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Thursday, 25 June 2015 14:11

Call for papers: RSAI/ERSA 2015 Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics

Call for papers
Spatial Perspectives of Human Capital
Barcelona, November 26th-27th 2015
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Barcelona


AQR-IREA is pleased to announce the RSAI/ERSA 2015 Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics, to be held in Barcelona on November 26th-27th 2015. The workshop will be focused on Spatial Perspectives of Human Capital. Its aim is to bring together researchers in urban and regional economics who are working in topics where the broad concept of human capital plays a fundamental role. We are especially interested in original and innovative research papers that focus on the interconnections between space and human capital. Although the Workshop will focus on empirical papers, theoretical studies are also welcome. A non-exhaustive list of topics includes neighbourhood effects in human capital formation; spatial spillovers of human capital; local labour market and human capital accumulation; regional heterogeneity in returns to schooling and skills; regional disparities in schooling performance; the spatial distribution of human capital.


Keynote speaker: Stephen Gibbons (Department of Geography and Environment, SERC and CEP, LSE)

Audience: We will accommodate around 10-12 papers, to be presented in plenary sessions that will complement the keynote speaker’s presentation. Thanks to the financial support of the RSAI’s “Nurturing New Talent Initiative”, 4-6 slots will be reserved to talented young researchers* (primarily PhD students) who will have the opportunity to present and discuss their works with senior researchers in the field.


Submission: Papers should be sent in pdf format to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before September 13th 2015. Extended abstracts or incomplete drafts will also be considered, but full papers will be favoured. *Doctoral students or recent PhDs (thesis defence within 2015) must send a certificate that proves their status.


Travel and accommodation costs for presenters of accepted papers will be covered by the organisers.


Deadline for papers submission: September 13th 2015
Notification of acceptance: September 27th 2015
Preliminary programme: October 11th 2015
Final programme: November 15th 2015


Organising Committee
Antonio Di Paolo (coordinator), Enrique López-Bazo, Alessia Matano and Raül Ramos.


Scientific Committee
Antonio Di Paolo, Massimiliano Bratti, Oriol Escardíbul, Steve Gibbons, José Luis Roig, Montserrat Vilalta-Bufí and Felix Weinhardt.


Further information at http://www.ub.edu/aqr/workshop/2015/ or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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