RSPP Call for Paper
Special Issue on Understanding People's Views on Immigration
Guest Editor: Dr. Bruce Newbold, McMaster University
Aims and Scope of the Special Edition
In an era when globalization and economic integration has facilitated movement from poor to rich countries, immigration has emerged as one of the most controversial political issues. International migration has long been associated with economic motivations and individual responses. While economic considerations continue to motivate a portion of international movements, war, civil strife, inequalities in health, well-being, and/or income across space drive migration. But the movement of individuals at the global scale has been increasingly challenged by the rise of populism. In part, the rise of populism has been driven by a sense amongst many in the developed world that they see less opportunity for themselves than in the past. These deep societal and labor market changes bring with them real fears and real costs which have manifested in the rise of new populist parties in countries, along with anti-immigrant policies and programs. Arguably, populism has shifted how much of the globe views immigration.
We invite submissions for a forthcoming special edition of Regional Science Policy and Practice on the topic of Understanding People’s Views on Immigration. Both empirical and theoretical papers will be considered. Please submit full papers via the RSPP online submission portal. The deadline for submission is December 15, 2019.
Submission instructions
Authors are encouraged to RSPP’s online submission process. All submissions will go through the journal’s standard peer-review process. For guidelines to prepare your manuscript and for manuscript submission please visit:
For questions regarding this special issue, please contact Dr. Bruce Newbold (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)