Awards & Prizes

Friday, 14 June 2013 14:00


Communauté de communes: «Cluses, Arve et Montagnes»

Article 1 – Introduction and purpose
La Communauté de communes «Cluses, Arve et Montagnes» publishes an international competition for an internationally recognised and distinguished prize on research and successful initiatives in promoting and supporting local development, particularly important and distinctive at international level. This aims to encourage scholars, experts, young researchers, public institutions, public and private subjects and businesses to enhance awareness of local development policies, by focusing on analytic tools and processes, and enhancing the capability to diagnose and compare them at international level.
The Award is divided into the following sections:
a) Section "essays" – This section is open to essays published in a volume in the last three years.
Internationally known scholars and experts can also take part in this section if their work has made a major contribution to the identification of development models, the interpretation of territorial development trajectories, and to promotion of ideas and project proposals of special significance for the advancement of local development strategies. The Award amounts to € 5,000.
b) Section "young researchers" - This section is open to young researchers, whose doctoral thesis presented and discussed in the last three years, is particularly innovative in its methodology and interpretive models and in analysing new relevant cases for local development that have produced effective intervention strategies. The Award consists in a scholarship which amounts to € 3,000. The evaluation panel can recommend publication of the winning thesis.
c) Section "territories" - This section is open to territories that stand out for their innovative actions that were essential for their social and economic transformation, by allowing them to overcome their backwardness, long declin and economic stagnation. The present notice is also open to those territories that have started/promoted an integrated or shared development process in one of the following issues: innovation, internationalization, human resources qualification, etc. – Eligible applicants are development agencies, public institutions, private associations, public-private partnership organizations, consortia and other organizations working on the implementation of local development strategies and policies.
d) Section "enterprises" - This section is open to those enterprises, both single and associated, which have developed initiatives or projects involving other actors of the territory in the following issues: innovation, internationalization, training and qualification of human resources, entrepreneurial development, social cohesion, productive chain integration, etc. (territorial responsibility of the enterprise).

Article 2 – How to participate
Participation in this competition is voluntary. You should send your application, fully completed and accompanied by the necessary documentation, to allow the evaluation panel to assess your proposal within the 30th Juin 2013, in three copies,to: Communauté de communes «Cluses, Arve et Montagnes», Mairie de Cluses, Place Charles de Gaulle, 74300 CLUSES (F).
The documentation needs to be submitted in one of the following languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish. If the original documentation is available in a different language, you need to enclose a translation into one of the above mentioned languages.
The participation is confidential and may be presented by third parties.
The members of the judging board may directly submit nominations for the different sections of the Award.

Article 3 – Ineligible applications
Applications received after the expiration date of the present notice, wrongly filled because not in accordance with the rules of the notice or incomplete, will not be evaluated.

Article 4 – Assessment of the applications
An evaluation panel, appointed by the Communauté de communes: «Arves et Montagnes» and with four academic members and Professor Gioacchino Garofoli as the President, will evaluate the applications received within the expiration date. The evaluation panel will complete its assessment by 10th September 2013. Documents will not be returned.

Article 5 – Award cerimony
The Award ceremony will be held in Cluses (F) in the framework of the International Conference on Local Development scheduled for the second part of September 2013. Interested participants will be informed in due advance about the date and programme of the Conference.

Article 6 – Confidentiality of information
All information regarding the Applicants’ profile, enterprises, proposals and contents are considered strictly confidential and reserved.
All interested people looking for more information could address to the Communauté de communes «Cluses, Arve et Montagnes» at the following adress: Mairie de Cluses. Place Charles de Gaulle. 74300 CLUSES This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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