
Monday, 24 October 2016 10:00

Vacancy for a full professor of Economic Geography at the University of Groningen

University Professor (Full) in Economic Geography (1,0 fte)
Full time appointment at the University of Groningen
Faculty of Spatial Sciences
Department of Economic Geography

The vacancy is positioned within the Faculty of Spatial Sciences at the University of Groningen (RUG). The Faculty focuses on high quality teaching and research in the fields of economic geography,  spatial planning, cultural geography, and demography. The Urban and Regional Studies Institute (URSI) is the Faculty’s research institute, and tWIST (towards Well-being, Innovation and Spatial Transformation) the Faculty’s research agenda. The Faculty consists of 95 members of staff and around 900 students. The chair is located in the Department of Economic Geography, one of the four Departments in the Faculty of Spatial Sciences.

Research in the Department of Economic Geography covers many areas in the field, but has a specific focus on the analysis of regional labour markets, migration, entrepreneurship and housing and real estate. The research consists mainly of work in which hypotheses are formulated based on theory followed by empirical testing using sophisticated econometric methods leading to publications in ISI rated top journals in the field and high quality dissertations. The research is at the forefront internationally, and has an important and substantial impact in the field of economic geography. In addition to this international orientation, the research of the group is strongly related to policy at the international, national, regional and local level also within the region of the Northern Netherlands. The group believes it has a special responsibility for the cultural, social, economic and above all spatial development of its own region. The group is responsible for coordinating and teaching the Master Economic Geography and the Master Real Estate Studies. The members of the group also contribute to the Research Master Regional Studies and to other Masters and courses in the two bachelor programmes of the Faculty.

Job specification
With regard to research the Professor in Economic Geography:
-    has a strong international reputation and network demonstrated by publications in top journals in the field, editorial positions in journals and scientific networks;
-    has developed a high quality, clear and original line of research within the field of Economic Geography;
-    has a proven track record for the supervision of PhD students;
-    will be responsible for developing and implementing a reputable research programme that fits in the faculty wide research programme Towards Well-being, Innovation and Spatial Transformation (tWIST);
-    he or she must function well within the Faculty and make a significant contribution to the implementation and coherence of the research programme and the organizational tasks of the Faculty;
-    must maintain international contacts and participate in joint ventures, demonstrated among other things by joint publications, PhD projects and working visits;
-     has obtained externally funded research projects and will actively invest in obtaining externally funded research projects together with other staff members.

With regard to lecturing the Professor in Economic Geography:
-     will teach courses for students in the two Masters of the Department in Economic Geography, the Research Master and in the newly established Master track Economic Geography 'Regional competitiveness and trade'  in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics;
-     possesses the vision and drive for the future development of the bachelor and master programmes in the Department of Economic Geography and will be able to attract new Master and PhD students and post doc researchers leading to a further increase of the international position and reputation of the department and the faculty;
-    integrates research into teaching;
-    will take part in mentoring and evaluating bachelor and master students;
-    is in possession of university teaching qualification required in the Netherlands, or is willing to pursue this.

With regard to managerial, administrative and other tasks the Professor in Economic Geography:
-     will take responsibility in Faculty committees;
-     represents the Faculty and Department at various events;
-    excellent candidates are also expected to take a leading role in the development and management of the faculty wide research programme Towards Well-being, Innovation and Spatial Transformation (tWIST), to stimulate cross-departmental research cooperation and to contribute to further strengthen the international outlook and reputation of the faculty in research and teaching, like e.g. the new envisaged University campus in Yantai, China.

Overall the Professor in Economic Geography:
-    will devote 40% of his/her time to research, 60% to education and management.

-    Vision.
-    Inclusive leadership.
-    Persuasiveness.
-    Entrepreneurship.

-    A PhD in Economic Geography, Human Geography, Regional Economics, or any other field which relates to Economic Geography.
-    A strong international reputation and network demonstrated by publications in top journals in the field, editorial positions in journals and active participation in scientific networks.
-    Extensive knowledge of the academic debate on regional and urban-rural spatial development and a strong drive to contribute to international and path-breaking new research in this field.
-    Extensive knowledge of regional and urban-rural spatial developments in different parts of the world, its best practices and innovative cases, as well as its policy issues.
-    An extensive international network  in the field of Economic Geography.
-    Clear ideas and an outspoken vision on academic teaching.
-    Experience with a variety of lecturing approaches and awareness of/willingness to implement the latest innovations in lecturing.
-    The ability to build connections to and maintain contacts with students and staff within in the faculty, but also in other scientific and policy networks.
-    A strong drive to share ideas with, to give energy to and to invest in colleagues and students and PhD’s.

Conditions of employment
We appreciate your interest in employment with the University of Groningen. The salary is dependent on experience and will be based on the salary scale for university (full) professor at Dutch universities and in accordance with the collective agreement regulating employment conditions at Dutch universities. Favourable tax agreements may apply to non-Dutch applicants.

Starting date: as soon as possible.

Additional information
We kindly invite you to acquire additional information regarding the position by getting in touch with:
Prof. dr. Jouke van Dijk, chair of the Department of Economic Geography
Tel.: +31.50.3633897 or +31 6 1098 2523.
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For specific information concerning the conditions of employment at the University of Groningen please contact:
A.M.A. Bouwmeester, Human Resource Advisor.
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How to apply
You may apply for this position before December 1, 2016 Dutch local time by means of the application form (click on "Apply" below on the advertisement on the university website).

Applicants should submit:
1. a full curriculum vitae including a complete list of publications (file 1);
2. a letter of motivation (file 2);
3. a 3-5 page statement of research accomplishments and future research goals (file 3);
4. a list of five selected ‘best papers’ (preferably including copies) (file 4).

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