
Wednesday, 31 July 2024 09:34

New Issue: Regional Science Policy & Practice | Volume 16, Issue 9, September 2024

New Issue: Regional Science Policy & Practice

New issue available on ScienceDirect

Cover Image Regional Science Policy & Practice

Regional Science Policy & Practice

Volume 16, Issue 9 , September 2024

Editorial Board

Article Number 100121

Regional Development in Central Asia: situation and challenges

The dark shadow of flexible citizenship: The social costs of translocalism and transnationalism. An anthropological case of chinese educational migration

Article Number 100050

Mingyue Yang, Ming He

Trust as a critical driver of customer loyalty in the pharmaceutical market: A study of Kazakhstan

Article Number 100021

E. Orazgaliyeva, A. Abuzhalitova, N. Sokhatskaya, M. Smykova, A. Kazybayeva

Current regulation of water relations in Central Asia

Article Number 100038

Kaiyrbek Orazaliev, Anar Mukasheva, Nursultan Ybyray, Talap Nurekeshov

Capital inflow and investment attractiveness of Central Asian countries (on the example of Kazakhstan)

Article Number 100039

Kulyanda K. Nurasheva, Ismailbek I. Shalabayev, Gulzhanar I. Abdikerimova, Darikul A. Kulanova, Aziza T. Mergenbayeva

Regional Development and Sustainable Peace

Researchers of Ukrainian universities in wartime conditions: Needs, challenges and opportunities

Article Number 100012

Natalia Tsybuliak, Hanna Lopatina, Liudmyla Shevchenko, Anastasia Popova, Sergii Kovachov, Yana Suchikova, Anatoli I. Popov

Rural-urban migration within Russia: Prospects and drivers

Article Number 100053

Anastasia Chaplitskaya, Gianmaria Tassinari, Wim Heijman, Johan van Ophem

Development, Inequality, and Innovation in European Regions over the Era of Downturns

Firm aggregations and firm performance: Evidence from network contracts

Article Number 100064

Andrea Caragliu, Paolo Landoni

Social economy and entrepreneurship in urban and local development - Theory, policy and practices of community engagement

Socio-ecological shocks, weak community support systems, and tragic responses of farmers – A modeling study on India

Article Number 100030

Abdul Shaban, Karima Kourtit, Peter Nijkamp, Bipin Das

Socially innovative experiments for transformative local development: Putting more-than-growth-oriented local interventions in spatial context

Article Number 100035

Johannes Suitner, Wolfgang Haider, Astrid Krisch

The impact of fair-trade certifications in social and solidarity economy organizations in Ecuador

Article Number 100055

Grace Carolina Guevara-Rosero, Katherine Monge, Henry Yánez, Marcela Guachamín, Javier Flor

Remarks on the location theories of startups: A case study on the Visegrad countries

Article Number 100063

Petra Kinga Kézai, Agnieszka Skala

The Cascadia Innovation Corridor: The role of social entrepreneurship in the making of a North American innovative cross-border region

Article Number 100067

Kathrine Richardson

Book Review

Welfare Goes Global: Making Progress and Catching Up

Article Number 100071

Mehak Majeed

Read the full issue on ScienceDirect

Read 1037 times Last modified on Wednesday, 31 July 2024 09:36

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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