
Monday, 07 August 2017 14:53

New issue (number 37) of Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research

Dear colleague:

We have just published a new issue of the journal Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research (Issue Nº 37). It is now available both on line and print version.

About Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research:

The founding aim of Investigaciones Regionales–Journal of Regional Research was to create a prestigious journal through which to disseminate quality research carried out in the broad academic and professional field of regional, urban and territorial studies. The review process of the papers submitted to the Journal follows international standards.

Investigaciones Regionales-Journal of Regional Research is ranked as Q2 by Scimago JRC (Scopus), in Economics, Econometrics and Finance, and indexed in other scientific and academic international databases (Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI), EBSCO, ProQuest, EconLit, RePec, DOAJ, Redalyc, Latindex, Fuente Académica, …).

The Journal has a multidisciplinary approach, welcoming submissions from fields such as Economics, Geography, Sociology, Land Planning and Political Science, whose scientific focus, originality and added value contribute to the dissemination of new ideas and methodological approaches, strengthening and improving the quality of the publication, via its email.

The contents of this issue are:


  • ¿Por qué incumplen fiscalmente las Comunidades Autónomas?- Santiago Lago Peñas, Xoaquín Fernández Leiceaga, Alberto Vaquero
  • Relevancia, pertinencia y socialización del conocimiento, ¿cómo contribuyen los investigadores a la innovación de Ensenada, México?- Mayer Cabrera-Flores, Santos López Leyva, Arturo Serrano Santoyo
  • El efecto de la distancia económica sobre la colaboración científica entre universidades. Evidencia para las regiones del sur de Europa- Ana Fernández Pérez, Esther Ferrándiz León, M.ª Dolores León Rodríguez
  • Métodos de entropía cruzada generalizada: una aproximación a la medición del Producto Interno Bruto para los municipios del Valle del Cauca - Colombia- Paola Andrea Garizado Román, Esteban Fernández Vázquez, Henry Duque Sandoval
  • Los factores explicativos del abandono temprano de la educación y la formación en las regiones españolas- Siro Bayón-Calvo, Helena Corrales-Herrero, Olga Ogando Canabal
  • The uneasy coexistence of the Spanish foral and common regional finance systems- Antoni Zabalza, Julio López-Laborda

Surveys and debates:

  • Instituciones y crecimiento económico: ¿consenso en la literatura?- Yakira Fernández-Torres, Juan Carlos Díaz-Casero, Julián Ramajo-Hernández

European Regional Policy:

  • Marco jurídico y principales instrumentos de la cooperación transfronteriza institucional en Europa- Eusebio Medina García

Books reviews:

  • Cities as Political Objects Historical Evolution, Analytical Categorisations and Institutional Challenges of Metropolitanisation- Juan R. Cuadrado Roura

To contact Us and Submit Manuscripts:

Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yours sincerely,

Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research

Read 4749 times

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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