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Monday, 14 February 2022 10:28

Workshop on “Chinese Migration, Diaspora and Mobility”, Pembroke College, Cambridge, 20 April 2022

Workshop on “Chinese Migration, Diaspora and Mobility”

Pembroke College, Cambridge, 20 April 2022 (9am - 5pm)

China is currently experiencing a rapid and dramatic urbanisation process, with significant population movements between rural, semi-rural and urban areas, between large metropolitan areas, and to and from other countries. These migratory movements have in turn influenced institutional reforms, urban housing, and labour markets in China, and generated social dynamics. Sometimes heightened by policy changes and social constraints. International movements of students and workers, and a growing Chinese diaspora abroad, have also resulted in social, economic, and cultural changes both at home and within the diaspora.

The aim of the workshop is to highlight new research on the topic of human mobility within and to and from China, including the drivers of migration, outcomes for migrants and non-migrants, inequalities arising from migration processes, and the impact of migration on housing, labour markets, access to services and welfare, education, and crime, as well as economic growth in both urban and rural areas. Of particular interest are papers using innovative qualitative or quantitative research methods, new data sets, comparative case studies, and those discussing policy experimentation at the national, regional or city scale.

The workshop will take place in a hybrid format, with in-person presentations in Cambridge, and the possibility to join in with the discussion remotely via Zoom. There is no fee for attending the workshop, and meals and refreshments will be provided. There are also travel and accommodation bursaries available for presenters.

Authors are invited to submit an abstract by 18 February 2022 using this link: https://forms.gle/acdTwhhCMTaHh7hw8

Presenters and attendees will receive notification of acceptance by 1 March 2022. There will be a prize for the best presentation, awarded at the end of the workshop. 

The workshop will also tie in with a special issue on the same topic by the academic journal Regional Science Policy and Practice (RSPP), and presenters and attendees will have the opportunity to publish a paper in the special issue (subject to the usual peer review process).

Workshop organisers:

Maria Abreu (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Associate Professor, Department of Land Economy
Joseph Hongsheng Zhao (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), PhD Candidate, Department of Land Economy
Shujing Shi (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), PhD Student, Institute of Criminology
Eden Li (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), PhD Student, Faculty of Education


Pembroke College, University of Cambridge
Regional Science Policy and Practice (RSPP)
Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group (CCMSG)
Cambridge Migration Society
Cambridge Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement

More information at: https://workshopcambridge.weebly.com/

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