
USP University of Sao Paulo

The University of São Paulo (USP) is the top-ranked university in Latin America, as world rankings recognize.

The University of Sao Paulo Regional and Urban Economics Lab – NEREUS – is based in the Department of Economics at USP, the top-ranked Department of Economics in the country. It draws its researchers from faculty, gra

duate and undergraduate students interested in the spatial dimension of socioeconomic processes. Many of the projects the students work on then become the basis for their Master theses and PhD dissertations. It offers students a sound academic background, which takes into consideration recent advances in theoretical and empirical Economics. About one-third of the department’s publications are on Regional Science related topics, playing a prominent role in the academic life of the Department of Economics. Moreover, students taking the field in Regional and Urban Economics can take advantage of the diversity provided by the university environment, having the opportunity to attend courses in other departments.

At the undergraduate level, courses on Regional and Urban Economics, Input-output Analysis, and Project Evaluation are regularly offered by the NEREUS faculty, with an annual attendance of around 300 students in Economics.

Graduate Courses on Regional Science – regularly offered at the Graduate Program in Economics

EAE5823              Urban Economics

EAE5853              Spatial Econometrics

EAE5918              Applied General Equilibrium Models

EAE5955              Input-Output Analysis: Theory, Foundations and Applications

EAE5975              Spatial Economics

EAE5976              Environmental Economics

EAE5983              Public Policy Evaluation

NEREUS holds a weekly seminar series providing students with the opportunity to present their work in progress in a constructive environment.

NEREUS faculty members are active researchers who publish regularly in leading academic journals in their fields. Altogether, they have published over 90 articles and 60 books and book chapters in the last five years. Their research has appeared, among others, in the following journals:

Regional Science and Urban Economics, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy, Ecological Indicators, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Revue d'Économie Politique, Biological Sciences, EURE, Fronteras de La História, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Journal of Economic Studies, Habitat International, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Journal of Development and Economic Policies, Economy of Region, Latin American Business Review, REGION, BMC Public Health, Energy Economics, The Annals of Regional Science, Journal of Regional Science, Tourism Economics, Italian Journal of Regional Science, Journal of Development Effectiveness, Regional Studies, Journal of Applied Statistics, International Regional Science Review, Economic Systems Research, Regional Science Policy and Practice, Ensayos sobre Política Económica, Journal of Economic Structures, Foreign Affairs, Studies in Regional Science, Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Papers in Regional Science.

NEREUS: Team 2016-2017

 NEREUS Team 2016 2017 1  NEREUS Team 2016 2017 2

Exchange Visitors

There is a constant flow of visitors to and from NEREUS that helps fostering the international scholarly collaboration network actively involving faculty and students from the group. Recent visitors include scholars from a different range of international and domestic universities and think tanks, such as: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, American University of Beirut, Princeton University, Rutgers University, Ohio University, McMaster University, Leiden University, University of Manchester, University of Gröningen, University of Cambridge, Universidad Católica del Norte, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO), OCP Policy Center, Federal University of Paraná, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Federal University of Pernambuco, University of Maringá, Federal University ofUberlândia, Federal University ofBahia, among others.

Thesis and Dissertations on Regional Science in the last five years


Scriptore, Juliana Souza – Ph.D. – Impacts of Sanitation on Health and Education: A Spatial Analysis – Carlos R. Azzoni

Palialol, Bruno Toni – M.A. – In-kind Transfers in Brazil: Household Consumption and Welfare Effects – Paula C. Pereda

Andrade, Luíza Cardoso de – M.A. – Spillover Effects of Blacklisting Policy in the Brazilian Amazon – André Luis Squarize Chagas

Li, Denise Leyi – M.A. – The New ENEM and the Sisu Platform: Effects on Migration and School Evasion – André Luis Squarize Chagas

Oliveira, Gabriel Lyrio de – M.A. – The Effect of Cash Transfers on Migration Flows between Brazilian Municipalities from 2008 to 2010 – André Luis Squarize Chagas

Cavalcante, Elias Celestino – M.A. – Determinants of Tax Rates in the Local Level: The Case of the ISS in the State of São Paulo – André Luis Squarize Chagas

Rozenfeld, Tales – M.A. – Economic Impacts of Road Investments under Different Financing Alternatives – Eduardo A. Haddad


Imori, Denise – Ph.D. – Brazilian Regions in the Global Value Chain: Trade and the Environment – Joaquim J. M. Guilhoto

Vassallo, Moisés Diniz – Ph.D. – Sectoral and Regional Economic Impacts of Investments in Transport Infrastructure – Eduardo A. Haddad

Barufi, Ana Maria Bonomi – Ph.D. –  Agglomeration Economies and Labour Markets in Brazil – Eduardo A. Haddad

Campos, Rodrigo Calabrich – M.A. – A Spatial Impact Assessment of the Sistema Viário Oeste - Bahia: A Computable General Equilibrium and Acessibility Index Approach – Eduardo A. Haddad


Chagas, Lucas Squarize – M.A. – Strategy and Lobby: An Analysis of the Interaction of Economic Groups and Campaign Contributions – Eduardo A. Haddad

Marcos, Rafael Perez – M.A. – Decomposition of the Decrease in Regional and Personal Income Inequalities in Brazil between 2004 and 2009: An Analysis via Social Accounting Matrices – Carlos R. Azzoni

Góis Sobrinho, Ednaldo Moreno – M.A. – The Location and the Innovative Gegree of the Brazilian Relevant Industrial Agglomerations – Carlos R. Azzoni


Castelani, Sergio André – Ph.D. – Forests and Cities: Essays on Urban Growth and Development in the Brazilian Amazon – Danilo C. Igliori

Sidone, Otávio José Guerci – M.A. – Spatial Analysis of Scientific Production and Collaboration Networks in Brazil: 1990-2010 – Eduardo A. Haddad

Santos, Eliane Teixeira dos – M.A. – Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters in Megacities: The Case of Floods in São Paulo – Eduardo A. Haddad

Awards in Regional Science


2012 - Ana Maria B. Barufi - Expansion of undergraduate courses and the the migration of students in Brazil: an analysis with the Demographic Census of 2010

The Peter Nijkamp RSAI Research Encouragement Award for an Early Career Scholaawardr from a Developing Country

2011 - Fernando S. Perobelli


2001 - Eduardo A. Haddad and Fernando S. Perobelli - Regional Absorption of Terms of Trade Shocks  

National Awards

CAPES Thesis Award 2011, Brazilian Ministry of Education

2012 - Gervásio F. dos Santos - Energy policy and regional inequalities in the Brazilian economy

BNDES Economy Award 2010 – Best Doctoral Thesis

 2011 - Gervásio F. dos Santos - Energy policy and regional inequalities in the Brazilian economy

National Confederation of Industry Prize (CNI Economics Award)

2011 - Daniela Schettini and Carlos Roberto Azzoni - Regional industrial productivity differentials in Brazil in the 21st centur

Ruy Miller Paiva Prize, Brazilian Society of Agricultural Studies (SOBER)

2007 - Joaquim Guilhoto, Carlos Azzoni, Silvio Ichihara and Fernando G. da Silveira - The importance of agribusiness activities in the Brazilian economy

Regional Science Scholars’ 

Link Staff NEREUS


Eduardo Haddad


Carlos Azzoni 


Joaquim Guilhoto 


Paula Carvalho Pereda


Alexandre Porsse


André Luis Chagas

 carlos 3246003

Carlos Gonçalves Junior

Marcos Lee

Marcos Ki Hyung Lee 

Other relevant information

The faculty group from NEREUS has organized and hosted the VIII World Conference of the RSAI (2008), the 17th International Input-output Conference (2009) and the EcoMod Network Conference (2007).

Faculty from NEREUS have led the creation of the Brazilian Branch of RSAI (ABER – Brazilian Association of Regional and Urban Studies), and have provided two of its presidents since 2002 (Carlos Azzoni, 2002-2004; Eduardo Haddad, 2008-2010).

Leading faculty from NEREUS have contributed to the creation and operation of RSAmericas, which represents the affiliated and common interests of the various Regional Science organizations of the American Continents – Eduardo Haddad was the first president of RSAmericas (2008-2010). In addition, they have actively helped in the creation of other RSAI branches in South America (e.g. Chile, Colombia and Argentina). 

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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