Awards & Prizes

Monday, 28 August 2023 09:48

Daniela Constantin awarded the Kohno prize!

PhotoDanielaConstantinDaniela Constantin awarded the Kohno prize!

The committee (made up of Hans Westlund, RSAI president; Yoshiro Higano and Eduardo Haddad, LRPC members; and Lily Kiminami, RSAI Council member) in charge of selecting the recipient of the 2023 Hirotada Kohno award recommended Prof. Daniela Constantin (RRSA) to be the recipient of the award. The motivation provided by the committee reads as follows :

Dr Daniela Constantin, Professor of Regional and Urban Economics and Policy at the Bucharest University of Economic

Studies, Romania, has served the Regional Science community since the early 1990s. She has been the main character behind the establishment and development of the Romanian Section of the RSAI, for which she has served as President for over twenty years. Also, she is the Scientific Director of the Romanian Journal of Regional Science (founded 2007).

Daniela Constantin has been a member of the ERSA Council for more than 20 years, and has over the years had an innumerable number of commissions for ERSA. Currently, she is one of the editors of the “Papers in Regional Science” under Rosella Nicolini’s leadership as well as a member of the editorial boards of “Regional Science Policy and Practice” and “Region”. When the RSAI World Congress was held in Timisoara 2012, Professor Constantin served as Co-President of the Organising Committee.  Thereafter, she has among other things been elected as Councilor-at-Large of the RSAI Council for two consecutive terms (2020-2022 and 2023-2025).

Dr Daniela Constantin’s long-term, selfless involvement at different levels in the Regional Science community makes her a worthy recipient of the Kohno Award.

Andrea Caragliu

Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Economics

Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department

RSAI Executive Director

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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