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Friday, 28 October 2022 08:35

IGU CGoG 2023 Annual Conference, Budapest , 4-6 September 2023



IGU Commission Geography of Governance

Annual Conference - 2023

Budapest, 4 - 6 September 2023


The International Conference 'Paradigm Shifts in Local and Urban Governance', convened by the International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission on Geography of Governance, and organized in collaboration with the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies - MTA Centre of Excellence, will be held in Budapest, Hungary, on September 4 - 6, 2023.

The Conference aims to explore and to discuss shifts and innovations in Local and Urban Governance, in the context of the increasingly complex and uncertain policy context, at multiple governance levels, namely in crisis management. It will be a forum for the discussion of the state-of-the-art of research on these issues.

Within this overall goal, the 2023 Annual Conference of the IGU Commission on Geography of Governance also aims to provide the opportunity for comparisons between countries, in different regions of the world.

The Conference will bring together researchers from academia, public and private sectors, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, in an effort to present and debate their research on local and urban governance, and to share knowledge, viewpoints, methods, research outcomes and policy ideas.

The conference is organized into three main tracks:

Track 1 - Institutional shifts in Local Governance - This track aims to examine and to discuss institutional shifts in local governance systems due to globalization, nationalization, decentralization, and digitalization, the challenges and innovations with which local governance is confronted, and to compare local government systems and practices in different regions of the world.

Track 2 - Resilient Local Governance - This track seeks to explore and to discuss the responses of local governance to natural and human made disasters, crisis and emergencies, namely local government climate actions, local government post-pandemic policies, energy crisis and transition, and the role of local government in post-war recovery.

Track 3 - Governance of Spatial Planning Systems - This track examines and discusses the role of spatial planning in shaping multi-level territorial governance, including coastal and marine spatial planning.

In each of these three tracks we welcome country and cross-country approaches, studies of individual cities or municipalities, and the comparison of cities, municipalities or countries with one another, and with those in other regions of the world. The scope of our sessions is international, including comparative research.

The Conference will be an opportunity for inter-disciplinary discussions on a broad spectrum of innovative research within the field of the Geography of Local and Urban Governance.

The final program may combine papers submitted for different tracks, if the paper' themes and approach so recommend.

We welcome abstracts of those engaged in the activities of the IGU Commission on Geography of Governance, as well as from anyone with a relevant contribution in this field.

The Conference is being planned as an On-site / In-person Conference.


• Participants in the conference are expected to present a paper.

• All co-authors present in the Conference must register (conference fee)

• All abstracts submitted will be double blind peer-reviewed by the Conference Scientific Committee for content and appropriateness to this conference.

• The working language of the conference is English.

• Translation service is not provided.

• The conference is organized in plenary sessions and parallel panels according to topics and issues.

• Each panel (2 hours) has 4 - 5 oral presentations.

• A time slot of 15 minutes is assigned to each speaker. This time slot includes introduction, presentation and discussion.

• The Conference rooms are equipped with computer (Windows and Office) and projection system. No equipment for presenting films or overhead transparencies will be available at the Conference.

• Oral presentations will be supported by PowerPoint only. Presentations will not be collected in advance. Participants are advised to take to the conference room the respective PowerPoint presentation.


● Registration (online): 15 April - 31 May 2023

● Conference fee: 100 € *

● Conference fee for Students: 50 € *

* - Due to the current uncertainty regarding inflation in Hungary, the organization may need to adjust this value. This information will be updated in January.


● Please submit an abstract, of no more than 250 words, until 15 February 2023, to:

IGU Commission Geography of Governance

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


●The Conference does not publish 'Conference Proceedings'.

● It is expected that a selection of the conference papers will be published.

● More information on the Conference website ('Publication').


● Submission deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2023

● Notification of abstract acceptance: 28 February 2023

● Registration: 15 April - 31 May 2023

● Conference: 4 - 6 September 2023

● PowerPoint presentation (PPT file): during the conference.

● Full paper for publication: date to be announced during the conference


● Centre for Economic and Regional Studies - MTA Centre of Excellence

Budapest, Hungary


● All inquiries, expressions of interests, and abstracts should be sent, by e-mail, to:

IGU Commission Geography of Governance

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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