
Monday, 23 May 2022 03:09



Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP)


Guest editors:

Gabriela Carmen Pascariu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva, Ivan Franko National University, Ukraine; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Oksana Krayevska, Ivan Franko National University, Ukraine; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ukraine became independent in 1991 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Like any country in the post-Soviet area it started to develop its own foreign policy, to conduct structural reforms to foster its economic development and it transformed to the key actor for ensuring internationally security, stability and prosperity. After the Euromaidan (2013) and the Revolution of Dignity (2013-2014), Ukrainian society clearly defined the main directions of its foreign policy leading to the incorporation of the European aspirations in the Constitution of Ukraine in 2019. However, independence of Ukraine became challenged by internal difficulties in reforming its political, economic and legal systems and external threats.

By addressing the internal developments in the country and external policies towards it by other international actors from an inter/multi/transdisciplinary perspective, this special issue addresses the new political, economic and societal transformations in Ukraine aimed at increasing stability, security and sustainable development inside the country, on the European continent and worldwide. Ukraine is trying to overcome different challenges caused by the geopolitical situation, geographical position and economic development, which cause many difficulties for achieving positive outcomes in economic and societal transformation processes internally and externally, especially in the cooperation with neighbouring countries. However, these challenges create new opportunity windows for deep and comprehensive internal transformations leading to the modernisation of all spheres of socio-economic and political life. These new opportunities cover such areas, but are not limited to good governance, strengthening democracy and capacities of political institutions, supporting regional development, ensuring resilience while reaching the sustainable development goals.  

It aims, therefore, to bring together papers on theoretical and empirical research results on Ukraine from the multidisciplinary perspectives of economy, governance, institutions, culture/identity/history, international relations, European integration, human security, political science, society and democracy, or environmental issues and how to connect them with the sustainable development and regional development.

Below are some examples of topics relevant for the special issue on Ukraine: geopolitical realities and regional development perspectives:

  • Historical Analysis of Evolving Political Geographies and Geoeconomics;
  • Actors, Institutions and Commitments: General Characteristics of the International Cooperation Practices of Ukraine;
  • War/Conflict in the East of Ukraine: Looking for Multidisciplinary Solutions and Overcoming Challenges;
  • Content Analysis of Media on the Conflict in the East of Ukraine and the Annexation of Crimea;
  • Economic Development and Striving for Competitive Advantages on Global and Regional Markets;
  • Going Digital: Ukrainian Perspectives on Digitalization of Public and Private Life;
  • Ukrainian migration: economic, social and legal perspectives;
  • Social Development and Spatial Integration in Ukraine;
  • Regional Development in Ukraine: Internal and External Dimensions;
  • Ukraine in the Baltic-Black Sea Region;
  • Walls or Links of European Design;
  • Russian Policies towards Ukraine;
  • Ensuring Security, Stability and Resilience: Ukrainian and Global Perspectives;
  • Tackling Environmental Issues: EU Green Deal and Combating Environmental Degradation;
  • Transformation of Public Governance in Ukraine: Lost between European Perspectives and Soviet Legacy;
  • Improving Energy Security in Ukraine for Boosting Economic Development and Stability;
  • Ensuring Rule of Law in Ukraine: Trends, Achievements and Difficulties;
  • EU and Ukraine: Challenge to Integrate;
  • Boosting Innovations in Ukraine: The Role of Education, Research and Development policies;
  • Overcoming COVID-19 in Ukraine: Reforming Public Health Sector.

By this special issue, we intend to contribute to a better understanding of geopolitical realities and regional development perspectives of Ukraine, focussing on processes, activities, linkages with the various actors and policies with high relevance for evidence-based policymaking.


All submissions will undergo the double blind peer review process that is generally applied for the journal. To submit a manuscript, you will register and submit your paper online at: When making your submission, you have to indicate at the cover letter that is for the Special Issue entitled “Ukraine: geopolitical realities and regional development perspectives”.


Antonyuk N., Krayevska O. (2019) Regional policy of Ukraine in the Framework of the EU-Ukraine cooperation, Chelm, - Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal. 2019, vol. 1., 2019. – P. 231 – 247 (ISSN 2450-3576);
Capello, R., and Nijkamp, P. (Eds.). (2019). Handbook of regional growth and development theories: revised and extended second edition. Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN: 978 1 78897 001 3;
Caras, V.S. (2020), Quality of governance in the Eastern Partnership countries: the role of the EU, Russia and domestic conditions, Eastern Journal of European Studies, 11(SI), pp.99-119;
Dentinho, T. (2020), Cross border cooperation and peripheral areas in Europe, Eastern Journal of European Studies, Special Issue 11 (2020),;
Getzner, M. and Moroz, S. (2021), The economic development of regions in Ukraine: with tests on the territorial capital approach, Empirica, 49(1), pp. 225-251, DOI10.1007/s10663-021-09521-w;
Gladysh, M., Krayevska, O., & Holovko-Havrysheva, O. (2020). Baltic-Black Sea Region as a Resilient Region: Political and Security Aspects. Strategic Review, (13), 159-178.;
Holovko-Havrysheva, O. (2021). Adjusting National Consumer Protection Legislation in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to EU Standards: Practices, Experience and Challenges. 10.1007/978-3-030-82291-0_14;
Kopachinska, G. (2021), Geopolitical view of Ukraine: History of Development and Specifics of its Current Transformation, Quaestiones Geographicae, 40(4), pp. 47-62, DOI10.2478/quageo-2021-0037;
Korosteleva, E. and Flockhart, T. (eds.) (2020), Resilience in EU and International Institutions. Redefining Local Ownership in a New Global Governance Agenda, Routledge, ISBN 9780367543914;;
Korosteleva, E.A. (2020). Paradigmatic or critical? Resilience as a new turn in EU governance for the neighbourhood, Journal of International Relations and Development, 23(3), 682-700;
Krayevska O. (2020) Implementation of the EU Horizontal Policies in Ukraine in the Framework of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement // STUDIA POLITOLOGICZNE. VOL. 57 / STUDIA I ANALIZY. - Warszawa, 2020, P. 169 – 187 (DOI: 10.33896/SPolit.2020.57.10);
Melnykova, M., Boichenko, M., Ragulina, N. and Kocheshkova, I. (2022). The Task of "recycling-revitalization" as a Priority of Sustainable Development of Ukrainian Industrial Cities, European Journal of Sustainable Development, 11(1), 212.;
Malskyy M., Antonyuk N., Gladysh M., Krayevska O. (2020) Regionalism and spill over effects: case of Ukraine / Baltic - Black Sea Regionalism: Patchworks and Networks at Europe’s Eastern Margins by Olga Bogdanova and Andrey Makarychev. - Springer, Tartu, 2020. – С. 207-224. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-24878-9_13;
Pascariu, G.C., Kourtit, K. and Tiganasu, R. (2020), Spatial Resilience and the Border Regions of Europe, Special Issue Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP), pp. 747-976,;
Rouet, G., and Pascariu, G.C. (2019). Resilience and the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood Countries. From Theoretical Concepts to a Normative Agenda, ISBN: 978-3-030-25606-7, Palgrave, https://link. springer. com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-25606-7;
Seheda, S., Shevchuk, and V. Pokotylo, O. (2021), The creation of the armed forces of independent Ukraine: military and political background, Eastern Journal of European Studies, 12(2), pp. 86-104, DOI: 10.47743/ejes-2021-0205,;
Simionov, L.M., Pascariu, G.C., and Bureiko, N. (2021). Building resilience beyond the EU's eastern borders. EU actorness and societal perceptions in Ukraine and Republic of Moldova. Eastern Journal of European Studies, 12(2021), pp. 250-272, DOI:,;
Simionov, L. M., & Pascariu, G.C. (2017). The EU and Russia Shifting Away from the Economic Logic of Interdependence - an Explanation through the Complex Interdependence Theory. European Integration Studies, 11(2017), DOI:;;
Trusina, I.  and Jermolajeva, E. (2021), The scientific discourse on the concept of sustainable development, Eastern Journal of European Studies, 12(2), pp. 298-322, DOI: 10.47743/ejes-2021-0215;
​​Petrov, R., Holovko-Havrysheva, O. (2021) Resilience in the Context of the Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Kyiv Law and Politics Journal, 1-26, DOI:  10.18523/kmlpj249888.2021-7.1-26.
Read 6280 times Last modified on Wednesday, 11 January 2023 10:26

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