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Books - 2000 and earlier

Invention and the Rise of Technocapitalism


Suarez-Villa, Luis. 2000. Invention and the Rise of Technocapitalism. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.


Sustainable Transportation Networks


Nagurney, A. 2000. Sustainable Transportation Networks. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, England.


Journal Urban Studies


A Special Issue of the Journal Urban Studies (Vol. 24, No. 3) appeared in March 2000. This is entitled "Location Theory: Analysis and Applications", and is edited by John Parr (University of Glasgow) and Aisling Reynolds-Feighan (University College Dublin). It is based on papers presented at the Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference of the British-Irish Section of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) held at York (UK) in September 1998. The 12 papers (by authors from three continents) reflect the diversity of location theory, and the topics covered fall under the broad headings of spatial competition, urban economic growth, and the structure of urban systems. The various analyses involve different spatial scales, including the regional (unbounded), the interregional, the interurban, and the intraurban. Space is treated continuously (in one or two dimensions) as well as in terms of point locations, these being either undifferentiated or hierarchically ordered. The collection focuses primarily on the contribution of location theory to spatial economic analysis, with several of the papers having an explicit public-policy aspect. Copies of this Special Issue of Urban Studies are available from the publisher, Carfax Publishing (Taylor & Francis Ltd., P O Box 25, Abingdon OX14 3UE, United Kingdom).


Socioeconomic Data for Understanding Your Regional Economy: A User's Guide

Socioeconomic Data for Understanding Your Regional Economy: A User's Guide provides an overview of various sources of data valuable in regional economic analysis. It is aimed at helping novices and seasoned analysts find the data they need to analyze and understand local, regional and state economies. The User's Guide reviews the offerings of federal statistical agencies, describes and compares sources of data by topic (e.g., population, employment, income, cost of living), identifies data intermediaries who can help users get needed data, discusses approaches to using data, provides references for further self-education, and lists key data sources to put in a library or access on-line. Copies are available free from the US Economic Development Administration.


Asia's Financial Crisis and the Role of Real Estate


Mera, Koichi and Bertrand Renaud, eds. 2000. Asia's Financial Crisis and the Role of Real Estate, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 298 pages. ISBN 0-7656-0642-9.


Changes in Income Inequality within U.S. Metropolitan Areas


Madden, Janice F. 2000. Changes in Income Inequality within U.S. Metropolitan Areas, Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 186 pages. ISBN 0-88099-203-4.


An Introduction to Social Engineering : Forecasting, Evaluating and Designing Socio-economic Policies

Hidano, Noboru. 2000. An Introduction to Social Engineering : Forecasting, Evaluating and Designing Socio-economic Policies. Nihon Hyoronsha Co. Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese).


Entrepreneurial Economics


Glancey, Keith S. and Ronald W. McQuaid. 2000. Entrepreneurial Economics, Macmillan Publishing, 240 pages. ISBN 0333736451.


Dynamiques de Proximité

Gilly, J. P. and A. Torre, eds. 2000. Dynamiques de Proximité, L'Harmattan, Paris.


La richesse des régions. La nouvelle geographie socioéconomique


Benko G., and A. Lipietz, eds. 2000. La richesse des régions. La nouvelle geographie socioéconomique. Paris, PUF, 568 pages. ISBN 2130504612.

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