2nd Reminder for abstract submission

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the IV World Planning Schools Congress in Rio de Janeiro, may I remind you that the CALL FOR ABSTRACTS IS OPEN FOR ONE MORE WEEK ONLY.

The extended deadline for abstract submission is October 19th, 2015

So far more than 220 authors from more than 90 institutions have already submitted their abstracts.

The call for abstracts is available in detail by each track, so please click on tracks for descriptions.

To submit an abstract please enter the home page of the Congress site and click the LOGIN | REGISTER button on the top right side of the page. After registering you can submit your abstracts.

The procedures are explained in Call for Papers and Submissions

The tracks accept proposals of extended abstracts for: (i) Individual submission (with several co-authors) for a particular track as oral presentation of a full paper (non peer review); and (ii) proposals for the collective organization of Roundtable/Panel within a track, which features contributions from several authors. (iii) Other modalities like Poster Presentation or Specially Convened Sessions – (a) academic only; (b) policy research only; and (c) academic and policy research - have to be combined directly with the co-chairs of the tracks. Those, who want to participate in these modalities, must be registered necessarily for attendance.

All abstracts and papers presented must be written in English. Unfortunately, any other language will not be accepted.
The extended abstracts submitted may not have less than 4000 characters, approximately 700 words, not including bibliography and illustrations. It should be written in Word (.doc), with Times New Roman, size 12 with simple interline and justified margins.
All abstracts sent to the organizing committee which do not obey these limitations will not be considered for presentation, without obligation of the organizing committee to send any notification to the authors that violate this requirement.
Abstracts should contain a clear statement of the problem, objectives, methodology and main results and contributions.
In case of a submission of a Round Table/Panel it is necessary to inform, in the text of the abstract, names of colleagues and their institutional linkages from those who will participate.
Each author is entitled to present a maximum of two abstracts.

Please also note that, every five years when World Planning Schools Conference is held, AESOP does not hold its annual congress in Europe but instead joins the global planning community at the WPSCs. Therefore, in 2016 we will not be organising an AESOP congress in Europe and invite you all to join the WPSC2016.

Thanks in advance for spreading out these informations in your schools and among your colleagues.


Looking forward to seeing you all in Rio de Janeiro.

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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