
Wednesday, 16 December 2020 13:25

Call for an Early Career Guest Editor For an RSPP Special Issue on The movement of goods, services, people and capital across the Mediterranean

Call for an Early Career Guest Editor

For an RSPP Special Issue on The movement of goods, services, people and capital across the Mediterranean

Tomaz Dentinho
RSPP Editor-in-Chief
University of Azores
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European immigration is not new. Migrants arrived in the 1960s from Southern Europe, in the 1970s from former colonies, in the 1990s from Eastern Europe, and more recently from the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, plus expatriates from the Arab Spring.

On the one hand, EU policies regarding migration may fail because they have a strong security emphasis instead of focusing on the Euro-Mediterranean movement of goods, services, capital and people. On the other hand, initiatives such as the Barcelona declaration, and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, which led to the Union for the Mediterranean may constitute the basis for the development of regional relationships among Mediterranean countries.

Regional Science uses advanced methods to analyse the movement of goods, services, capital and people namely when barriers are recreated (Brexit) of demolished (Eastern Enlargement of the EU). The challenge is to use these tools to update the analysis of the free movement of goods, services, capital or people across the Mediterranean.


The aim of this call is to select a Guest Editor that can mobilize theoretical and empirical papers on the movement of goods, services, people and capital across the Mediterranean. We are particularly interested in supporting the next generation of Regional Scientists and, therefore, this is a call for an Early Career Researcher, who will work closely with the Editor in Chief and the Editorial Team of Regional Science Policy and Practise in order to organise and edit the special issue.  

The papers submitted to Regional Science Policy and Practice are expected to be published in one RSPP Special Issue in 2022.


Candidates should send: (i) a CV, (ii) a draft Call for Papers, and (iii) a cover letter indicating their strategy to publicize the Call for Papers and attract interesting contributions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by February 1st 2021.

Read 4088 times Last modified on Wednesday, 16 December 2020 14:27

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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