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Monday, 05 November 2018 14:31

Brexit! The urban and regional implications workshop

Brexit! The urban and regional implications workshop

Organised by the Cities Research Centre, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University

Co-sponsored by the Economic Geography Research Group 

29th March, 2019

10am - 5pm

School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University

There is widespread belief that Brexit will have substantial economic consequences for regions and cities, but that the impacts and any subsequent economic recovery will vary across the UK. This workshop brings together various academics, and the public and private sectors, to discuss potential urban and regional impacts across the UK, and possible urban and regional strategies for mediating the economic consequences of Brexit. 

Speakers include:

Professor Philip McCann (Sheffield University Management School, University of Sheffield) Professor Anne Green (City REDI, University of Birmingham) Cllr Huw Thomas (Leader, Cardiff City Council) Dr Rachel Minto (Wales Governance Centre, Cardiff University) Ben Cottam (Federation of Small Businesses) Professor Gill Bristow (School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University)

This is a free event but places are limited.

Please book a place through Eventbrite:

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