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Wednesday, 17 September 2014 15:52

Romanian Section Report - 2014


2014 REPORT to the ERSA


arsr-logoAt present the Romanian RSA (RRSA) counts 70 members, who have paid both the RRSA and RSAI individual membership fees in 2013. The 250 euro collective membership fee to the ERSA for 2014 has been already paid by the RRSA in April. Also, the collection of the RSAI individual membership - 2014 is in an advanced phase (more than 50 members have already paid it). The RRSA is enlarging with new members who, according to the Romanian RSA Constitution, have demonstrated a deep, mature and constant interest in regional science as well as in the RRSA activities.

The international conference of the RRSA is organised every two years. The next one – the 10th - is scheduled for 8-9 May 2015 and will be hosted by the “Stephan the Great” University of Suceava, located in the wonderful Bucovina area of the North-East region. The Call for Papers will be launched at the beginning of October 2014.

The members of the Romanian RSA have been involved in many national and international projects in regional science field and have authored quality books and articles published in Romania and abroad. For example, a special session at the ERSA Congress in Sankt Petersburg is dedicated to “Regional Regeneration in the EU New Member States” (chair: Daniela Constantin) and contains four papers presenting the results obtained by the authors (all members of the Romanian RSA) within the FP7 project “Growth-Innovation-Competitiveness: Fostering Cohesion in Central and Eastern Europe (GRINCOH)”, in which Bucharest University of Economic Studies is one of the 12 partners.

Also, the RRSA representatives are members in the Consulting Committee for Territorial Cohesion and the Consulting Committee for Regional Operational Programme set up by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration in the context of the preparations for the 2014-2020 programme period.  In addition, the Romanian RSA has close collaboration relationships – materialised in joint seminars, workshops, etc. - with Regional Development Agencies and other organisations interested in a scientific view on the territorial dimension of the Cohesion Policy in Romania.

The Romanian Journal of Regional Science has released in 2014 its 8th volume, with two issues per year. In 2013 each of the two issues was accompanied by a special issue. The journal has a large international participation, more than half of the articles being authored by foreign scholars. It is indexed in many international databases (e.g. RePEc-Ideas, EBSCO, DOAJ, Cabell’s) and the articles have a large number of citations in other journals. The RJRS is an online journal, all articles being downloadable from www.rrsa.ro/rjrs

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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