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Friday, 13 June 2014 14:43

5th Central European Conference in Regional Science-CERS !!!ABSTRACT SUBMISSION EXTENDED!!!

Dear Sir or Madam

we are pleased to announce that due to the high interest, the deadline for abstracts submission for the 5th Central European Conference in Regional Science – CERS, which will be held in Košice, October 5th – 8th, 2014 has been EXTENDED to 15, June 2014. 

If you are still considering the conference there are several reasons why you should attend the CERS conference:

  • Very interesting opening and key-note lectures
  • Special Session: Future challenges of regional development in the V4 regionwith session chairDaniel Klimovský, Department of Regional Science and Management, Faculty of Economics, TU Košice and Jan Stejskal, University of Pardubice. The participants will discuss the challenges facing the V4 countries and contribute to debate on expectations linked to their further development. Obviously, discussants and contributors from outside of the V4 countries are welcome, too.
  • Special Session: Evolution, Institutions and Economic Transformation with session chair Simone Strambach organised by Štefan Rehák, Department of Public Administration and Regional Development, University of Economics in Bratislava and Balazs Lengyel, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Please find further details in the attachment.
  • Other special sessions are in preparation and will be announced soon.
    • Great opportunity to create working relationships and co-operation at the interregional or cross-border level.
    • Conference proceedings will be submitted to CPCI (Conference Proceedings Citation Index, an integrated index within Web of Science, Thomson Reuters).
    • Opportunity to visit Košice awarded the prestigious title of European Capital of Culture 2013. During the conference there will be excursion around new cultural infrastructure in Košice. For more information see: http://www.cers.tuke.sk/index.php/social-activities
    • Opportunity to visit Košice where Europe´s oldest marathon was born. The oldest European Košice Peace Marathon, 5 th October celebrates this year the 90th anniversary. For more information and registration see: http://www.kosicemarathon.com/en/ Full, half, mini and inline marathon is possible for those interested to combine research and sports activities.

Beatriz Garcia, Institute of Cultural Capital, Liverpool, United Kingdom:

„30 Years of the European Capital of Culture Programme. Success Strategies and Long Term Effects.

Andrés Rodriguez-Pose: London School of Economics, United Kingdom:

„Government quality and the economic returns of transport infrastructure investment in European region.“

Peter Nijkamp and Karima Kourtit, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Simone Strambach: Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

Michal Hladký, Košice – European Capital of Culture 2013, n.o., Slovakia

Please find further details in the attachment. More information about the conference can be found at the conference website http://www.cers.tuke.sk/

If you didn’t submit Abstract yet, we encourage you to take this opportunity. If you wish to register please go to the section Registration http://www.cers.tuke.sk/index.php/registration. Abstract must be submitted electronically using option "Your submissions" in the registration system.

Further distribution of this announcement to the relevant target group would be highly appreciated.

We look forward to meeting you at the conference

Organising Team, CERS 2014

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