Elisabete Martins

Review of Regional Studies Special Issue:

Regional Science and Climate Change

Climate change and associated increased frequency of extreme weather events are related to many areas traditionally studied by regional scientists including trade, migration, agriculture, industry location, labor productivity, housing markets, demography, and transportation.  Regional scientists are involved in studying how these diverse areas are impacted by climate change, how these areas contribute to or have the potential to stymie climate change, and how policies might accelerate or ameliorate climate change impacts for populations, regions, and institutions. The Review of Regional Studies will be sponsoring sessions focused on these issues at the upcoming Southern Regional Science Associated Meeting held April 4-6, 2024, in Washington, DC. We will also be publishing a special issue on this topic. We invite submissions to either or both the session at the SRSA conference and/or the special issue.

Extended abstracts (1-page limit) should be submitted by February 29, 2024. The submission should indicate whether the proposed project should be considered for the conference or the special issue or both. Abstract submissions should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Authors of submitted abstracts will subsequently be invited to submit full manuscripts for the special issue. Those manuscripts will be due May 1, 2024. All manuscripts invited for the special issue will undergo peer review prior to acceptance for publication.

The Review of Regional Studies is provided as a service to the scholarly community by the Southern Regional Science Association. We publish high-quality scholarly research and provide for wide dissemination as an open access journal with no fees of any kind.

Review of Regional Studies Editors: Lei Zhang and Tammy Leonard

«The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Regional Development in Central Asia»

Samarkand, Uzbekistan, May 6–7, 2024

Purpose of the conference

The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Regional Development in Central Asia promoted by RSAI (the Regional Science Association International) in collaboration with Samarkand branch of Tashkent state university of economics, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.  The conference aims to bring together international speakers, and leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars across Europe and Central Asia to exchange and share their experiences and knowledge on all aspects of Regional Science and Sustainable Regional Development. It also serves as an interdisciplinary platform to present and discuss the most recent regional developments, innovations, as well as existing challenges and practical solutions adopted in the fields of Sustainable Regional Development in Central Asia.

Call for Contributions

Prospective authors are kindly invited to contribute to and help to shape the conference through submissions of their research works (abstract or paper). High-quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, or theoretical work in all areas of Sustainable Regional Development are encouraged for presentation at the conference.


Last days to be part of #ERSA2024

with your Special Session topic!

Special Sessions confirmed

Keynote Speakers

Call for Special Session

Join already confirmed conveners

with your Special Session topic

The World requests Regional Science

for Peace and Development

Propose a Special Session

on a Topic that Matters for Sustainable Development of People and Places


4 January 2024


ERSA Congress is the Leading Event

for Regional Scientists Worldwide.


ERSA Congress brings together young and proven researchers as well as experts from various disciplines in the social sciences.


Take this unique opportunity to mobilize colleagues around your topic and present in the inspiring environment of the Azores or online!

Follow us and join the conversation


The Romanian Journal of Regional Science has released its Vol.17, No.2, Winter, Issued December 2023


Vol.17, No.2, Winter, Issued December 2023

All articles are downloadable

A non-linear and interaction effect analysis of distance and transport accessibility on bicycle use: the example of the University of Lyon (France) ● pp.1-25

by Mehmet Güney Celbiş, University of Lyon, France and UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Nathalie Havet, University of Lyon, Louafi Bouzouina, University of Lyon, France

Unravelling the road safety challenges: A spatial analysis of road fatalities rates ● pp.26-39

by Elena-Maria PradaErika MarinMonica RomanBucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania 

A mathematical model for population distribution ● pp. 40-65

by Nicholas EliasDemocritus University of Trace, Greece


Peter Batey, David Plane (Editors), Great Minds in Regional Science (Vol.1)Springer, 2020 ● pp.66-69

by Alina M. Schoenberg, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria

Volume 15, Issue 9
Special Issue:Urgent Challenges and Methodological Hopes for Regional Science
December 2023
Maria AbreuJoseph ZhaoCarlos AzzoniKatarzyna Kopczewska
Tuesday, 02 January 2024 12:36

NARSC December Newsletter

NARSC Update

NARSC Newsletter

As we close out 2023, please take a moment to look at the December Newsletter here.

He is wishing everyone a healthy and happy New Years!

See everyone at the 71st Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International. The meetings will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana and will run from Wednesday, November 13 – Saturday, November 16, 2024.

Tuesday, 02 January 2024 12:34

End of Mandate Message by ERSA President

27 December 2023

End of Mandate Message by André Torre, President of ERSA

Dear Members, dear colleagues,

In Cork on 31 August 2018, ERSA Section Representatives elected me as the 9th President of ERSA for the term 2019-2023.

I started my mandate with a good working background within ERSA-RSAI network: I had been president of the French Speaking Association - ASRDLF (2008 –2011), and a managing editor of the French Speaking Journal of Regional Science; I was also a representative of ERSA at the RSAI Council and last but not least, Vice President of ERSA (2014 –2018).

In the end, I can say that the exercise has been more animated and disturbed than I could have imagined and planned when I applied for the position of ERSA President. On this respect, I would like to thank the past president Jouke van Dijk for his unfailing support on the association as well as advising the board and the EOC on a regular basis.

At the start of my mandate, my ambition was to make of ERSA an even stronger supportive body for its members. I wanted to enhance the relations with the sections, in order to increase the participation to their activities and to advertise more quickly about the events they organize and their links with local stakeholders. Finally, I aimed to confirm ERSA as a key stakeholder in regional science research and major player to liaise with international policy institutions.

To meet my objectives, I have been working closely with our Sections’ Representatives and involving my direct collaborators at the board. This has been of utmost importance to better understand the network through our section expertise, meet new challenges (like Covid, war) and make together efficient decisions over the years.

The exchange with the European Sections has been strongly intensified. We have supported them in their development and responded to their needs as best as we could. Their respective events have been promoted more thoroughly through all our communication channels. And we have considerably improved our communication capacities, with a strong and daily presence on social media, and a huge number of followers.

I am proud to say that although the turbulent times we went through, we have maintained ERSA at the forefront of the scientific debate. ERSA Congress has remained THE meeting point in the world for researchers from various places, disciplines and approaches. It is the biggest event in Regional Science worldwide and based on a fantastic multidisciplinary network that can be seen in the diversity of topics presented during the congress (in particular Special sessions) and profiles of participants.

With our Summer and (new) Winter Schools, we have been successful in promoting and supporting young researchers and new talents. We have increased the satisfaction and participation (up to 30 participants) to these dedicated events.

As for the production of outstanding research, we dedicated time and efforts to promote and increase visibility of our Journals (REGION (ERSA journal), and PIRS, RSPP (RSAI Journals)). Dedicated Lectures, organised by the editorial boards of the Journals, are now delivered during the ERSA Congress. They are promoted more actively via ERSA Channels website, e-news and social media, including the sharing of publications of relevant books and articles.

We have re-established the place of quantitative research, one of the core researches representing our Association and our tradition of thinking on programme of activities (Ex.: Schools on applied topics, ERSA prize to Attila Varga or Diego Puga, etc.).

I am also very satisfied with the steps forward made in the reinforcement of our collaboration with large institutions (like DG-Regio and OECD). This is crucial to enhance policy-science interaction and increase our impact on evidence based regional policies. We must remain an essential key player interacting with Institutions. Our collaborations are various: Special sessions or Roundtables at our Congress (OECD, EU, UNIDO), Joint organisation of ERSA schools, Academic Sessions at EURegionsWeek, dedicated webinars (OECD), REGIO-ERSA Lectures.

We have preserved inclusiveness in our association. With the diversity of our individual members, we developed added-value services or events, and increased our gender balance (in 2020 we have had more than 50% of female participant to the Congress for the 1st time, and 50% of all our keynotes are now women). Like during our annual Congress, which offers a large range of topics and different categories of fees and enables a participation from all across the globe.

During my mandate I also ensured a democratic functioning of our organisation and an efficient functioning of the office (ERSAC, EOC Meetings), took care of the balance of the competencies and the responsibilities between Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern ERSA members regions and promoted gender equity in the EOC and the various functions or positions of ERSA members.

I cannot make a picture of my mandate without mentioning the exceptional crises we faced: COVID pandemic and the War in Ukraine. Financially, it was a challenging period with two-year cancellation of ERSA Congress and Schools in-person, generating losses. I am really very happy that we took up the challenge with success to invent our new events online and remained active supporting our members with the presentation and sharing of their researches. And we were able to adopt a new format for the annual Congress, with a first part online, allowing distant participants to share their experience.

These difficult times were also a rich period to exchange and share on research on Covid pandemic, let me mention the dedicated online events we organised like ERSA COVID battles or the new information page on ERSA website with scientific contributions on COVID. ERSA Office also took this opportunity to organise paying online events for other Associations using our fresh know-how. 

We also reacted to the Ukraine war, with internal meetings with section representatives and taking position, we posted a page on our website with offers of support from ERSA members, for scientists based in the conflict area.

All in all, we have been struggling and pushing the walls during the past few years, for sake of keeping our network working and growing, supporting our individual members as best as we can. Thank you for the trust you have placed in me over the last 5 years.

My mandate has been a rich human collaboration with the ERSA Section Representatives and the European Organisation Committee, as well as the ERSA Office staff. It helped greatly to reach good results at different levels and to work in a close and friendly atmosphere.

To conclude, I would like to thank my close team: the vice-President Eveline van Leeuwen, the General Secretaries: Rosella Nicolini and Macej Turala, and the treasurers: Artur Ochojski and Laura Resmini for their constant support and availability. And to warmly thank for their daily work and skills the very committed persons at the Office: Maristella Angotzi, Nurul Bariroh and Eric Valdenaire.

Nowadays, with Roberta Capello and Yannis Psycharis, I trust that ERSA is in good hands to continue to grow for the sake of Regional Science Research, and for the sake of good sustainable and peaceful solutions and policies for civil society in Europe and beyond! I wish them full success for the upcoming years.

With best wishes,

André Torre

Friday, 22 December 2023 08:18

ERSA Monthly E-news - December 2023

22 December 2023 - Nr 11/23

The issue includes:

·     ERSA2024 Congress

·     New on ERSA Sections' Agendas

·     Journal news: Issues and ongoing calls

·     Members publish

·     Vacancies

Dear Members of ERSA, dear Colleagues,


I would like to start my last monthly e-news by saying Thank you.

Thank you for the confidence and trust you have shown in me. It has been a privilege and honour to serve ERSA.

Next week I will send you a letter summarizing the actions and achievements during my five-year mandate.

Today I invite you to take note of the very interesting information regarding ERSA and the sections' activities.

Merry Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year to all!

With best wishes,

André Torre, ERSA President


Now Confirmed

5 Keynote Speakers


"The Multi-Level Governance of Disaster-Risk Management"


Call for Special Sessions Deadline: 4 January 2024 SUBMIT NOW

Call for Abstracts (and) Papers Deadline: 30 January 2024 SUBMIT NOW

Sections' Events

New on the agenda

Last day!

French Speaking Section: 60th ASRDLF Congress

Territories, Creativity & Innovation

26-28 June 2024, Strasbourg, France

Special Session deadline: 22 December 2023


Croatian Section: 5th Summer School

Regional Development, Policy and Practice

1-5 July 2024, Split, Croatia

Early bird application deadline: 15 April 2024


British and Irish Section: 50th Annual Conference

9-11 July 2024, Bristol, United Kingdom

Submissions deadline: 14 February 2024


Italian Section: XLV AISRe Annual Scientific Conference

Cities and Regions in the Digital Era and the Challenge of the Transition Towards the Circular Economy

4-6 September 2024, Turin, Italy

Organised sessions deadline: 31 January 2024

Individual papers deadline: 29 February 2024


Call for awards

·     Two Best PhD Dissertation Awards, application deadline: 26 April 2024

·     AISRe Young Author Best Paper Award, submission deadline: 20 May 2024


See all upcoming Events

Journal News

Spatial Economic Analysis

New developments in spatial econometric modelling

Just published!


Katarzyna Kopczewska & Paul Elhorst


Revue D’économie Régionale & Urbaine (RERU), Journal of Regional and Urban Economics

Thematic day on Sustainable development and its territorial registration: Managerial analyzes, followed by a Special Issue

28 May 2024, University of Caen, France

Pre-selection of potential contributions: Early April 2024

Full papers deadline: 29 March 2024

Guest editors:

Bruno Drouot, Isabelle Robert, Jean Bonnet,

Marcus Dejardin.


Papers in Regional Science - PiRS

Just published in PiRS!

Volume 102, Issue 6

Pages: 1065-1237

December 2023


More on ongoing journals' calls

ERSA-RSAI Members Publish

Advanced Introduction to Regional and Urban Economics


Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Edward Elgar Publishing 2023

About the book

Expertly crafted and interdisciplinary in scope, Roberta Capello’s Advanced Introduction navigates the extensive discipline of regional and urban economics. Adopting a diachronic perspective, She explores the evolution of various theoretical approaches and novelties, covering theories of location, regional growth, and local development, whilst explaining the many ways in which space influences economic activity.



Handbook of Innovation and Regulation


Pontus Braunerhjelm, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Martin Andersson, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, President of ERSA Nordic

Knut Blind, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Johan E. Eklund, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

Edward Elgar Publishing 2023

About the book

The Handbook of Innovation and Regulation embraces some of the key policy areas such as the regulation of markets, critical sectors, and global and regional aspects, focussing particularly on those regulations which target innovation. Reviewing these often interconnected policy areas in terms of both macroeconomic and microeconomic issues, this Handbook expertly studies how regulations in differing fields can affect innovative activities. By placing innovation centre stage, the contributors emphasise the direct and indirect effects of imposed regulations. Further, they illustrate the critically important overall impact of innovation to make firms competitive, promote economic growth and increase societal welfare.


New publications to share?

Your are member of the ERSA Community and you have recently published a book, grasp this opportunity to inform us about it. We are looking for

· Books published in 2023

· Preferably written in English 

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


·     PhD Position in Sustainable Rural-Urban (RURBAN) Futures, University of Twente, the Netherlands. Application deadline: 8 January 2024.

·     Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor in Economics, University of Bristol, UK. Application deadline: 8 January 2024.

·     Research Assistant, Programme on Innovation and Diffusion (POID), LSE, UK. Application deadline: 31 January 2024.

read more

If you want to share an announcement

interesting for our community,

Send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

and we will promote it via our channels

To Keep up-to-date with all events on the agenda, visit our upcoming events page on our website.

Wednesday, 27 December 2023 07:00

RSAI World Congress - Last CFP

Dear RSAI members,

we hope all is well with you and your families.

We are writing you for a last reminder on the pending final deadline for submitting your abstracts for presentation at the RSAI World Congress, Kecskemét, Hungary, Apr. 8-11, 2024.

The final deadline for submitting your abstracts is due Dec. 31, 2023. After this date, the portal for submissions will close and a second and last round of revisions will be sent out to scientific committee members for their opinions on the fit of your works for the congress. Acceptance letters will be sent out within mid January, and once the roster of papers will be final, we will gladly move to organize what we promise to be an exciting scientific program, with 5 excellent keynotes (https://regionalscience.org/2024RSAIcongress/index.html), progressive rates (https://regionalscience.org/2024RSAIcongress/registration.html), and generous support for members hailing from low and lower-middle income Countries (https://www.regionalscience.org/index.php/programs/building-bridges.html).

Please do not forget to register once your paper is accepted.

Thank you in advance for your attention,

We both look forward to seeing you in Kecskemét!

Hans Westlund

Professor of Urban and Regional Studies

KTH Stockholm

RSAI President

Andrea Caragliu

Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Economics

Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department

RSAI Executive Director

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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