Upcoming Events

Tuesday, 16 June 2015 14:49

Department TPR - job vacancy in air transport - Air Transpor Colloquium - C-MAT regisration - Steunpunt MOBILO slotevent

The Department of Transport and Regional Economics of the University of Antwerp (TPR) has a job vacancy for a doctoral student and researcher in the area of air transport economics. The job description and application procedure are available here. Closing date for application is 22 June 2015.

TPR has another job vancancy for a doctoral student and researcher in the area of urban waste logistics. The job description and application procedure are available here. Closing date for application is 26 June 2015.


TPR will host its annual Air Transport Colloquium on 3 December 2015. People from academia, industry and policy will exchange know-how and ideas about the theme ‘It is all about money - Growth, cash and profitability in the air transport sector’. Please save this date! A detailed program will follow soon.


Het Steunpunt Goederen- en personenvervoer (Steunpunt MOBILO), gehuisvest op TPR, zal haar slotevent organiseren op 24 november 2015 rond het thema ‘Beleidsondersteunend onderzoek: luxe of noodzaak?’. De wetenschappelijke en beleidsondersteunende output van de afgelopen vier jaar zal gepresenteerd worden en bediscussieerd met academici, beleidsmakers en sector-belanghebbenden. Hou deze datum alvast vrij. Een gedetailleerd programma volgt snel.

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As of academic year 2015-2016, the University of Antwerp will be offering two unique advanced Masters in transport economics: a management-oriented Master with specialisations in maritime and air transport economics, and a research training programme. Both Master programmes will be taught in English and will be coordinated by C-MAT, the Centre for Maritime and Air Transport Management. C-MAT is part of the Faculty of Applied Economics and is managed by the Department of Transport and Regional Economics (TPR) of the University of Antwerp.

NEW: A limited number of partial scholarships awarded by the Flemish Government is available for C-MAT students for the academic year 2015-2016! Please indicate your interest in the scholarships when filling out the C-MAT application form via www.c-mat.be.


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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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