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Wednesday, 18 March 2015 09:59

REMINDER - Only two weeks left for the submission of an abstract to URBE Conference

Call for Papers

URban freight and BEhavior change 

October 1st - 2nd  2015, Rome, Italy
Conference organized by Department of Political Sciences and Centre for Research on the Economics of Institutions, University of Roma Tre
Website: http://host.uniroma3.it/eventi/urbe


We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the URBE - URban freight and BEhavior change Conference to be held in Rome, Italy, October 1st-2nd, 2015. Researchers, practitioners, politicians and public authorities are invited to use the conference as a platform for knowledge-exchange and transfer.


The conference is endorsed by: 1) Center of Excellence for Sustainable Urban Freight Systems (CoE-SUFS), 2) World Conference for Transport Research Society’s SIGB5 - Freight Modelling (WCTRS), 3) Italian Society of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET), 4) Italian Society of Transport Politics (SIPOTRA), 5) Italian Association of Regional Science (AISRE).


Aims and scope

URBE aims at identifying the behavioral game changers capable of modifying the present trends and pro-actively responding to the sustainability challenges urban freight distribution poses to modern cities given the role it plays in linking production, logistics and society.


The conference, taking a trans-disciplinary approach, focuses on the various alternatives capable of stimulating stakeholders’ behavioral change and engagement for a sustainable urban freight distribution. In more detail, the main topics relate to the behavioral pros and cons of: stakeholder involvement methodologies, advanced modeling techniques, innovative organizational structures, policy appraisal and evaluation techniques.


Please find below a non-exhaustive list of possible subjects to be addressed.

Stakeholder involvement methodologies
• Gamifi​cation
• Living laboratory techniques
• Co-creation initiatives and processes
• Stakeholder engagement…

Advanced modeling techniques
• Agent based models 
• Choice modelling
• Game theoretic approaches
• Applied stakeholder interaction modelling 
• Land use and transport interactions 
• Network analysis & operations research
• Gaming and simulation…

Policy appraisal and evaluati​on techniques
• Cost-benefit analysis
• Multi-criteria analysis
• Case studies…

Innovative organizational structures
• New business models
• Multi-level governance
• Sharing arrangements…

Areas of concern and possible solutions
• Behavior oriented policies
• Cooperation and sharing opportunities
• Passenger and freight interactions…

The official language of the Conference is English.​


We are now inviting submissions for conference presentations. Extended abstracts (max. 2 pages, please follow the instructions on the website) should contain all relevant information to allow the peer review process, giving an overview of: (1) main objectives and motivations, (2) topics covered and methodology, (3) results obtained/expected and conclusions.

The deadline for abstract submission is April 1st, 2015. Abstracts should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and will be assessed by the scientific committee within a double-blind-review.


Journal special issues
The intention is to organize special issues of selected papers in appropriate journals depending upon a critical mass of good papers.



  • 01 April, 2015 – Submission of extended abstracts
  • 01 May, 2015 – Notification of abstract status
  • 01 July, 2015 – Early registration deadline
  • 01 September, 2015 – Submission of full papers and registration deadline for Authors
  • 01-02 October, 2015 – Conference in Rome, Italy
Chandra Bhat
The University of Texas at Austin – USA
Michael Browne
University of Westminster - United Kingdom
Ennio Cascetta
Federico II University of Naples – Italy
Laetitia Dablanc
IFSTTAR – France
Romeo Danielis
University of Trieste – Italy
Gerard de Jong
University of Leeds - United Kingdom
Francesco Filippi
Sapienza University of Rome - Italy​
Hanno Friedrich
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – Germany
Rodrigo Garrido
Diego Portales University - Chile
Valerio Gatta (local organizer)
Roma Tre University – Italy
Stephane Hess
University of Leeds - United Kingdom
José Holguín-Veras
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – USA
Gernot Liedtke
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – Germany
Cathy Macharis
Free University of Brussels – Belgium
Edoardo Marcucci (local organizer)
Roma Tre University – Italy
Vittorio Marzano
Federico II University of Naples – Italy
Alan McKinnon
Kühne Logistics University - Germany
Sandra Melo
Instituto Superior Tecnico of Lisbon – Portugal
Agostino Nuzzolo
Tor Vergata University – Italy
Matthew Roorda
University of Toronto – Canada
Francesco Russo
Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria – Italy
Amanda Stathopoulos
Northwestern University – USA
Eiichi Taniguchi
Kyoto University – Japan
Lóránt Tavasszy
Delft University of Technology – Netherlands
Eva Valeri
European Commission, JRC, Seville – Spain
Thierry Vanelslander
University of Antwerp – Belgium
Xiaokun Wang
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – USA
Johan Woxenius
University of Gothenburg – Sweden


We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you on October 1-2, 2015 in Rome, Italy




Local Organizing Committee

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: http://host.uniroma3.it/eventi/urbe​​​​​

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