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Friday, 24 April 2015 15:21

Call for abstracts - International Conference 'Meanings of the Rural - between social representations, consumptions and rural development strategies', University of Aveiro, Portugal, 28-29 September 2015

Dear Rural Studies Researchers

The International Conference 'Meanings of the Rural – between social representations, consumptions and rural development strategies' will take place between 28 and 29 september 2015 at the University of Aveiro.

The Conference join together the 3rd Conference on Regional and Urban Planning, the RURAL MATTERS Conference and the IX ENPLANT.

The Call for abstracts is now open until May, 20.

Abstracts are welcome to one of the following themes:

1. Social Meanings and Representations of the Rural.
2. Rural Development Policies, Strategies and Actors.
3. Consumptions of the Rural

For information on themes, registration and abstract submission, please visit: http://meaningsoftherural.web.ua.pt/

and follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Conference-Meanings-of-the-Rural/355422951324634?pnref=story)


Please dessiminate the call among your contacts.


Looking forward to receive your abstract


Best Regards

Elisabete Figueiredo

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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