ERSA UCL CORE International Workshop
14th Annual Ernestas Galvanauskas' International Scientific Conference
Rethinking Regional Competitiveness
27-28 November, 2014, SIAULIAI ARENA, Lithuania More
12th Annual meeting with the topic "Local Development"
27-28 November 2014,
The Israeli Section upcoming event will focus on "Human Capital, Innovation and Regional Development"
10 February 2015, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning,Technion, Israel
The Spanish Section of ERSA is hosting an International Conference on
"Financing and the role of the regions and towns in the economic recovery"
To be held in Zaragoza, Spain. Further information HERE
Dear Colleagues,
"The 54th ERSA Congress has been a vibrant success and it is a great pleasure for me to start my presidency with such a positive note. On behalf of ERSA and RSAI, my grateful thanks to the Local Organising Committee for such a high-level scientific gathering and great organisation!." Says Jouke van Dijk, the new ERSA President.
A great programme and participation
822 Participants from 49 countries around the world.
Over 800 presentations scheduled in 212 sessions including
6 Keynote Sessions 10 Refereed Young Scientists' Sessions
24 Refereed Sessions
76 Special Sessions
102 Ordinary sessions
"With the EOC members and André Torre as Vice-President, I am very enthusiastic to move forward ERSA activities and enhance the excellence and efficiency of regional research everywhere. "continues Jouke van Dijk
The EIB-ERSA Prize in Regional Science recognizes the outstanding contributions of scholars to the advancement in regional science and in related spatial area studies.
This year the Prize goes to Raymond J.G.M. Florax, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University; Dept. of Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam, Tinbergen Institute
'Regional science has always been and continues to be an exciting mix of methods, fundamental work and policy-oriented applications. ERSA and EIB teaming up to jointly promote and support these diverse aspects of our work in the spatial sciences is of critical importance.' says Raymond Florax
During the Closing Ceremony, Raymond Florax was invited to made a presentation. His presentation Marginalia on Spatial Econometrics and Meta-Analysis is available on the congress website

Epainos Prize Winner 2014
Tobias Ketterer,Post-Doc Researcher, London School of Economics is the 2014 Epainos Prize Winner with his paper on '"Institutions vs. geography - What drives economic growth in Europe's NUTS-2 regions?"
'The EPAINOS sessions were a unique experience and the comments received will help me to make the paper even stronger'
A high-level panel of Speakers
Zoltan Acs, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
Konstantin Aksenov, GS Group, Russia
Aleksei Novikov, Thomson Reuters
Kevin Stolarick,Director, India Institute for Competitiveness,Toronto, Canada
Michael Storper, UCLA (Los Angeles), LSE (London), Sciences Po (Paris) Natalya Zubarevich, Moscow State University and Independent Institute for Social Policy,Moscow Tanja Sinozic and Gunther Maier
The Russian school of Regional Science with the presentations of
Sergey Nikolaevich Leonov,Chief researcher of the Economic Research Institute,Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Khabarovsk, Russia)
E. Kolomak (Siberian region)
Tatarkin Alexander Ivanovich member of RAS
Vladimir V.Okrepilov /S.Kuznetsov
The keynote powerpoint presentations are available on the website here With the authors' agreement, the papers presented during the Congress will be posted on RePEc is the coming weeks
ERSA New Online Journal - REGION
This year the Congress venue was also the place to officially present the benefits of the ERSA online Journal - REGION. This ERSA new initiative raised a lot of enthusiasm among the participants, and in particular by the promising young scientists selected for the Epainos Sessions, who are undoubtedly an important target of the Journal.
The editorial Team is pleased and proud to announce that the first article has now been published:
Climate Change in Lebanon: Higher-order Regional Impacts from Agriculture
Eduardo A. Haddad, Nadim Farajalla, Marina Camargo, Ricardo L. Lopes, Flavio V. Vieira Will your article be the next one? Don't miss this change of being published in REGION