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Wednesday, 08 July 2015 16:22

AEIT ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2015 - A Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area Naples, Italy October 14-16, 2015

AEIT Annual Conference 2015
A Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area

In collaboration with AEIT Sezione di Napoli, AEIT Sezione di Benevento, IEEE Italy Section
Naples, Italy - October 14-16, 2015


AEIT, association promoting activities which can contribute to the development and spread of culture and technology in areas of increasing importance, such as electrotechnical engineering, electronics, informatics, automation, telecommunications, organizes a conference to seek opportunities that will be determined by the socio-economic policies and technical issues relating to the Mediterranean countries.
In this area the population, unevenly located in developed countries and continuously growing, will not have access to services and energy to match their expectations and their needs. The difficulties raised by the territorial energy balances will be increasingly evident: balances in which the different forms of energy will have size and use dependent on costs, security, development, technology. Territory which will tend to evolve more and more different than in the past and cities that will change to become places of consumption of energy, services, trade. In fact, in Europe, as elsewhere in the world, people will concentrate in "mega-cities" in need to create not only relations within them, but also strong and secure connections with the outside.
In this context, the smart-cities will inevitably lead to the prerequisites for large investments in telecommunications and network infrastructure not only in Europe but also in Africa, where it will also determine the convenience of producing "sustainable energy" in a planned and coordinated way with the same Europe. It will be inevitable the implementation of a policy in the Mediterranean able to create a more balanced socio-economic development and a growth of electrical, electronics, informatics, automation, telecommunications technologies.
That's why AEIT, in line with the cultural objectives that pursues, intends to address topics usually of its interest and expertise, but in the prospect of a new policy in the Mediterranean Area.
The conference, in addition to the issues of economic and social interest treated by authoritative representatives of institutions and companies, will also carry out the traditional technical sessions (oral and poster) and an "Exhibition" for companies.

The conference will be held simultaneously with the 29th edition of the event FUTURO REMOTO, which will have the theme "The Borders" and will be held in Piazza Plebiscito.
Round tables, speeches and memories will take advantage of the contributions of Institutions, Enterprises and Professional Associations and will be parted into the following thematic areas:
The Mediterranean
The European Supergrid
The Metropolitan City and the Mega City
The Research in the European Perspective

Energy Efficiency
Transportation, Distribution, Utilization of Energy
Renewable Energy Sources
Energy Storage
Smart Grids
Urban and Extra-Urban Transports
Forensic Aspects
Electronics, Microelectronics and Components
Motors and Electric Drives
Electrical Generators
Electromagnetics and Electromagnetic Compatibility
Education and Scientific and Technical Communication
Dependability and Safety

Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts on the indicated topics.
Contributions can also be written in Italian or English language.
Authors shall submit an EXTENDED ABSTRACT (3 pages-twocolumn format) by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., using the template no later than
July, 24th 2015
Authors will be notified of their contribution acceptance by
September, 1st 2015
FULL PAPER (6 pages - two-column format - using the template) shall be submitted by
September, 21st 2015
All papers will be reviewed.
All papers written in English language are going to be considered for publication in IEEE Xplore®. Papers have to be compliant with the following criteria:
Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another publication or conference.
The contributions shall be written in ENGLISH.
The contributions shall be 6 pages in A4 format (including abstract, tables, figures and references).
The contributions shall be prepared in electronic format using the template
A copyright and consent form, properly filled and signed, must be submitted


AEIT Ufficio Centrale
Via M. Macchi 32 - 20124 Milano, Italy
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web Site: <<http://www.aeit.it/man/CA2015/ENG>>

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