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Tuesday, 12 September 2023 14:46

Call for candidatures for new RSAI president

Dear Members of the Regional Science Association International, 

according to the RSAI Constitution, each first year of term of the RSAI President, the Association faces the pleasant task of electing the Incoming President, who will in 2024 take on the position of President Elect, and work along with Prof. Hans Westlund, current RSAI President, to gradually move on to the position of President in 2025. Here is an excerpt of the rules of the Association for managing this important step:

Nomination committee. The RSAI Council has appointed a dedicated nomination committee, that following the rule of the RSAI Constitution is made up of the RSAI President (Hans Westlund), the RSAI Immediate Past-President (Eduardo Haddad), four members of the RSAI Council (one each from among the council members who are appointees of the four superregional organizations: Eveline Van Leeuwen for ERSA, Lily Kiminami for PRSCO, Carlos Azzoni for LARSA; Sandy Dell'erba for NARSC), and two members of the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) recommended by the LRPC itself (Kingsley Haines and Yoshiro Higano).

Criteria of the nominees. The nominees should satisfy the following criteria: a) financial resources sufficient to cover travel costs to perform RSAI duties; b) support from candidate’s institution including relaxation of duties to enable President to travel as needed to execute RSAI business; c) RSAI Council experience (Council member experience) and/or other service to the regional science community (e.g., supra-regional and/or other sections, editor or one of the regional science journals, etc.).

Election procedure. The President Elect nomination committee shall [...] make a recommendation to Council at a Council meeting of this same year . Upon receiving this recommendation, the Council will select a nominee. The President‐Elect and Vice‐President shall start his/her appointment at the start of the next calendar year (i.e. the second year of the current President’s term).

RSAI members from the PRSCO area who want to be nominated as candidate for the President of the Regional Science Association International should send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (cc-ing the RSAI ED at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) within Oct. 14, 2023 the following material:

-          A two-page CV and a Picture;

-          A two-page statement on the motives in support of the candidacy and on the future strategy for the RSAI.

The Nomination Committee will then nominate the candidates to be voted on-line by the Members of the Council. Results will be diffused through in RSAI webpage.

Thank you in advance for participating in this crucial stage of the Association's life,

Kind regards,

Andrea Caragliu

Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Economics
Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department
RSAI Executive Director
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