Miscellaneous News

Friday, 22 January 2016 13:33

Four PhD openings at Department of Spatial Economics, VU Amsterdam

Dear colleague,

We would be delighted if you can bring this message under the attention of talented candidates who would like to pursue a PhD in transport and urban economics in Amsterdam.

The Department of Spatial Economics, VU Amsterdam has just opened 4 PhD positions. The positions are each part of larger projects, including national and international partner institutions, which are to be carried out in the context of the so-called SURF programme: Smart Urban Regions of the Future. Positions are open on the following four topics:

1. Tradable peak-hour permits in road transport: a real-world experiment
2. Behavioural modelling of peak-hour commuting behaviour: stated and revealed preference approaches
3. Automated driving: spatial-economic implications (command of Dutch required)
4. Urban form, energy use and local environmental quality: a general equilibrium perspective

For further information on how to apply, please go to: http://www.vu.nl/nl/werken-bij-de-vu/vacatures/2016/16002.asp


Erik Verhoef

(Head of Department)

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