
Friday, 25 May 2012 00:00

The journal of the Spanish Regional Science Association (AECR) Investigaciones Regionales is already available both on line and printable version.

logorevistap1The volume of Spring (number 22) of the journal of the Spanish Regional Science Association (AECR) Investigaciones Regionales is already available both on line ( and printable version. This last volume is a multidisciplinary and international compilation with papers both in Spanish and English. It contains six scientific-academic papers. Firstly, Alvarez, Myro and Vega analyze the delocation in the manufacturing sectors in the EU from the regional perspective (with a sample of 75 regions) and its effects on job losses during the 2000-2005 period. In the second paper, Moreno, Renart and Vidal endeavor to carry out a study of the weaknesses and errors detected by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) in the reports presented by 15 European countries on the economic and financial management of Structural Funds in the period 2000-2006. Casares, Coto-Millán and Inglada analyze the role played by the talent and the technology, with other exogenous factors such as diversity and territorial, on the economic development among the Spanish NUTS-3 regions. Natario, Almeida and Couto de Sousa examine through probabilistic econometric models the innovation processes of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in peripheral areas, particularly in the municipality of Guarda and in the Islands of the Azores in Portugal. Marti and Rodenas investigate the reasons that lead migrants to perform multiple migration in Spain in the period 2003-2005. Their probabilistic analysis indicates that repeated migration of nationals and non nationals respond to different reasons, such as labour experiences for non nationals and additional factors for the Spanish. In the last paper, Rubiera-Morollon, Fernandez-Vazquez and Aponte-Jaramillo estimate and analyze labour productivity in the Spanish cities. They propose the use of entropy econometrics to estimate urban income and productivity according to city size allowing them to measure agglomeration economics. In addition to these papers, this volume also contain two technical notes. In the first one, Duarte, Perez and Pfeilstetter deals with the currently widely discussed entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and investigates the roles this concept actually plays within the LEADER+ development program and its implementation in three European territories. In the second one, Clifton, Diaz-Fuentes, Fernandez-Gutierrez and Revuelta analyze from a regional perspective the use of Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI) to which general access in equal conditions is considered key for social and territorial cohesion by European regulation policymakers, particularly after privatization, liberalization and desregulation processes at the supply side. Finally, Boix and Lazzeretti display a panoramical review and state of the art of the creative industries at Spain, introducing the basic theoretical aspects, the measurement of creativity, compared data about production, employment and the location of creative industries, as well as the discussion about policy. A review of the book 'The political economy of interregional fiscal flows. Measurement, determinants and effects on country stability' and other news on books and related journals are also contained in the Spring volume of Investigaciones Regionales.


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