Upcoming Events

Thursday, 30 April 2015 10:02

The 24th ECSAS (European Conference on South Asian Studies) will take place at the University of Warsaw (Poland) from 27 to 30 July 2016.

The 24th ECSAS (European Conference on South Asian Studies) will take place at the University of Warsaw (Poland) from 27 to 30 July 2016.



The call for panels is now open and will close on 15 May 2015.
If you would like to convene a panel at this conference, please submit your proposal via the online form.
How to proceed?
All participants at the 24th ECSAS (panel convenors, paper presenters and chairs/discussants) must be members of EASAS through 2015 & 2016 or 2016 & 2017. If you wish to convene a panel and are not yet a member, please make sure to become a member before submitting your proposal. Please note that all convenors must be EASAS members a the time of submission. Paper presenters who are not yet members may also join EASAS after the panel proposals have been selected. Non-members cannot attend the conference. It is easy to join EASAS here.
Proposals should consist of
1. panel title
2. name of panel convenor or convenors
3. short panel abstract of fewer than 300 characters
4. long panel abstract of fewer than 250 words, preferably including names of tentative panellists.
EASAS appreciates a well-balanced composition of convenors and panellists within a panel (by gender, with an international mix of participants, and senior and junior scholars) but the main criterion will be the high academic quality of your panel. One convenor per panel must be based in a European institution. The conference organizers will also seek to ensure that the wide range of disciplines usually represented at the conference finds adequate coverage, both separately and in interdisciplinary panels.
ECSAS requires all accepted panels to be open to paper proposals through the website: proposed panels should not be ‘closed’ to further papers ab initio. We encourage young researchers to contact panel convenors to be considered for inclusion in their panel; young researchers are also encouraged to propose panels themselves. No panel may run for more than 4 sessions of 90 minutes.
Participants cannot submit more than one presentation during the 24th ECSAS. Beyond that, each participant may chair one panel; or be discussant in one panel.
We look forward to seeing you in Warsaw in 2016!
If you have any queries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please note that the conference website and panel proposal form will be ready by the end of March.

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