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Tuesday, 10 September 2024 11:19

A successful #ERSA2024 Congress, both online and onsite!

10 September 2024

A successful #ERSA2024 Congress, both online and onsite!

Dear colleagues,
it is with pleasure that I send you the report of the questionnaire on thedegree of satisfaction of the ERSA congress. All in all, the degree of satisfaction is high.
We make sure, however, that the suggestions raised will be an input for our next congress in Athens.
I take the opportunity to thank the LOC, and Tomas Dentihno in particular, for the great work done in organising the congress, and to all of you for participating.
See you all in Athens next year!
Roberta Capello, President of ERSA


In a nutshell (Online & Terceira)

872 Attendees & Presenters

830 TotalPresentations

61 Countries in Europe and beyond 

Keynote Lectures1Special event “Paul Krugman”

High-level Roundtable “OECD”

213 Parallel Sessions 55 online – 158 onsite

92 Session topics

Young ScientistsSessions

 A big thank you to ALL: keynote speakers, roundtable panelists and all presenters of #ERSA2024!

This success is above all yours!

See full Agenda

#ERSA2024 on YouTubeKeynote lectures are available now!

Keynote address by Elisa Ferreira“Cohesion Policy in a Fragmented World”

Keynote presentation by Mário Centeno“Monetary policy: how to deal with fragmentation”

Celebration Event for Paul Krugman “The New Economic Geography: Divergence Returns”

> ERSA Prize 2024 Keynote presentation by Simona Iammarino “Technological Transitions and Critical Raw Materials. Multinationals, Geopolitics and Spatial Inequality”

> Subscribe to ERSA Youtube Channel

Satisfaction Survey results

193 respondents = 22% of participants filled in our survey.(Score 5 is the maximum)

Timetable of the programme: 3.9 (online) 3.5 (onsite)

Quality of the keynote lectures: 3.6

Quality of the Parallel Sessions: 3.8

Quality of the roundtables: 3.7

Quality of the feedback received for presentation:3.9

Awardees @ #ERSA2024

2024 Recipient of the ERSA Prize in Regional Science

for her outstanding contribution to Regional Science

Simona Iammarino, University of Cagliari, Italy & London School of Economics, UK 

2024 Recipients of the ERSA Prestigious Epainos Prize

Peter Njekwa Ryberg, Jönköping International Business School

With his paper on: “Manufacturing automation and its implication for local employment outcomes: Evidence from Sweden”

Giacomo Rosso, University Of Turin & Collegio Carlo Alberto

With his paper on: “Local Economy, Housing Prices and Neighborhood Change”

2024 Recipients of the RSAI Fellow Awards

Andrea Caragliu, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Yoshiro Higano, University of Tsukuba, Japan

2024 Recipient of the Hirotada Kohno Prize

André Torre,Paris-Saclay University, France

2024 Recipients of the Martin Beckmann RSAI Annual Award for the best paper in Papers in Regional Science (PiRS)

Vicente Rios, University of Pisa, Italy, for his paper (2023): Quality of government and women’s political empowerment: Evidence from European Regions, Papers in Regional Science vol. 102, issue 6, pp. 1067-1097.

2024 Recipients of the Best Paper in Regional Science Policy and Practice (RSPP)

Eduardo Amaral Haddad, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Peter Nijkamp, Open University of the Netherlands

For the paper on: “Urban agglomeration, city size, and spatial density effects on wage flexibility: New evidence on the wage curve in Brazil. Regional Science Policy Practice 2023 15 (9) Pages 1998-2026. DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12669”

2024 Recipients of RSPP Special Issue Award

Louafi Bouzouina, LAET, ENTPE, Université de Lyon

Karima Kourtit, Open University of the Netherlands

Peter Nijkamp, Open University of the NetherlandsSpecial Issue on “Covid-19, Transport and Mobility” with 11 papers and 73 Cite Score citations (ratio 6,60) in August 2024.

ERSA Prize in Regional Science    > ERSA Epainos Prize      > RSAIAwards

On X

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose @rodriguez_pose Sept 2

Just returned from an incredible and truly stimulating #ERSA2024 in beautiful #Angra do Heroísmo, #Azores!Huge thanks to the amazing organisers, especially to @tomazdentinho, a force of nature, and his fantastic team for making it all happen.Can’t wait for #Athens2025!

Claudio Detotto @claudio_detotto Sep 1

We had an insightful morning session with the following fascinating presentations: Júlia Szőke (@university_gyor), @lciuccipoggi, @f_prota, @Martina05832243 and @rkd__rkd @ERSA_org @biancabiagi #ERSA2024

Katarzyna Kopczewska @KathyKopczewska Aug 26

What Azores can offer? A great scientific congress of regional science #ERSA2024 and amazing views from conference venue. Just waiting for a start of sessions and key note speaches! Representation of @SpatialWarsaw is there!

Vicente Royuela @VicenteRoyuela Aug 29

I can’t be more proud of the great attention  GCRS has received at the #ERSA2024 conference in Azores . Thanks to all the amazing people who approached this morning , and thanks to Rose Worrell for her support @ElsGeogPlan @ERSA_org

Make Athens your destination in 2025! #ERSA2025

To Keep up-to-date with all events on the agenda,visit our upcoming events page on our website.    
Read 614 times

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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